Eight paralogues were initially selected based on previous work showing a likely duplication event before LUCA: the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions from carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS
), aspartate and ornithine transcarbamoylases (OTC
), histidine biosynthesis genes A and F (HISAF
), catalytic and non-catalytic subunits from ATP synthase (ATP
), elongation factor Tu and G (EF
), signal recognition protein and signal recognition particle receptor (SRP
), tyrosyl-tRNA and tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases (Tyr
or Try_Trp
), and leucyl- and valyl-tRNA synthetases (Leu
) (Zhaxybayeva et al., 2005).
Gene families were identified using BLAST
(Altschul 1990). Sequences were downloaded from the NCBI (Sayers et al., 2010), aligned with MUSCLE
(Edgar 2004) and trimmed with TrimAl
(Capella-Gutiérrez 2009) (option -strict
). You can find the corresponding sequence identifiers in the original raw alignments provided in this GitHub repository in directory raw_8pars_dat
. Individual gene trees were inferred under the LG+C20+F+G4 substitution model implemented in IQ-TREE2
(Minh et al. 2020). These trees were manually inspected and curated to remove non-homologous sequences, horizontal gene transfers, exceptionally short or long sequences and extremely long branches. Recent paralogues or taxa of inconsistent and/or uncertain placement inferred with RogueNaRok
(Aberer et al., 2013) were also removed. Independent verification of an archaeal or bacterial deep split was achieved using minimal ancestor deviation (Tria et al., 2017). This filtering process resulted in the five pairs of paralogous gene families (Zhaxybayeva et al., 2005) (ATP, EF, SRP, Tyr and Leu) with which we started timetree inference analyses.
Nevertheless, before proceeding with timetree inference, we need to make sure that:
- The alignment file is in PHYLIP format and easy to read (i.e., ideally one sequence per line).
- The tree file is in Newick format.
If you open the concatenated alignment file, you will see that each aligned sequence is not in a unique line, which makes it harder to parse the file to convert it into PHYLIP format.
We will first generate a one-line FASTA file with our in-house bash script. Then, we will use the output file as input to our second in-house bash script to obtain a protein alignment in PHYLIP format:
# Run from `00_raw_data/alignment`
# First, convert into a one-line FASTA file
perl ../../../src/one_line_fasta.pl concat5.fas
# Now, format to PHYLIP
num=$( grep '>' *one_line.fa | wc -l )
len=$( sed -n '2,2p' *one_line.fa | sed 's/\r//' | sed 's/\n//' | wc -L )
perl ../../../src/FASTAtoPHYL.pl *one_line.fa $num $len
# Move PHYLIP format to input data
mkdir ../../01_inp_data
mv concat5_one_line.phy ../../01_inp_data/LUCAdup_aln.phy
You will now see a new directory called 01_inp_data
inside directory 00_data_formatting
. If you navigate to this newly created 01_inp_data
directory, you will find the alignment in PHYLIP format (i.e., the input file we need!). You will also find a log file called log_lenseq.txt
inside the 00_raw_data/alignment
directory where you can read how many taxa were parsed and the length of the sequence. Nevertheless, given that we modified the resulting inferred tree topology to implement the available fossil calibrations (see above) and following consensus views of species-level relationships, we decided to remove taxon E. coli. In that way, we also need to remove the corresponding sequence from the alignments:
# Run from `01_inp_dat`
# Uncomment the next line with '##' if you are following this tutorial
# to automatically change to the desired directory
## cd ../../01_inp_dat
cp LUCAdup_aln.phy LUCAdup_246sp_aln.phy
#cp LUCAdup_5parts_aln.phy LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
sed -i '/^Escherichia_coli_2..*$/d' LUCAdup_246sp_aln.phy
sed -i 's/247 /246 /g' LUCAdup_246sp_aln.phy
The concatenated alignment is now in the correct format, so we can start to generate the partitioned alignment file!
If you look at the individual alignment files inside alignment/partitioned
, you will see that the alignments are already in a one-line FASTA format, which makes it easier to parse. First, we will remove all those sequences that are not included in the concatenated alignment previously parsed (i.e., 246 taxa after removing E. coli). We will first generate a list of taxa that need to be included:
