BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode699577a02
Quick renderer: do not transform switch statements
StylesheetCompressor: fixed an issue with UTF-8 chars incorrectly split
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: added support for arrow functions129691ddd
MediaEmbed: added Odysee
MediaEmbed: removed defunct sites Break, GameTrailers, and Mixer
ElementInspector: updated definitions from HTML specs70e05f3c3
JavaScript: replaced substr() with substring()632452c0a
MediaEmbed: updated Odyseefa6ce8f1a
MediaEmbed: updated YouTubeb680fbcd0
Replaced ternaries with null coalescing operatorse51239b7e
UrlFilter: updated regexp and JavaScript version
MediaEmbed: added Apple Podcastsbeb0082bc
XPathConvertor: added support for PHP 8.0 string functions
MediaEmbed: updated IMDb44f22bfc8
MediaEmbed: updated Wistiabd16776c5
Updated bundlesf1fe19a42
XPathConvertor: made the optional PHP features togglable26ac52914
XSLT: explicitly set htmlspecialchars() escape mode
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodec7b72ac82
MediaEmbed: updated Podbeaned19f57c0
MediaEmbed: updated SoundCloud6a233cf46
MediaEmbed: updated TikTok739cd5f10
MediaEmbed: updated WorldStarHipHop
MediaEmbed: added AMP metadata
EnforceContentModels: generate breakParagraph rules where applicable813be2c3d
MediaEmbed: updated Megaphone126771444
MediaEmbed: updated Sportsnet
MediaEmbed: added support for fb.watch URLs
Litedown: fixed an issue with fenced code blocks inside of lists
Emoji: ignore aliases that are followed by U+FE0E36e505ced
MediaEmbed: updated BBC Newse838f3779
MediaEmbed: updated Rutube9f08233e6
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch03af8d8e2
Parser: simplified outputTag()a11f4c232
TaskLists: recheck tags at the end of configuration
Emoji: fixed a PHP error that can occur with empty aliases327f06a6a
Emoji: fixed an issue with some Unicode aliases
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode38f158f2f
MediaEmbed: updated Anchor
MediaEmbed: added Imgur oEmbed infoc21685645
MediaEmbed: added Instagram Reels06d5e490f
PHP renderer generator: added a fast path for handling static node names
TemplateParser: removed unused parameters
MediaEmbed: updated Streamable23ee8a5d5
MediaEmbed: updated Wistiaf14bd4eca
TemplateParser: mark boolean attributes in the representation
TemplateHelper: fixed handling of HTML special characters in highlightNode()
AttributeFilters: refactored HashmapFilter and MapFilterc8ae84391
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode816182d45
MediaEmbed: updated BitChute16d018d6e
MediaEmbed: updated TikTok704b16b4f
RegexpFilter: reworked safeness checks
FilterSyntaxMatcher: added explicit octal notationea51b491d
MediaEmbed: added Falstad Circuit Simulator159784fb2
MediaEmbed: added JSFiddle7baf9538c
MediaEmbed: added Rumble935957bb4
MediaEmbed: added support for dark themes
MediaEmbed: removed discontinued FOX Sports site
MediaEmbed: updated JSFiddle6b99842fe
MediaEmbed: updated Libsyn16a1e596a
MediaEmbed: updated Twitterdf91465b8
Updated bundles
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodea583e346c
MediaEmbed: updated 247Sports0b138efc4
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon923310847
MediaEmbed: updated BBC News338e48986
MediaEmbed: updated Spotify30b0a11c8
MediaEmbed: updated Stitcher47c929c02
MediaEmbed: updated dumpert
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode480398516
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodec88642cdc
Emoji: updated to Unicode 13.15a6c80ea0
MediaEmbed: updated Getty Images14923f953
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat693b57ae9
MediaEmbed: updated Medium
MediaEmbed: added Clyp79c359ed8
MediaEmbed: added Mixcloud oEmbed data
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode5aa06ccda
MediaEmbed: updated BBC News6ac0b25b2
MediaEmbed: updated Kaltura74ee840cd
MediaEmbed: updated Spotify9f6654eb9
MediaEmbed: updated Stitcher
MediaEmbed: added Castosd96e5b47b
MediaEmbed: added CodePenc7265bc7a
MediaEmbed: added Kaltura33da8e189
MediaEmbed: added TradingView1fa8bcd3b
MediaEmbed: added Vimeo oEmbed info
CallbackGenerator: explicitly cast callback to string715710926
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBCe9b901e96
MediaEmbed: updated Medium
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodeb2823a510
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodeb13470f70
MediaEmbed: updated Audiomacka5cce0a8e
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch615378133
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch
MediaEmbed: added Wistia
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode388e4fbfc
JavaScript: updated externs4d2792bc4
