This repository contains a collection of utility smart contracts used across various Solidity projects. The motivation behind this repository is to reduce code duplication.
The following projects use these contracts:
In-depth documentation is available at
This is the recommended approach.
Install using your favorite package manager, e.g., with Bun:
bun add @sablier/evm-utils
Then, if you are using Foundry, you need to add these to your remappings.txt
This installation method is not recommended, but it is available for those who prefer it.
First, install the submodule using Forge:
forge install --no-commit sablier-labs/evm-utils
Second, if you are using Foundry, you need to add these to your remappings.txt
import { Adminable } from "@sablier/evm-utils/src/Adminable.sol";
import { Batch } from "@sablier/evm-utils/src/Batch.sol";
import { NoDelegateCall } from "@sablier/evm-utils/src/NoDelegateCall.sol";
contract MyContract is Adminable, Batch, NoDelegateCall {
constructor(address initialAdmin) Adminable(initialAdmin) { }
// Use the `noDelegateCall` modifier to prevent delegate calls.
function foo() public noDelegateCall { }
// Use the `onlyAdmin` modifier to restrict access to the admin.
function editFee(uint256 newFee) public onlyAdmin { }