The json files follows the follwoing structrue:
"notes": ...,
"env_config_base": ...,
"run_or_experiment": ...,
"learn_config": ...,
"stop": ...
and consists of the following fields:
- notes: This is for my own reference to save necessary information about each of experiments. Description:
"notes": {
"env_model": "This is a test", // some description of my assumptions -- non-mandatory
"description": "This is a test" // some description of the test -- non-mandatory
- metadata: metadata for the python script and the learnining
"type_env": 0, // type of the used environment -- mandatory
"cluster_id": 0, // used cluster -- mandatory
"workload_id": 0 // workload used for the experiments -- mandatory
- env_config_base: configuration of the environment itself
"env_config_base": {
"penalty_illegal": -1, // penalty for illegal steps -- mandatory
"penalty_normal": 0, // penalty for normal steps -- mandatory
"penalty_consolidated": 1, // penalty for consolidation reward -- mandatory
"mitigation_tries": 4, // mitigation tries for the greey mitigator -- mandatory
"episode_length": 5, // length of trainig episodes -- mandatory
"latency_lower": 0.75, // whether to reset at each episode or not -- mandatory
"latency_upper": 2, // whether to reset services_node at each episode or not -- mandatory
"seed": 1 // random seed for the env environment dynamics -- mandatory
- run_or_experiment: type of the used algorithm from rllib, see rllib algorithms for the full list of the available built-in algorithms in rllib.
"run_or_experiment": "PPO"
- learn_config: learning configuration of the rllib library, this config is very much dependent on the used RL algorithm. For the complete list of hyperparameters of each algorithm see rllib algorithms. Also, for the complete list of common configs (same hyperparameters across all rl envs) see the common configs. There are also a number of tuned hyperparameter examples per each of the algorithms. To build the reinforcement learning model neural network see the model catalog from rllib documentation. Complete list of the available huperparameter search options for Tune ara available in the ray documentation. For hyperparameter search with tune we have the following options:
"uniform": tune.uniform(-5, -1), # Uniform float between -5 and -1
"quniform": tune.quniform(3.2, 5.4, 0.2), # Round to increments of 0.2
"loguniform": tune.loguniform(1e-4, 1e-2), # Uniform float in log space
"qloguniform": tune.qloguniform(1e-4, 1e-1, 5e-4), # Round to increments of 0.0005
"randn": tune.randn(10, 2), # Normal distribution with mean 10 and sd 2
"qrandn": tune.qrandn(10, 2, 0.2), # Round to increments of 0.2
"randint": tune.randint(-9, 15), # Random integer between -9 and 15
"qrandint": tune.qrandint(-21, 12, 3), # Round to increments of 3 (includes 12)
"choice": tune.choice(["a", "b", "c"]), # Choose one of these options uniformly
"func": tune.sample_from(lambda spec: spec.config.uniform * 0.01), # Depends on other value
"grid": tune.grid_search([32, 64, 128]) # Search over all these values
- stoping criteria of the results. The stopping criteria of the hyperparameter searches. This is the returned object of the agent.train() function.
'episode_reward_max', 'episode_reward_min',
'episode_reward_mean', 'episode_len_mean',
'episodes_this_iter', 'policy_reward_min', 'policy_reward_max',
'policy_reward_mean', 'custom_metrics', 'hist_stats',
'sampler_perf', 'off_policy_estimator', 'num_healthy_workers',
'timesteps_total', 'timers', 'info', 'done', 'episodes_total',
'training_iteration', 'experiment_id', 'date', 'timestamp',
'time_this_iter_s', 'time_total_s', 'pid', 'nodename',
'node_ip', 'config', 'time_since_restore',
'timesteps_since_restore', 'iterations_since_restore', 'perf'