This project was developed with React. The aim of the project is to simulate the Doctor Appointment System. Responsive design has been applied.
At the end of the project, following topics are to be covered;
- JavaScript
- React
- React-Bootstrap / Bootstrap
- Deployment
Doctor_Res_Page (folder)
|---- public
| |---- img
| | |---- *.jpg
| |---- index.html
|---- src
| |---- compenents
| | |---- AddModal.jsx
| | |---- AppoinmentList.jsx
| | |---- Doctor.jsx
| |---- helpers
| | |---- data.js
| |---- pages
| | |---- Home.jsx
| |---- App.css
| |---- App.js
| |---- index.css
| |---- index.js
|---- .gitignore
|---- package.json
|---- yarn.lock
Designed By DOGUKAN © Apr. 2024