Bot version is 1.0, if your bot says a lower value than that then download this files else your bot is upto date
Welcome Dear user, read this instructions carefully, you can check out this video for tutorials
Activation key can be found on my discord server
To stop the bot, use hotkey ctrl + 9
Download and install winrar Download this files or clone them to your pc if you need premium version, join our discord server and open a ticket follow the below instructions to set up the actual bot
steps 1:
- open config folder -> open config.txt -> click file -> save as -> change name to config.ini- choose type as all type -> save
step 2:
- open Autoit Folder -> open autoit-v3-setup.exe -> clcik next till the end of installation
step 3:
- open Wolves Ville Tool.a3x -> go to first time tab -> read through the instructions
step 4:
- go to main tab -> set required fields
- Emulator = Choose Prefered emulator, more will be added soon
- Bot = Choose what bot you want to use, For now use the auto watch ads bot
- AdvertLength = How long each ad is displayed on your device in seconds, i recommand 31
- AdvertCount = How many ads you want to the bot to watch before it stops ].
- Search speed = If you make your emulators size small by reducing its size, choose a value between 1-4 if your emulator's size is bigger, use values between 6-9, ask for help if you dont get this step
- Activate = Activation key, check on discord #beta-tester channel
step 5:
- Before you click start, make sure emulator is not minimized, also make sure the adwheel is displayed
- Click start if you have done the above steps, any problem you face, make sure to let me know on discord server