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File metadata and controls

157 lines (124 loc) · 5.23 KB


This is a profitability-based mining farm pool switcher. For the set of coins you have configured, it will determine how many of each you can produce given your hardware, and determine what they're worth in Bitcoin. It will then reconfigure all of your miners accordingly. MinerSwitcher is algorithm-agnostic: you can have a mix of sha256 miners, scrypt miners, etc., and each will be switched to whatever is most profitable for it to mine.

Sometimes pools go down without much notice. Before switching coins, MinerSwitcher verifies that at least one of your configured pools is still up. If it isn't, it prints a warning and moves on to the next most profitable pool.

MinerSwitcher can be configured to send Pushover notifications if a miner is down or the pools for a coin aren't responding.


The configuration files need to be copied from ./_config_example.json to ./_config.json and edited appropriately. In addition to exchange API credentials, you will need RPC access to coin daemons for the coins you want to switch between. Setting hashrates in daemon_config.json is unnecessary; hashrates will be populated with values calculated from the miner configuration (below). If you don't want to check a particular exchange, remove its section from exchange_config.json.

For multiple-algorithm coins, you can create multiple entries in daemon_config.json to evaluate suitability for whatever types of mining hardware you use. Here's an example, using Digitalcoin for both SHA256 and scrypt...note the label with the algo after an underline:

  "DGC_sha256" : {
    "username" : "salfter",
    "passwd" : "rpc_password_goes_here",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 7998,
    "active" : 1,
    "hashespersec" : 580000000000,
    "algo" : "sha256",
    "merged" : [],
    "daemonuser" : "digitalcoin",
    "daemon" : "digitalcoind",
    "client" : "digitalcoind"
  "DGC_scrypt" : {
    "username" : "salfter",
    "passwd" : "rpc_password_goes_here",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 7998,
    "active" : 1,
    "hashespersec" : 8000000,
    "algo" : "scrypt",
    "merged" : [],
    "daemonuser" : "digitalcoin",
    "daemon" : "digitalcoind",
    "client" : "digitalcoind"

The pool configuration needs to be copied from ./pool_config_example.json to ./pool_config.json and edited with the credentials for the pools you use. The priority field determines the order in which pools are fed to the miner; the pool with the highest priority is added last, so the miner switches to it. In the example configuration, for instance, Eligius is given a priority of 10 and BTC Guild is given a priority of 0. MinerSwitch will remove whatever other pools are configured, send the configuration for BTC Guild, and then send the configuration for Eligius. When it's all done, the miner will be aiming its shares at Eligius (unless it's down).

The miner configuration needs to be copied from ./miner_config_example.json to ./miner_config.json and edited with the connection details for your cgminer and/or bfgminer instances. Read/write access needs to be enabled for each instance. Average hashrate for each miner should be set for best results. url_suffix is appended to the URL sent to the miner; it's intended to pass extra options to the miner (such as to disable the "coinbase check" in recent versions of bfgminer that causes problems with some pools).

To enable Pushover notifications, copy ./pushover_config_example.json to ./pushover_config.json and fill it in with your credentials. Your user key is on their homepage when you're logged in; copy it to the user_key field. You'll need to create an application API key; go to, fill in the blanks. If you want, you may use the included icon file (mining-icon-red.png) with your configuration. Click "Create Application." Copy the application key Pushover gives you to the app_key field.

If you don't want to use Pushover, no configuration is needed.


I recommend running MinerSwitcher inside a screen session:

Invocation is simple:

screen -dmS MinerSwitcher ./

To see what it's doing, use this:

screen -dr MinerSwitcher

To put MinerSwitcher back in the background, press Ctrl-A Ctrl-D.










Also, you will need exchange API credentials and a running *coind for each coin you want to consider mining. Whether you mine solo or with a pool is up to you, but you'll need pool credentials (or *coind RPC credentials) in the pool configuration. Multiple pools may be configured for a coin for redundancy.

A Pushover account is optional. With it, MinerSwitcher can notify you of problems with your setup.


Donations are always welcome if you find this useful...hit the tipjar!
