All notable changes relevant to players in this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project uses its own versioning system.
- Added back spell mana cost of active spells to magic page
- Added spell recharge time to magic page
- Top 10 land rankings from current round will now be visible on start page.
- Slightly tweaked starvation casualties to now kill off population types based on proportion
- Significantly increased the speed of the hourly tick (hour change)
- Barracks Spy should now be more clear that draftees are inaccurate
- Fixed a bug when knocking a target outside of your applied guard range would reset your guard application
- Chameleons and Master Thieves now die on failed spy operations.
- Fixed a bug where Survey Dominion calculated percentages based on a dominion's current land total
- Fixed a bug where races with increased max population from barren land wasn't applied properly
- Fixed a bug where Erosion reduced land gains
- Fixed spell duration in success message
- Fixed a bug where you could leave a guard immediately after joining
- Reduced Combat Losses (RCL) unit perk now correctly triggers on offensive casualties based on RCL units which were sent out, instead of RCL units at home
- Minor text fixes
0.7.0-10 - 2019-08-20
- Surreal Perception now states it lasts for 8 hours
- Fixed Clairvoyances sometimes disappearing from the Op Center
- Fixed notifications not updating properly on settings page
- Fixed not being able to the Royal Guard at the intended day in the round
- Fixed being able to leave the Royal Guard while in the Elite Guard
0.7.0-9 - 2019-08-18
- Fixed Parasitic Hunger not properly giving the +50% conversions bonus
0.7.0-8 - 2019-08-18
- Fixed theft buttons being clickable before theft is enabled in the round
0.7.0-7 - 2019-08-17
- Minor bug fixes
0.7.0-6 - 2019-08-17
- Slightly increased prestige gains for attackers. Prestige loss for defenders unchanged
- Offensive actions and exploration will now be randomly disabled at end of round (1 to 16 hours before round end)
0.7.0-5 - 2019-08-14
- Temporarily changed so that new dominions always land in the most emptiest realm
0.7.0-4 - 2019-08-14
- Fixed Government page styling on mobile
- Fixed Op Center page being slow sometimes
- Fixed 33% rule sometimes not being applied correctly
- Fixed incorrect dominion placement in realms if a pack was already present in such realm
- Minor text fixes
0.7.0-3 - 2019-08-11
- A bunch of empty realms now get created for each new round, to prevent people landing together when not packing
- Land lost from being invaded is now again proportional to land types, including constructed/constructed buildings
- Increased spy/wiz success rate
- Race pages on the Scribes now show the race's home land type
- Units in training now count towards max military population
0.7.0-2 - 2019-08-09
- Added link to scribes in the top navigation bar
- Dwarf Cleric: -40p
- Gnome: Now has Miner's Sight as racial spell. Mechanical Genius has been removed
- Gnome Juggernaut: Increased max staggered OP to +2.5 at 90% land
- Icekin: Removed +5% platinum production, ArchMage -25p
- Lycanthrope Werewolf: -25p, +1 OP
- Nox Nightshade: +50p
- Nox Lich: -50p
- Spirit: Increased max population bonus from +12.5% to +15%
- Spirit Phantom: No longer needs boats
- Spirit Banshee: No longer needs boats
- Spirit Spectre: Now converts into elite dp at 60%+ (from 65%+)
- Undead Skeleton: No longer needs boats
- Undead Ghoul: No longer needs boats
- Undead Vampire: Now converts intp elite dp at 60%+ (from 65%+)
0.7.0-1 - 2019-08-09
- Fixed some deploy-related stuff
0.7.0 - 2019-08-09
- Added new races: Lycanthrope, Merfolk, Nox*, Spirit, Undead, Wood Elf
- *Note: The Nox was a premiun race back in Dominion Classic. In OpenDominion it has been renamed to just 'Nox', and made available for everyone, without restrictions.