# Run from `00_raw_data/alignment
# Uncomment the next line with '##' if you are following this tutorial
# to automatically change to the desired directory
## cd ../00_raw_data/alignment
grep '>' concat5_one_line.fa | sed 's/>//g' > all_taxa.txt
# Remove E.coli!
sed -i '/^Escherichia_coli_2$/d' all_taxa.txt
Now, we can run our in-house R script Parse_partitioned_alignments.R
to generate our filtered alignments containing all the taxa present in the concatenated alignment. Note that, whenever a taxon is missing, the filtered individual FASTA alignment will include such taxon and a sequence of gaps as long as the rest of aligned sequences. The output alignments will be generated inside directory 00_raw_data/alignment/partitioned
. Nevertheless, they are still in FASTA format, and so we need to convert them into PHYLIP format:
# Run from `00_raw_data/alignment/partitioned`
# Uncomment the next line with '##' if you are following this tutorial
# to automatically change to the desired directory
## cd partitioned
mkdir ind_aln
for i in *fasta
num=$( grep '>' $i | wc -l )
len=$( sed -n '2,2p' $i | sed 's/\r//' | sed 's/\n//' | wc -L )
name=$( echo $i | sed 's/\_..*//' )
# Remove weird characters
sed -i 's/\r//g' $i
perl ../../../../src/FASTAtoPHYL.pl $i $num $len
mv log_lenseq.txt log_lenseq_$name".txt"
# Move PHYLIP format to input data
count=$(( count + 1 ))
mv *phy ind_aln/LUCAdup_aln_$name"_p"$count".phy"
mv ind_aln/ ../../../01_inp_data/
# Generate partitioned alignment
cd ../../../01_inp_data/
for i in ind_aln/*
count=$(( count + 1 ))
if [[ $count -eq 1 ]]
cat $i > LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
printf "\n" >> LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
cat $i >> LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
printf "\n" >> LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
The final partitioned alignment, LUCAdup_246sp_5parts_aln.phy
, will be saved inside the newly created directory 01_inp_data
, while the individual gene alignments in PHYLIP format will be saved inside 01_inp_data/ind
. You will also find five log files called log_lenseq*.txt
inside the 00_raw_data/alignment/partitioned
directory, one for each alignment that has been converted into PHYLIP format.
We have now both partitioned and concatenated alignments in the correct format, so we can start to parse the tree file!
We ran IQ-TREE 2
with our main alignment file in FASTA format, the topological constraints specified in a file called Minimal_constraint_pLUCA.tre
, and under the LG+C20+F+G protein model. The command used was the following:
# Note that this command was executed in an HPC server, and thus all the files were saved
# in a unique directory (no relative paths related to the file structure in this repository)
# Note that the command `iqtree` executes the following IQ-TREE version:
# >> IQ-TREE multicore version 2.1.4-beta COVID-edition for Linux 64-bit built Jun 24 2021
iqtree -s concat5.fas -g Minimal_constraint_pLUCA.tre -nt 11 -m LG+C20+F+G -pre BLE_LUCA_DUP_CONCAT5
You can find the output files and the file with the constrained topology in the 00_IQTREE/round1
directory. Once we analysed the inferred best-scoring maximum-likelihood tree (i.e., see BLE_LUCA_DUP_CONCAT5.treefile
), we modified the resulting tree topology so that we could implement the available fossil calibrations (see later in the tutorial) while following consensus views of species-level relationships. In addition, as aforementioned, we decided to remove taxon E. coli.
We re-ran IQ-TREE 2
but, this time, with the PHYLIP alignment file we generated following the steps indicated above. In addition, we fixed the re-arranged tree topology specified in file LUCAdup_topo.tree
. The command we used to run IQ-TREE 2
was the following:
# If ran locally, then uncomment the following line commented with '##' and run the corresponding command.
# Choose `iqtree`, `iqtree2`, or other aliases you may have to run your version of `IQ-TREE` on your machine:
##iqtree2 -s ../../../../01_inp_data/LUCAdup_246sp_aln.phy -g LUCAdup_topo.tree -nt AUTO -m LG+C20+F+G -pre BLE_LUCA_DUP_NEWTOP
# If not, then adapt the following command to your file structure and any other aliases you may have!
iqtree -s LUCAdup_246sp_aln.phy -g LUCAdup_topo.tree -nt AUTO -m LG+C20+F+G -pre BLE_LUCA_DUP_NEWTOPO
You can find the output files and the file with the constrained topology in the 00_IQTREE/round2
First, we loaded the output phylogeny by IQ-TREE 2
(round 2, BLE_LUCA_DUP_NEWTOPO.treefile
) in FigTree
. Then, we rooted tree and saved it in directory 00_IQTREE/round2
Then, we manually incorporated the labels to identify those nodes which ages were going to be constrained (i.e., both using traditional node calibrations as well as cross-braced calibrations) using the Annotate
feature in FigTree
. In other words, the various mirrored nodes correspond to the same speciation event and fall into one of these two categories:
- Equality calibrations with fossil calibrations: mirrored nodes which age can be constrained based on geological evidence or the fossil record. There is a minimum/maximum age constraint that can be applied to these nodes that correspond to the same speciation event and appear in the phylogeny as duplication events. In total, we modelled 13 uniform densities with either hard and soft bounds based on the geological events and the fossil record to constrain the age of mirrored nodes corresponding to the following clades: LUCA (2 mirrored nodes), TG-OXYPHOTOBACTERIA (2 duplication events), LECA (2 duplication events), CG-OXYPHOTOBACTERIA (2 duplication events), TG-EUKARYA-MITO (2 duplication events), TG-EUKARYA-ARCH (2 duplication events), ARCHAEPLASTIDA (6 duplication events), EMBRYOPHYTA (6 duplication events), EUDICOT-MONOCOT (5 duplication events), CG-FORAMINIFERA (3 duplication events), FUNGI (4 duplication events), EUMETAZOA (4 duplication events), METAZOA (4 duplication events). We used these names as flags/labels to identify the mirrored nodes using
. - Equality calibrations without fossil calibrations: mirrored nodes which age can be constrained because we know that such nodes correspond to the same speciation event. Therefore, they appear as duplication events in this phylogeny but we want to constrain their posterior time densities to be the same. We identified a total of 64 speciation events that had mirrored nodes across the phylogeny. We used either the name of the specific clade or random names for the flags/labels to identify the mirrored nodes using
Under both scenarios, the identified mirrored nodes for the same speciation event will have the same posterior time densities. In other words, the sampling during the MCMC will not be independent for those mirrored nodes that are cross-braced, and therefore the same posterior time densities will be assigned to such nodes given that they represent the same speciation event.
