Create a graphical application of your choosing. The application can be a unique creation, or it can be an imitation of an existing program or concept. Feel free to use the ATM tutorial as a guide.
- There must be a minimum of two user groups in your application.
- Each user group must have a unique set of permissions within your application.
- Users must have the ability to login to your application from a login view.
- Users must have the ability to view and, if it makes sense within the context of your application, modify their profile information.
- Users must have the ability to view and modify application data in addition to profile information.
- There must be a minimum of distinct three views, not including the login view.
- You are welcome to work with a partner if you so choose.
- Prior to writing any code, you must submit a project proposal and division of labor (if you're working with a partner).
- In addition to submitting your code, you must present your application (in the form of a demo).
- Submit your project proposal (October 18, 2020).
- Submit your repository URL (November 1, 2020).
- Demo your application on Zoom (November 2, 2020).