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Probabilistic inference of somatic copy number alterations using repeat DNA (FAST-SeqS)


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# install.packages("devtools")


Load the conliga package.


The typical workflow:

  1. choose_loci(): filter loci.
  2. fit_controls(): fit a vector of proportions, using a set of control samples
  3. run_MCMC(): run the MCMC to obtain posterior probabilities of the latent variables in the conliga model
  4. process_MCMC(): process the MCMC to summarise the posterior probabilities to obtain relative copy number profiles and basic plots


Let's go through an example using the count data from the paper.


First let's load the loci count data.

# load the loci count data for the samples

loci_counts[1:6, 1:6]
#>    chr leftPos strand SLX-9394.FastSeqA SLX-9394.FastSeqB
#> 1 chr1  800730      +                 0                 0
#> 2 chr1  882779      -                 3                13
#> 3 chr1 2366307      +                 0                 0
#> 4 chr1 3617459      +                 0                 0
#> 5 chr1 3954290      -                 0                 0
#> 6 chr1 4045043      +                 0                 0
#>   SLX-9394.FastSeqC
#> 1                 0
#> 2                23
#> 3                 0
#> 4                 0
#> 5                 0
#> 6                 0

Now we have a loci_counts data frame with 58725 rows corresponding to genomic loci. The data frame contains 215 columns. The first 3 columns contain chr, leftPos and strand and correspond to the chromosome, position and strand of a locus. The other 212 columns represent count observations for each sample.

Filtering loci using choose_loci()

Now we filter the rows of the data frame to filter out noise and retain 'robust' loci for further analysis. We choose a set of samples to use as a basis for filtering and a threshold on the number of zeros permitted in the set of samples. It can be useful to list the samples we want to use as a basis for filtering in a csv or tsv file.

samples_file = system.file("extdata",
                           package = "conliga",
                           mustWork = TRUE)

samples_for_filtering = readr::read_csv(samples_file) %>%

#>  [1] "SLX-9394.FastSeqE" "SLX-9394.FastSeqF" "SLX-9394.FastSeqG"
#>  [4] "SLX-9394.FastSeqH" "SLX-9394.FastSeqI" "SLX-9394.FastSeqJ"
#>  [7] "SLX-9394.FastSeqK" "SLX-9395.FastSeqA" "SLX-9395.FastSeqB"
#> [10] "SLX-9395.FastSeqC" "SLX-9395.FastSeqD" "SLX-9395.FastSeqE"
#> [13] "SLX-9395.FastSeqF" "SLX-9395.FastSeqG" "SLX-9395.FastSeqH"

At the very least, we must ensure that at least one of the control samples used for fitting the proportions (see next section) has a non-zero count. In this example, we aggressively filter the loci by removing a locus with a zero count in any of out control samples.

Now we run the choose_loci function, passing it: * an analysis path which acts as out base directory for all output in our analysis. * the counts data frame * the chromosomes we are interested in (in this case chr1-22) * the samples we use as a basis for filtering * the number of permitted zeros

If a locus has more than the number of permitted zeros in the samples list and/or it is in a chromosome we are not interested in, it is filtered.

# the base directory for the analysis output files
analysis_path = "~/my_analysis_path"
# the chromosomes we want to analyse
chromosomes = paste0("chr", 1:22)

filtered_counts = choose_loci(analysis_path=analysis_path,

filtered_counts[1:6, 1:6]
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   chr   leftPos strand `SLX-9394.FastSe… `SLX-9394.FastS… `SLX-9394.FastS…
#>   <fct>   <int> <chr>              <int>            <int>            <int>
#> 1 chr1   882779 -                      3               13               23
#> 2 chr1  4045044 +                     11               23               31
#> 3 chr1  4080807 +                      8               16               41
#> 4 chr1  4309374 +                      1                1                1
#> 5 chr1  4350131 +                      3                3               20
#> 6 chr1  4404254 -                     12               14               35

Now we are left with 11854 loci in the filtered_counts data frame.

Fitting the proportion of read counts using fit_controls()

Now we use a set of controls (which are assumed to be diploid at each locus) from a batch, to fit the proportion of read counts at each locus.

