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i #275 added extra folder refresh_issues for issue refresh
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I also fixed the naming convention for the commit data. Fixed some verbose wrappers around messages. Added parameter to format_created_at_from_file to specify nesting levels. If issue folder is empty, it will download all issues. This is also the case if the issue folder is empty but there is data in the refresh folder. Documentation was not worked on thoroughly, but minor adjustments were made. Also, an error is output when trying to refresh the comments if there is nothing to refresh. My other refresher outputs a formal message for this, but I'm not sure what's causing it for the comment refresher.
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Ssunoo2 committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent ae0d5fa commit ac4f3ba
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Showing 6 changed files with 284 additions and 107 deletions.
243 changes: 185 additions & 58 deletions R/github.R
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Expand Up @@ -451,17 +451,21 @@ github_api_page_last <- function(gh_response){
#' GitHub API endpoints return data in pages, each containing by default 100 entries.
#' This iterator can be used to iterate over the next page in order to download all the
#' project's data available from the endpoint (up to a user-defined maximum or the remaining
#' available requests in the used user's token).
#' available requests in the used user's token). This function can differentiate between
#' data downloaded from search endpoint or not, in which the issues are differently nested.
#' @param token Your GitHub API token
#' @param gh_response A response returned by any GitHub endpoint which is paginated (e.g. \code{\link{github_api_project_commits}}).
#' @param save_folder_path A folder path to save the downloaded json pages "as-is".
#' @param prefix Prefix to be added to every json file name
#' @param max_pages The maximum number of pages to download. MAX = Available token requests left
#' @param verbose Boolean value that prints operating messages when set to TRUE, does not print when false.
#' Operating messages may be details about certain parts of the code correctly executing or printing names
#' of files created, etc.
#' @references For details see \url{}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
github_api_iterate_pages <- function(token,gh_response,save_folder_path,prefix=NA,max_pages=NA){
github_api_iterate_pages <- function(token,gh_response,save_folder_path,prefix=NA,max_pages=NA,verbose){
page_number <- 1

data_exists = TRUE
Expand All @@ -470,48 +474,107 @@ github_api_iterate_pages <- function(token,gh_response,save_folder_path,prefix=N
max_pages <- github_api_rate_limit(token)$remaining

# determine if the passed data is from the refresh folder or not
json_string <- toJSON(gh_response, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
json_data <- fromJSON(json_string, simplifyVector = TRUE)

# Check if 'total_count' is present at the top level of the JSON structure
# This allows us to determine if the data is formatted from the search endpoint or not
if ("total_count" %in% names(json_data)) {
is_issue_refresh <- TRUE
} else {
is_issue_refresh <- FALSE

# Check if it is

#Get the most and least recent 'created_at' date in unixtime in this page
while(!is.null(gh_response) & page_number < max_pages){
# Find the unixtime of created at at the first index.
# This will be the most recent by default in the file
if(length(gh_response) > 0 && !is.null(gh_response[[1]]$created_at)) {
# Get 'created_at' for the first issue in the response
most_recent_created_at <- as.POSIXct(gh_response[[1]]$created_at, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC")
# Convert to Unix timestamp
most_recent_created_at_unix <- as.numeric(most_recent_created_at)
# Get the earliest date
least_recently_created <- as.POSIXct(gh_response[[1]]$created_at, tz = "UTC")
# Convert to Unix timestamp
least_recently_created_at_unix <- as.numeric(least_recently_created)

# Set the file name from the config file. It will be modified in the following code
file_name <- save_folder_path
if(length(gh_response) > 0) {
# Extract 'created_at' dates. Different nesting levels for refresh data or not
# Run this code if it's not issue_refresh. Important for different levels of nesting
if (is_issue_refresh==FALSE){
# Make list of all created_dates
created_dates <- sapply(gh_response, function(issue) issue$created_at)
# Remove NULL entries from the list. The list will be NULL if it is commit data currently
created_dates <- Filter(Negate(is.null), created_dates)

# Check if the list is NULL, signifying this is commit data
if (length(created_dates)==0){
created_dates <- sapply(gh_response, function(issue) {
if (!is.null(issue$commit) && !is.null(issue$commit$author) && !is.null(issue$commit$author$date)) {
} else {
return(NA) # Return NA if the path does not exist

# Run this code if it is for issue refresh
} else {
# Make list of all created dates
created_dates <- sapply(gh_response$items, function(issue) issue$created_at)
# End the loop if there is no usable data
if (length(created_dates)==0){
message("Nothing left to download")
# Convert to POSIXct date objects
# date_objects <- as.POSIXct(created_dates, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")
date_objects <- as.POSIXct(created_dates, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz="UTC")

