this is a basic but functional bank api which enables users to make transactions and get their accout balance and details.
TransferService Transactions POSTtransfer localhost:3000/transfer /Transfer
This enables users to post a transfer request using the following inputs:
{ "senderAccount": "0000000003", "receiverAccount": "0000000001", "amount": "95", "transferDescription": "transfer description"}
On posting, it returns the account details of both the sender and the receiver. It also returns the details of the transaction.
Sample Output:
{ "message": "successful", "newTransaction": { "reference": "0000000003-2hpdi1iwnkyatvxpr-0000000001", "amount": 80, "receiverAccount": "0000000001", "senderAccount": "0000000003", "createdAt": "2022-01-12T00:52:21.999Z", "transferDescription": "transfer description", "_id": "61de2646c56e6e65c901c734", "v": 0 }, "sender": { "_id": "61de1c7e47cd12c2eb802701", "accountNo": "0000000003", "balance": "4515", "createdAt": "2022-01-12T00:10:38.283Z", "userId": "61de1c7e47cd12c2eb8026fe", "v": 0, "updatedAt": "2022-01-12T00:51:58.143Z" }, "recepient": { "_id": "61de182136c5b39fe4524151", "accountNo": "0000000001", "balance": "5245", "createdAt": "2022-01-11T23:52:01.442Z", "userId": "61de182136c5b39fe452414e", "__v": 0, "updatedAt": "2022-01-12T00:51:58.143Z" }}
GETuser-transactions localhost:3000/transaction/:accountNumber /transactions/:accountNo
This route takes in the transactions as the params and returns all the transactions made by a particular user.
GETuser-transactions(DEBIT) localhost:3000/transaction/debit/:accountNumber /transaction/debit/:accountNo
this route also takes in the accountNo as the params and returns all debit transactions made by the user with the specified account no.
GETuser-transactions (CREDIT) localhost:3000/transaction/credit/:accountNumber /transaction/credit/:accountNo
this route also takes in the accountNo as the params and returns all credit transactions made by the user with the specified account no
Balances GETaccount-balance local:host:3000/balance/:accountNumber /balance/account/:accountNo
This route returns the account details of a particular user. It takes in the account no of that user as the params. The userId refers to the id of the user created on registration
{ "message": "successful", "accountBalance": { "_id": "61de182136c5b39fe4524151", "accountNo": "0000000001", "balance": "5000", "createdAt": "2022-01-11T23:52:01.442Z", "userId": "61de182136c5b39fe452414e", "__v": 0 }}
curl --location --request GET 'local:host:3000/balance/:accountNumber' GETuser-balance localhost:3000/balance/:userId /balance/user/:userId
This route returns the account details of a particular user. It takes in the id of that user as the params. The userId refers to the id of the user created on registration
Sample output:
{ "message": "successful", "accountBalance": { "_id": "61de182136c5b39fe4524151", "accountNo": "0000000001", "balance": "5000", "createdAt": "2022-01-11T23:52:01.442Z", "userId": "61de182136c5b39fe452414e", "__v": 0 }}
GETall-account-balance localhost:3000/balance /balance
This route returns the account details of all users.
Sample output:
{ "_id": "61de19569edd19c907388deb", "accountNo": "0000000002", "balance": "5000", "createdAt": "2022-01-11T23:57:10.618Z", "userId": "61de19569edd19c907388de8", "__v": 0 }
Example Request all-account-balance curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/balance' Users POSTsignup localhost:3000/signup /signup
This routes creates a new user with automatically generated account no and assigns a balance of 5000NGN on signup.
Sample Input:
{ "firstName": "Sammmy", "lastName": "Baddo", "DOB": "21/01/1993", "email": "", "phoneNo": "08130553102", "password": "123456"}
Sample Output:
{ "message": "success! You have received a balance of 5000NGN", "userDetails": { "firstName": "Sammmy", "lastName": "Baddo", "DOB": "21/01/1993", "email": "", "phoneNo": "08130553102", "_id": "61de1cc247cd12c2eb802716" }, "accountBalance": { "accountNo": "0000000007", "balance": "5000", "createdAt": "2022-01-12T00:11:46.595Z", "userId": "61de1cc247cd12c2eb802716" }}
BODYraw { "firstName": "Sam", "lastName": "Aju", "DOB": "21/01/1993", "email": "", "phoneNo": "08130553102", "password": "123456" }
POSTlogin localhost:3000/login /login
Performs basic login verification with email and password.