We need to provide a data frame which describes the samples we will be analysing and defines the samples we will use as controls:

sample_types_file = system.file("extdata",
                                package = "conliga",
                                mustWork = TRUE)

sample_types = readr::read_csv(sample_types_file)
#> # A tibble: 24 x 2
#>    Sample            Control
#>    <chr>               <int>
#>  1 SLX-9394.FastSeqC       0
#>  2 SLX-9394.FastSeqD       0
#>  3 SLX-9394.FastSeqE       1
#>  4 SLX-9394.FastSeqG       1
#>  5 SLX-9394.FastSeqH       1
#>  6 SLX-9394.FastSeqI       1
#>  7 SLX-9394.FastSeqJ       1
#>  8 SLX-9394.FastSeqK       1
#>  9 SLX-9395.FastSeqA       1
#> 10 SLX-9395.FastSeqC       1
#> # ... with 14 more rows

The column Control is 1 if the sample is a control and 0 otherwise.

fit_data = fit_controls(analysis_path=analysis_path,
                        counts = filtered_counts,
                        iterations = 20000,
                        burn_in = 5000,
                        precision_prior = c(1.5, 1000000) # shape and scale of gamma prior on the sample inverse dispersion parameter 

This returns a list including map_means, which is a vector of MAP estimates for the loci count proportion bias m. It also includes run_data, which is the loci counts for the samples we are interested in.

Running the MCMC to infer the relative copy number profiles using run_MCMC()

Get data ready to run the MCMC.

# read cytoband information cytoBandIdeo.txt file - obtained from UCSC

cytoband_file = system.file("extdata",
                            package = "conliga",
                            mustWork = TRUE)

cytoband = read_cytobands(cytoband_file,

# alternatively get cytoband information by querying UCSC
# cytoband = get_cytobands(genome="hg38",
#                          chr_order=chromosomes)

#> # A tibble: 811 x 5
#>    chr      start      end name   stain 
#>    <fct>    <int>    <int> <chr>  <chr> 
#>  1 chr1         0  2300000 p36.33 gneg  
#>  2 chr1   2300000  5300000 p36.32 gpos25
#>  3 chr1   5300000  7100000 p36.31 gneg  
#>  4 chr1   7100000  9100000 p36.23 gpos25
#>  5 chr1   9100000 12500000 p36.22 gneg  
#>  6 chr1  12500000 15900000 p36.21 gpos50
#>  7 chr1  15900000 20100000 p36.13 gneg  
#>  8 chr1  20100000 23600000 p36.12 gpos25
#>  9 chr1  23600000 27600000 p36.11 gneg  
#> 10 chr1  27600000 29900000 p35.3  gpos25
#> # ... with 801 more rows

# we need to state our priors in the following format
priors_file = system.file("extdata",
                          package = "conliga",
                          mustWork = TRUE)

priors = readr::read_csv(priors_file)

#> # A tibble: 10 x 2
#>    prior                     value
#>    <chr>                     <dbl>
#>  1 hpp_rho_c              100000  
#>  2 hpp_rho_d                 100  
#>  3 hpp_g_a                     7  
#>  4 hpp_g_b                     1  
#>  5 hpp_apk_a                2000  
#>  6 hpp_apk_b                  10  
#>  7 precision_prior_shape       1.5
#>  8 precision_prior_scale 1000000  
#>  9 rcn_prior_shape             3  
#> 10 rcn_prior_scale             1

# which samples do we want to infer relative copy number profiles for?
samples_to_run = c("SLX-9396.FastSeqB",

# or run all non-controls:
# samples_to_run = sample_types %>%
#   dplyr::filter(Control == 0) %>%
#   .$Sample

num_cores = 2
iterations = 50000
thin = 10

Now we run the function run_MCMC.

         gamma = 1, # set gamma set to 1,
         init_states=TRUE) # start chain off by k-means clustering

Note that we have fixed the hyperparameter gamma to 1. The other hyperparameters alpha+kappa and rho will be inferred. The run_MCMC function usually takes approximately 30 mins per 10,000 iterations of the MCMC (depending on your machine).

Processing the MCMC chains and obtaining results with process_MCMC()

Now we process the MCMC using the the process_MCMC function. Here we have selected to burn the first 10000 iterations.

burn_in = 10000

samples_to_run %>% purrr::map(~process_MCMC(analysis_path=analysis_path,

This function saves the inferred relative copy number calls to analysis_path/results/sample_name/sample_name.tsv and provides a number of basic plots under analysis_path/results/sample_name/standard_plots/.

Finally, we can delete the MCMC output files if we wish.

unlink(file.path(analysis_path, "MCMC"), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)