- Added missing Valhalla races, including the ones mentioned above
- Construction advisor now shows total amount of barren land
- Added info op archive, allowing you to view previously taken info ops
- Docks are now fully implemented, preventing a certain amount of boats from being sunk
- Notifications are now visible from the status screen in a 'Recent News' section
- Added theft espionage operations, allowing you to steal resources from your target
- Added magic spells: Fool's Gold and Surreal Perception
- Added Government page with Royal Guard and Elite Guard
- Added basic Scribes page with races and units
- Condensed the items in the left navigation menu (except on mobile)
- Removed prestige penalty on invading targets below 66% your size
- Added prestige grab on invading targets above 120% your size
- Extended the Statistics Advisor with more useful information
- No more than two identical races can be in the same pack
- Changed national bank icon
- Realms can now have mixed racial alignments
- Significantly reduced starvation casualties
- Slightly lowered overall exploration costs
- Significantly increased exploration cost at or above 4000 acres
- Reduced land lost and defensive casualties upon being on the receiving end on a successful invasion. Total land gains for attackers unchanged
- Reworked spy/wizard operations success chance to be more linear
- Significantly increased spy casualties for failed info gathering operations
- Spirit/Undead and Human/Nomad now count as identical races for pack race-uniqueness purposes
- Fixed newlines sometimes not being properly applied in council posts
- The server time/next tick tickers should now be slightly more accurate
- Fixed Gnome's racial spell Mechanical Genius, now properly granting the intended amount of rezoning cost reduction
- Realm spinner on realm page no longer allows for invalid input (eg negative numbers) which in turn displayed a server error page
- Barren land now correctly houses 10 population for Gnome and Halfling
- Fixed bug where spy strength was lowered when trying to perform op when you had no spies
- Land lost from being invaded now properly takes barren land away first
- Minor text fixes
- Gnomes now correctly do not gain any ore reduction, from any sources, on their units
0.6.2-9 - 2019-07-14
- Slightly improved targeted espionage/magic spell success rate
- Fixed spell mana cost not being reduced by wizard guilds
- Fixed a race condition during tick, where more resources could be deducted than intended
- Fixed displayed WPA on statistics advisor page
- Fixed a bug where you could still conquer land upon bouncing
- Fixed unable to scroll op center page tables on mobile
- Fixed typo on Town Crier page
0.6.2-8 - 2019-06-23
- Server and tick timers on pages are now based on server time, not browser time
- Changed texts and colors on Town Crier page
- Fixed race condition bug around hour change, sometimes resulting in loss of resources when performing actions on the hour change
- Changed invasions to calculate casualties before everything else, fixes bugs related to immortal range and Hobgoblin plunder
- Fixed missing Wizard Guild spell mana cost reduction
- Fixed missing text on Town Crier page where a realmie fended off an attack
- Removed 'target was recently invaded'-text on invasion report on failed invasions
- Fixed Clear Sight not including returning boats
- Fixed networth calculation to include dynamic unit power values (e.g. increased op/dp from land ratio based perks)
0.6.2-7 - 2019-06-16
- Fix Clairvoyance reports on Op Center page
- Fix 5:4 check on the invasion page
0.6.2-6 - 2019-06-16
- Fixed Ares call not working properly sometimes
0.6.2-5 - 2019-06-16
- Added unread count badge to the council page menu item in the sidebar to indicate new messages since your last council visit
- Fixed unit OP/DP on military training page to show with including certain bonuses
- Fixed error where military DP was counted twice
- Fixed code refactor with SPA/WPA perks
- Fixed error in Op Center with Clairvoyance
0.6.2-4 - 2019-06-12
- Fixed Firewalker's Phoenix immortal except vs Icekin perk
- Fixed ArchMage cost reduction for Icekin
0.6.2-3 - 2019-06-12
- Added ability to delete your pack once during registration
- Fixed server error when trying to join a pack with invalid credentials
- Fixed missing unit perk help texts
- Fixed Regeneration racial spell for trolls
0.6.2-2 - 2019-06-10
- Fixed error on construction page
- Fixed realms not filling up properly with new dominions
0.6.2-1 - 2019-06-10
- Added Clairvoyance spell
- Added new races: Dark Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Icekin, Sylvan, and Troll
- Changed timestamp displays from relative server time (eg '13 hours ago') to absolute server time (eg '2019-06-19 13:33:37'). A setting will be added in the future for this, including round time (eg 'Day 12 Hour 23')
0.6.2 - 2019-06-05
- Changed realm size to 6 (from 12)
- Changed max pack size to 3 (from 6)
- Only one pack can now exist per realm
- Changed invasion range from 60-166% to 75-166% (until guards are implemented)
- Invasion reports can now only be viewed by people in the same realm as the invader and defender
- Data in the Op Center is now shown to the whole realm, regardless of range
- Failing a spell/spy info operation now keeps the target selected in the dropdown
- Changed relative land size percentage colors to make more sense
- Discounted acres after invasion are now only gained upon hitting 75%+ targets
- Minor text changes
- Fixed unit OP/DP rounding display issue in case of non-integer numbers (Firewalker Phoenix)
- Fixed an issue where failing an info op tried to kill off more spies than you had
- Fixed text when last rankings are updated
0.6.1-5 - 2019-05-14
- "Remember Me" on login page is now checked by default
- Spy losses from failed ops now fluctuate slightly based on relative land size
- Fix a bug with checking whether certain spells are active, fixes the notorious 'Ares Call/DP bug'
- Town Crier page now shows invasions from/to your own dominion
- Amount of boats on status page and Clear Sight now also include returning boats from invasion
0.6.1-4 - 2019-04-16
- Reduced failed espionage operation spy casualties from 1% to 0.1%
- Fixed dominion sorting in realm page on land sizes larger than 1k
- Units returning from battle are now included in population calculations
- Units returning from battle are now included in networth calculations
- Units returning from battle are now included on the military page under the Trained column
0.6.1-3 - 2019-04-14
- Fix packie name on realm page
0.6.1-2 - 2019-04-14
- Added username to realm page for dominions you pack with
- Rankings now update every 6 hours (down from 24 hours)
- Remove ruler name from realm page
- Fixed certain realms not getting filled properly
- Several last-minute invasion-related fixes
0.6.1-1 - 2019-04-11
- Added barren land column to explore page
- The 'current hour' counter in at the bottom now displays 1-24, instead of 0-23. This should also help out with BR's OOP sim to match the hours
- Dominions on the realm page are now also sorted by networth if land sizes are the same
- Removed invasion morale drop for defenders
- Changed column label 'Player' to 'Ruler Name' on your own realm page
- Minor text changes
- Fixed a bug where packies can close the pack they're in. Now only the pack creator can close it
0.6.1 - 2019-04-09
- Added the following races to Valhalla: Dwarves, Goblins, Firewalkers, and Lizardmen
- Added largest/strongest packs to Valhalla
- Moved the 'Join the Discord'-button from status page to daily bonuses page
- Removed "round not yet started"-alert from homepage
- Fixed a bug where creating a pack is placed in a new realm, instead of an already existing and eligible realm
- Minor text fixes
0.6.0-2 - 2019-04-09
- Updated info box on the magic page
- Added indicator for racial spells on magic page
- Fixed error when registering to a round with duplicate dominion name
- Fixed several tables with data not displaying properly on mobile
- Fixed rankings change column not visible on mobile
0.6.0-1 - 2019-04-09
- Fixed an error when registering to a round and creating a new pack
0.6.0 - 2019-04-08
- Added invasions!
