Write up a strategy for writing a Reference Based PCR Duplicate Removal tool. That is, given a sam file of uniquely mapped reads, remove all PCR duplicates (retain only a single copy of each read). Develop a strategy that avoids loading everything into memory. You should not write any code for this portion of the assignment. Be sure to:
Define the problem:
- We need to identify and remove PCR duplicates created during the laboratory process so we retain only the original copies. The input will be a sam file of mapped reads and the output will be a file with only a single copy of each read.
Write examples:
- see unit_test file
Develop your algorithm using pseudocode:
- create UMI_list from provided UMI file
- create empty dictionary (final_list): {()} will hold UMI, position, chrom, strand for each read and will compare future reads for duplicates, don't need value
- create temporary array (current_spec): will hold current UMI, position, chrom, strand
- with open sam file:
- if line starts with "@" (sam file header):
- write line to final sam file
- if line doesn't start with "@":
- if line is empty "":
- break
- else:
- current_line = entire read
- UMI = line (column0) split(":") [7]
- current_spec = [read's UMI, strand (column2), chromosome(column3), LM_position(column4), cigar(column6), start_position=LM_position]
- if UMI in current_spec is in UMI_list:
- if strand_function applied to strand in current_spec = mapped:
- if bitwise_revcomp = false:
- if cigar from current_spec starts with "##s":
- adjustS="##"
- start_position in current_spec=LM_position-adjustS
- if cigar from current_spec ends with "##s":
- continue
- if "s' not in cigar from current_spec:
- continue
- if cigar from current_spec starts with "##s":
- if bitwise_revcomp applied to strand in current_spec = true:
- if cigar from current_spec starts with "##s":
- continue
- if cigar from current_spec ends with "##s":
- adjustS="##"
- start position in current_spec=adjustS+LM_position
- if "s' not in cigar from current_spec:
- adjustM= ## before M
- start_position in current_spec = adjustM + LM_position
- if cigar from current_spec has "N":
- adjustN= ## before N
- start_position in current_spec = adjustN + LM_position
- if cigar from current_spec has "D":
- adjustD= ## before D
- start_position in current_spec = adjustD + LM_position
- if cigar from current_spec starts with "##s":
- if bitwise_revcomp = false:
- is UMI, start_position, chrom, strand in final array?
- if yes:
- empty current_line and current_spec
- break
- if no:
- add info from current_spec to final array
- write entire line from current_line to final sam file
- empty current_line and current_spec
- break
- if yes:
- if strand_function == unmapped:
- empty current_line and current_spec
- break
- if strand_function applied to strand in current_spec = mapped:
- if UMI in current_spec array not in UMI_list:
- empty current_line and current_spec
- break
- if line is empty "":
- if line starts with "@" (sam file header):
- Determine high level functions
def strand_function: "determine if bitwise flag in sam file indicates read is mapped (true) or unmapped (false)" return mapped assert strand_function("4")==unmapped
def bitwise_revcomp: "determine if bitwise flag in sam file indicates read is reverse complement" return true assert bitwise_revcom("16")==true