Once we finished to annotate our tree topology, we exported the annotated file in NEXUS format and saved it as LUCAdup_allcb_outFigTree
. The next step consists of extract the tree in Newick format with labels within this NEXUS file, which can be easily parsed in subsequent steps:
# Run from `00_raw_data/trees/01_calibrations`
grep 'tree tree_1' LUCAdup_allcb_outFigTree > LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
sed -i 's/..*\[\&R\] //' LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
sed -i 's/\:[0-9]*\.[0-9]*//g' LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
sed -i 's/&label=//g' LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
sed -i 's/\"//g' LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
# Delete quotation marks!
sed -i "s/'//g" LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
# Add PHYLIP header -- we have now 246 taxa!
sed -i '1s/^/246 1\n/' LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
We have created a mapping file in which the flags/labels included in the tree have been assigned the corresponding calibrations in MCMCtree
format. If you run our R in-house script Include_calibrations_allcb.R
, you will generate a tree file inside 01_inp_data
called LUCAdup_allcb_calib_MCMCtree.tree
, where now the node labels will have the corresponding fossil calibration in MCMCtree
format. You will also generate a tree file that can be visualised with graphical viewers such as FigTree
called LUCAdup_allcb_outR_fordisplay_calib_MCMCtree.tree
. As soon as we obtained this last output file, we visualised it in FigTree
and saved the project as LUCAdup_allcb_calibs_visFigTree
. You can access this FigTree
project in case you want to colour specific branches, modify the labels, generate other output files, etc. In particular, we used this project to output a PDF file with which we could easily visualise the calibrated nodes: LUCAdup_allcb_calibs.pdf
Cross-bracing only those duplicated nodes that match the same speciation event and for which there is a fossil calibration
Next, we generated a copy of the file LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree
(i.e., cp LUCAdup_allcb_calibnames.tree LUCAdup_allnoncb_calibnames.tree
) and manually removed the flags/labels that identified those nodes that we had previously cross-braced for which there is no fossil constraints. The resulting file is LUCAdup_allnoncb_calibnames.tree
. In that way, we will only cross-brace those nodes for which fossil calibrations are used to constrain such node ages.
The corresponding mapping file can be found in the scripts
directory. We then ran our R in-house script to generate the output calibrated file, which is saved in the 01_inp_data
directory: LUCAdup_246sp_fosscb_calib_MCMCtree
. Note that this output file can be visualised directly in FigTree
. Due to the way that FigTree
reads numbers (and being this the format to identify mirrored nodes), only one of the various mirrored nodes will have the fossil information in MCMCtree
format. The rest of the mirrored nodes, will have a javascript
tag instead, but it has nothing to do with what MCMCtree
will be using -- just a formatting issue. For visual purposes, you can always refer back to the LUCAdup_allcb_outR_fordisplay_calib_MCMCtree
file previously generated.
In addition, we used an updated mapping file in which the mirrored nodes for which fossil calibrations are available are not cross-braced. Instead, the traditional MCMCtree
format is used to constrain them with the same fossil calibrations. You can find the mapping file inside the scripts
We then ran our R in-house script to generate the output calibrated file in the 01_inp_data
directory: LUCAdup_246sp_allnoncb_calib_MCMCtree
. Note that this output file can be visualised directly in FigTree
Last, we generated a file with un uncalibrated tree (i.e., Newick format with only the tree topology) as the input for CODEML
to infer the branch lengths, gradient, and Hessian required to approximate the likelihood calculation in MCMCtree
(dos Reis and Yang, 2011):
# Run from `01_inp_data`
cp ../00_raw_data/trees/01_calibrations/LUCAdup_allnoncb_calibnames.tree LUCAdup_246sp_uncalib.tree
sed -i 's/\[[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*\]//g' LUCAdup_246sp_uncalib.tree
sed -i 's/\[[A-Z]*\]//g' LUCAdup_246sp_uncalib.tree
sed -i 's/\[[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*\]//g' LUCAdup_246sp_uncalib.tree
sed -i 's/\[[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*-[A-Z]*\]//g' LUCAdup_246sp_uncalib.tree
Now, we have all the input files correctly formatted to be analysed with PAML programs! We will subsequently run CODEML
to calculate the branch lengths, the gradient, and the Hessian for both the concatenated and partitioned alignments so that MCMCtree
can use them to approximate the likelihood calculation during timetree inference! You can move to the 01_PAML
directory now and access directories 00_CODEML and 01_CODEML to follow the step-by-step guidelines for the next analyses!