MediaEmbed: reinstated unofficial support for hashless VK URLsca83829e5
RegexpConvertor: reorganized codeb141e1098
RegexpConvertor: updated Unicode propertiesc5c2d2cbf
TaskList: replaced template manipulation with SweetDOM
Added template manipulation via SweetDOMdc61d807c
Litedown: added support for self-generated "id" attributes in headers
Autolink: removed dead code2e127910c
PHP Renderer: removed redundant removal of meta-elements
Litedown: improved compatibility with original Markdown rules for parentheses in links
Added AddAttributeValueToElements and SetAttributeOnElements template normalizersd4d0b66ec
MediaEmbed: added GIPHYef7a64e6b
MediaEmbed: added loading="lazy" attribute to iframesf136125c1
MediaEmbed: added support for GIPHY videos
Emoji: updated Twemoji URLea42a6e90
Emoji: updated to Unicode 13.03f51c0852
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook782bbadbb
Renderers: ensure that floating point numbers are displayed in the C localea1d089576
SetRelNoreferrerOnTargetedLinks: refactored to extend AddAttributeValueToElementse08158d2f
TaskLists: ignore task IDs during live preview1b5d46223
XSLT: ensure that the decimal separator is a dot regardless of locale
Added TaskLists pluginc12c0db9c
Fatdown: added TaskLists96912cdeb
Litedown: added support for automatic links
Renderer: improved performance of safety check436c2d8d9
Utils: improved the performance of various functions
DisallowUnsupportedXSL: added xsl:attribute and xsl:element checks
DisallowUnsupportedXSL: refactored attribute requirements7e3c1a8c0
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook7290f8b4e
PHP renderer: match libxslt serialization of minimizable attributes in HTML7414ca9d5
Quick renderer: replaced hardcoded value with constant
TemplateChecks: added DisallowUncompilableXSL039015605
TemplateChecks: added DisallowUnsupportedXSL, enabled by default
DisallowUnsafeDynamicURL: improved detection of safe URLs27dbc900b
MediaEmbed: updated Spotify
JavaScript: fixed scripts not being executed on Blink browsers
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode61d3dcf2a
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode194bc5388
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode98fa77467
JavaScript: updated externs
MediaEmbed: updated definitions
OptimizeChooseDeadBranches: fixed 00 incorrectly considered true732a54ac7
XPathHelper: fixed an issue with overzealous minification
Autolink: added support for trailing underscores4de32bb77
JavaScript: added minifier hints for plugin regexp
Autolink: fixed an issue where valid characters could be removed from the end of a URL3b08570a2
TemplateNormalizer: fixed an issue where the XSL namespace could become unregistered in XPath
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBC and Tumblrc1e06bc87
MediaEmbed: updated TikTok9bf0d3823
MediaEmbed: updated XboxClips, now GameClips.io19674d155
XPathConvertor: do not add extraneous calls to boolean() in conditions
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site CollegeHumor
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode385992df9
MediaEmbed: updated Vocaroo138821eac
Tag: reorganized codead91b2d37
XPathHelper: improved minification of boolean operators6943368f2
XPathHelper: improved minification of consecutive non-word characters55782b27a
XPathHelper: remove redundant parentheses in minify()26004e063
XPathHelper: replaced string encoder in minify()00510a5b6
XPathHelper: simplified and improved minification of operators
Autolink: added support for rootless URLs0f7166909
FilterSyntaxMatcher: added support for numeric literal separatord519bad01
HTMLEntities: added support for HTML5 entities076524e87
MediaEmbed: added support for Spotify podcasts1bd195933
TemplateLoader: added support for HTML 5 entities in HTML templatesba20ec844
TemplateLoader: added support for HTML 5 entities in XSLT templates
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCodeb3cea0820
FilterSyntaxMatcher: improved support for escaped characters94071e2fe
TemplateLoader: improved handling of HTML5's AMP entity33d90df58
XPathHelper: rewritten string encoder
MediaEmbed: added Spreaker0aaff6af6
XPathConvertor: added support for booleans in math expressions
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Plays.tv
Parser: fixed trimFirstLine rule ignored on paired tags
XPathConvertor: do not backtrack on attribute names07df31fbe
XPathHelper: improved minification of substractionsb19a9207e
XPathHelper: use the XPathConvertor parser for complex expressions
Added support for custom header in generated PHP files727da332c
Bundle: added getParser() and getRenderer() definitions to base classe707f6f28
BundleGenerator: added support for bundling the JavaScript source5c576086a