# Find the greatest and smallest date
latest_date <- max(date_objects)
latest_date_unix <- as.numeric(latest_date)
oldest_date <- min(date_objects)
oldest_date_unix <- as.numeric(oldest_date)

# Append oldest and latest dates to the file name
file_name <- paste0(file_name, "_", oldest_date_unix)
file_name <- paste0(file_name, "_", latest_date_unix, ".json")

# Print the latest and oldest dates and file name
if (verbose){
message("Latest date:", latest_date_unix)
message("Oldest date:", oldest_date_unix)
message("File name: ", file_name)
message("extracted dates for page ", page_number)
} else {
most_recent_created_at_unix <- paste0("_", page_number)
least_recently_created_at_unix <- "no_data"
data_exists = FALSE
message("Nothing to download")

} else {
data_exists = FALSE
message("Nothing to download")

# Save the pages to file
if (data_exists == TRUE){
# construct the file name
file_name <- paste0(save_folder_path,
least_recently_created_at_unix, "_",
oldest_date_unix, "_",
# Write to file
message("Written to file: ", file_name)
if (verbose){
message("Written to file: ", file_name)
# increment the page number
page_number <- page_number + 1
res <- try(
gh_response <- github_api_page_next(gh_response)
if(inherits(res,"try-error")) {
gh_response <- NULL
Expand All @@ -522,49 +585,95 @@ github_api_iterate_pages <- function(token,gh_response,save_folder_path,prefix=N
#' Download Project Issues after a date
#' Returns issue data that has not already been downloaded
#' Gets the name of the file with the most recent data along the designated save path.
#' Extracts the greatest 'created_at' date from that file
#' Calls search/issues endpoint to download issues created after that date
#' #' If no files exist in the file, \code{link{github_api_project_issue}} is called instead.
#' Gets the name of the file with the most recent data along the designated save paths for both
#' issue and refresh_issue folder. Extracts the greatest 'created_at' value for both of them.
#' It compares these values and calls the search endpoint to retrieve all issues created after this date.
#' #' If no files exist in the issue file, \code{link{github_api_project_issue}} is called instead
#' and all issues are downloaded.
#' @param owner GitHub's repository owner (e.g. sailuh)
#' @param repo GitHub's repository name (e.g. kaiaulu)
#' @param token Your GitHub API token
#' @param save_path_issue The folder path that the original issue downloader downloads to
#' @param save_path_issue_refresh The folder path that the refresh downloader downloads to
#' @param verbose A boolean value that prints operational messages when set to TRUE.
#' These may include announcing successful execution of code, API queries, files saved, etc.
#' @export
#' @references For details, see \url{}.
#' @seealso \code{link{github_api_project_issue}} to download all issue data
#' @seealso \code{link{format_created_at_from_file}} for function that iterates through
#' a .json file and returns the greatest 'created_at' value
#' @seealso \code{link{github_api_iterate_pages}} to write data returned by this function to file as .json
github_api_project_issue_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token){

github_api_project_issue_refresh <- function(owner,

# Check if issue folder is empty
contents <- list.files(path = save_path_issue)
# Check if refresh folder is empty
contents_refresh <- list.files(path = save_path_issue_refresh)

# If the file is empty, download all issues
if(length(contents) == 0) {
# Run regular downloader
issues <- github_api_project_issue(owner,repo,token)
gh_response <- github_api_project_issue(owner,repo,token)
} else {
# Get the name of the file with the most recent date

# Get the name of the file with the most recent date from the issue file
latest_date_issue <- paste0(save_path_issue, parse_jira_latest_date(save_path_issue))
# get the created_at value
created <- format_created_at_from_file(latest_date_issue)
# message("Date of latest issue downloaded: ", created)
# Get the name of the file with the most recent date from the refresh_issue file if not empty
if (length(contents_refresh) != 0){
latest_date_issue_refresh <- paste0(save_path_issue_refresh, parse_jira_latest_date(save_path_issue_refresh))

# get the greatest created_at value among issues in the issues file
created <- format_created_at_from_file(latest_date_issue, item="")
message("Greatest created value from issue folder: ", created)

if (length(contents_refresh) != 0){
# get the greatest created_at value among issues in the refresh_issues file
created_refresh <- format_created_at_from_file(latest_date_issue_refresh, item="items")
message("Greatest created value from issue folder: ", created)
if (length(contents_refresh) != 0){
message("Greatest created value from refresh_issue folder: ", created_refresh)