- Added Town Crier page
- Clear Sight now mentions if the target was invaded recently, plus roughly how severely
- Military units now have a role icon next to them
- Temples are now fully implemented, also reducing DP bonuses of targets you're invading
- Added current round information to the home page
- Unit and building tooltips have been moved from the question mark icon, to on the name itself
- Fixed not getting a notification when preventing a hostile spell or spy operation
0.5.2-1 - 2019-01-27
- Fixed racial spells for Firewalker and Lizardfolk
0.5.2 - 2019-01-27
- Added new races: Firewalker and Lizardfolk.
- Fix user IP resolving when behind Cloudflare DNS with trusted proxies.
- Dominion numbering on the realm page now correctly starts at 1, instead of 0.
- Maintenance work.
- Trying to fix deploy errors.
- Maintenance work.
0.5.0-8 - 2018-10-01
- Info gathering ops on Op Center page now show exact time upon hover. (#337)
- Significantly reduced spy losses on failed ops.
- Fixed networth sometimes showing incorrect values on realm page. (#310)
- Fixed construction cost calculation. As a result, construction costs are significantly higher than before. Time to start building factories. (#347)
- Barracks Spy now shows number of draftees. (#331)
- Fixed an division by zero error if you have 0 peasants. (#349)
- Various other issues.
- Documentation update.
- Refactoring.
- Queue refactor!
- More refactoring.
- Seriously, a lot of refactoring.
0.5.0-7 - 2018-08-26
- Maintenance work.
0.5.0-6 - 2018-08-26
- Switched Information and Under Protection sections around on status page.(#313)
- Maintenance work.
- Documentation update.
0.5.0-5 - 2018-08-11
- Fixed cost rounding issues on wizard cost multiplier when wizard guilds were built.
- Fixed a bug regarding population growth. (#176)
0.5.0-4 - 2018-08-07
- Council pages now show ruler name instead of user name.
0.5.0-3 - 2018-08-05
- Fixed creating a pack sometimes giving an error. (#321)
0.5.0-2 - 2018-08-04
- Realm page now shows ruler name instead of user name. (#309)
- Limit amount of rows of show on realm page in case realm size is less than 12. (#308)
- Refactoring.
0.5.0-1 - 2018-08-04
- Fix deploy error.
0.5.0 - 2018-08-04
- Added new races: Dwarf and Goblin.
- Added ruler name for round registration. (#254)
- Added packs. (#280)
- Added racial spells. (#157)
- Added Op Center. (#24)
- Added Espionage with info gathering operations: Barracks Spy, Castle Spy, Survey Dominion, and Land Spy. (#21)
- Added Clear Sight spell. (#220)
- Added Revelation spell. (#221)
- Added unit OP/DP stats on military page (#234)
- Added NYI/PI indicator and help text icon on Construction Advisor page
- Added Wizard Guild building, reducing wizard/AM plat cost and increasing wizard strength regen per hour. (#305)
- Added failed spy op losses reduction on Forest Havens. (#306)
- Updated round registration page with better help texts and racial descriptions.
- Employment percentage on status screen now shows 2 decimals.
- Updated Re-zone Land icon in the sidebar.
- Net OP/DP now scales with morale, down to -10% at 0% morale.
0.4.2 - 2018-06-03
- Fixed dashboard page sometimes showing incorrect duration for round start/end dates.
- Fixed internal server error on realm page using invalid realm number. (#270)
0.4.1 - 2018-05-23
- Updated
command to support Git tags.
- This CHANGELOG file.