SoapyADRV9361 is a UDP based driver for Analog Devices ADRV9361 SDR which is faster and lighter than LibIIO network context. Compared to LibIIO, SoapyADRV9361 can use small buffers which is necessary for lateny-critical applications such as software LTE. Moreover, there is no TCP handshake overhead since SoapyADRV is based on UDP. UDP streaming is the best option when the link between the SDR board and the processing unit is Ethernet which is reliable.
Make sure that SoapySDR is installed.
git clone
cd SoapyADRV9361
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Run these commands in the case of large packet drops or high latency:
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=12582912;
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=12582912;
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=12582912;
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=12582912;
Setup a static ip on eth0 interface of ADRV by appending the lines below to "rootfs/etc/network/interfaces"
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address
Copy "board/iio-udp" folder into the SD card "rootfs/home/analog/iio-udp"
Connect to the board using Ethernet by setting a manual IP (board static ip:
ssh analog@ password: analog
Build the driver
cd ~/iio-udp/; make
Insert the line below into "sudo crontab -e" (it is important to give root access to the server):
@reboot sleep 10 && /home/analog/iio-udp/install.bash && /home/analog/iio-udp/Server > /home/analog/iio-udp/server_log.txt 2>&1
Reboot the board
All the logs are stored in "analog/iio-udp/server_log.txt".