# Get the greatest value of the created_at from either folder
if (length(contents_refresh) != 0){
greatest_created <- created
} else {
greatest_created <- created_refresh
} else {
greatest_created <- created

# API Call
query <- sprintf("repo:%s/%s is:issue created:>%s", owner, repo, created)
query <- sprintf("repo:%s/%s is:issue created:>%s", owner, repo, greatest_created)
# query <- sprintf("repo:%s/%s is:issue", owner, repo)
if (verbose){
# Use the Search API endpoint to search for issues
issues <- gh::gh("/search/issues",
gh_response <- gh::gh("/search/issues",
q = query,
state = 'all',
page = 1,
per_page = 100,
.token = token)
# Adjust .limit as needed, though GitHub API has its own paging mechanisms


Expand All @@ -585,7 +694,7 @@ github_api_project_issue_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token){
#' @seealso \code{link{format_created_at_from_file}} for function that iterates through
#' a .json file and returns the greatest 'created_at' value
#' @seealso \code{link{github_api_iterate_pages}} to write data returned by this function to file as .json
github_api_project_issue_or_pr_comment_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token){
github_api_project_issue_or_pr_comment_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token,file_save_path,verbose=TRUE){
# Check if the file is empty by checking its size
# List all files and subdirectories in the directory
contents <- list.files(path = save_path_issue_or_pr_comments)
Expand All @@ -597,10 +706,14 @@ github_api_project_issue_or_pr_comment_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token){
return (issues)
} else {
# Get the name of the file with the most recent date
latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment <- paste0(save_path_issue_or_pr_comments, parse_jira_latest_date(save_path_issue_or_pr_comments))
latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment <- paste0(file_save_path, parse_jira_latest_date(save_path_issue_or_pr_comments))
# get the created_at value
created <- format_created_at_from_file(latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment)
message("got file", latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment)
created <- format_created_at_from_file(latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment, item="")
message("file name with greatest date: ",latest_date_issue_or_pr_comment)
message("Latest date: ",created)
# Github API Call
gh::gh("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments",
Expand All @@ -612,35 +725,49 @@ github_api_project_issue_or_pr_comment_refresh <- function(owner,repo,token){
} #end if/else

#' get the created_at field from a file name
#' Retrieve greatest 'created_at' value from file
#' Function to read a JSON file along a path and return the 'created_at'
#' date of the greatest value for the issue key. Note that the 'created_at'
#' value must be in index 1 among issues. This format is returned by the
#' issue endpoint currently, but is in index 2 of data returned by search endpoint
#' value differs in how it is nested. This format is returned by the
#' issue endpoint currently, but is in level 2 of data returned by search endpoint.
#' So we allow the input of an item_path parameter to specify the level of nesting
#' @param filename the path and the file name. For example:
#' @param file_name the path and the file name. For example:
#' ../../rawdata/github/kaiaulu/issue_or_pr_comment/sailuh_kaiaulu_issue_or_pr_comment_1701216000_1701261374.json
#' @param item_path specifies the level of nesting to look for the created_at value. This was
#' implemented given that the results of the search endpoint are differently nested than others.
#' @export
format_created_at_from_file <- function(filename) {
#' @seealso \code{link{github_api_project_issue_or_pr_comment_refresh}} to refresh comment data
#' @seealso \code{link{github_api_project_issue_refresh}} to refresh issue data
format_created_at_from_file <- function(file_name,item_path) {
# Read the JSON file
json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt= filename, simplifyVector = FALSE)
json_data <- fromJSON(txt= file_name, simplifyVector = FALSE)

# Navigate to the correct level in the JSON structure based on the item_path
data_to_process <- if (item_path != "") {
eval(parse(text=paste0("json_data$", item_path)))
} else {

# Initialize a variable to keep track of the greatest date
greatest_date <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", tz = "UTC")

# Iterate through each element in the list
for(item in json_data) {
# Assuming 'created_at' is directly under each item
# Iterate through each element in the data_to_process
for (item in data_to_process) {
# Extract 'created_at' date and convert to POSIXct
current_date <- as.POSIXct(item$created_at, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "UTC")

# Update greatest_date if the current item's date is later
if(current_date > greatest_date) {
if (current_date > greatest_date) {
greatest_date <- current_date

# Format the greatest date found
formatted_greatest_date <- format(greatest_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

# greatest_date now holds the latest 'created_at' value
# Return the latest 'created_at' value
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions man/format_created_at_from_file.Rd

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