MediaEmbed: added Anchor2ec9591ce
MediaEmbed: added Megaphone
MediaEmbed: updated CNBCa669a53d4
Parser: simplified the computation of allowed tags in new contexte4030cf6a
StylesheetCompressor: split into smaller chunks to appease Google Closure Compiler30654b4f5
Updated JavaScript Logger
AbstractConstantFolding: added support for folding conditional expressionsda7387e1b
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: added support for boolean expressionseeb5ec68f
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: added support for simple comparisonsa2c8cc0be
InlineXPathLiterals: added support for true() and false()cd6eede77
Live preview: added support for data-s9e-livepreview-hash attributee560157b9
Live preview: added support for data-s9e-livepreview-onupdate attribute/eventfd984e34e
MediaEmbed: added Mixer4ef14d2c5
TemplateNormalizations: added DeoptimizeIff7dddb9a6
TemplateNormalizations: added OptimizeChooseDeadBranches179035702
XPathConvertor: added support for true() and false()
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Tinypicabf0bea88
Ruleset: removed useless code
Fixed Google Closure Compiler warnings in live preview
AbstractConstantFolding: improved performance4d08e2493
Amend document typos492288d7b
BBCodes: updated [code] BBCode510176e04
BBCodes: updated [code] BBCodead030d0a6
BBCodes: updated [code] BBCode98acaa712
BBCodes: updated var descriptions in bundled BBCodese8501554b
ContextSafeness: consider backticks unsafe in JavaScripte7baa21e2
ElementInspector: updated to HTML 5.38ef407006
Emoji: updated to Unicode 12.171c5b4d15
Escaper: escape tildes by default0e277e649
FoldArithmeticConstants: restricted additive identity folding507cdadd4
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: ignore irrational numbers74d308561
JavaScript: updated externsbde1c604d
Live preview: improved handling of update eventba54cfa16
Live preview: renamed data-s9e-livepreview-postprocess to data-s9e-livepreview-onrender6b35b43c7
MediaEmbed: updated Audioboom912a5f52c
MediaEmbed: updated CNN3e0df2054
MediaEmbed: updated Facebooke92f180d6
RecursiveParser: use a DEFINE group for group expressions99b7f0b84
RegexpConvertor: updated properties to latest Unicode specs8b2ba9100
XPath: reorganized codeed9e70daa
XPathConvertor: simplified grouping of boolean operators and expressions
Emoji: fixed compiler warnings in JavaScript parser15fa701f5
Fixed compiler warning in JavaScript version of urldecode()b69ead06d
Fixed various compiler warnings in JavaScript sources987acc8f4
Fixed various compiler warnings in JavaScript sourcesda93809a4
Fixed various compiler warnings in JavaScript sources55b029742
Keywords: fixed compiler warnings in JavaScript parserb75c7ccb5
Litedown: fixed JavaScript warnings in Emphasis pass
BBCodes: updated default CODE BBCode4dd69b5dd
FancyPants: updated JavaScript parserbb7c27a95
HTMLElements: simplified attributes parsing1dbbcc606
HTMLElements: updated attribute filter definitions9e2a4e874
JavaScript: updated externs3c3bc7d3f
JavaScript: updated externsa28771a30
JavaScript: updated regexp result handling and castinga2e4c9a83
Litedown: eliminated superfluous variable in Blocks pass0ddf1936c
Litedown: made variable non-nullable in Emphasis passf5f10524a
Parser: ensure that regexpLimit is set before executing a plugin's regexpfea82fedf
PipeTables: handle tables inside of spoiler blocksef703b9b1
Reorganized DOM diffing in live preview
MediaEmbed: added Trending Views
BBCodes: updated the algorithm that handles backslashesdecd84340
BBCodes: updated the regexp that captures unquoted attributes58835aa86
Litedown: exclude ASCII punctuation from inline scripts' short form
Added FilterHelper and short syntaxc8e3025c5
Added RecursiveParser, to be used internally357c9c773
DisallowUnsafeDynamicURL: added support for xsl:choose statements3da711fed
Litedown: added support for block spoilers and inline spoilers
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Healthguruc7a59a846
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site LiveCap8d4310813
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Yahoo Screen6f7aa1ab2
MediaEmbed: removed discontinued site HumorTV
Fixed default sortPriority value in Tag.js8d6c6327b
Fixed handling of ignored attributes in live preview
BBCode: properly reject colons in BBCode names during configuration531c0e963
FilterSyntaxMatcher: renamed ArrayKey, ArrayValue to Scalar, Literal13cfdfa2e
Litedown: set all blockquote tags to the same priority27f70904e
Litedown: skip the next auto line break when a forced line break is used42d410db1
MediaEmbed: updated BBC News903568b8a
MediaEmbed: updated Bleacher Report81239be11
MediaEmbed: updated CNBCf2d0b1cb1
MediaEmbed: updated Internet Archive69d0bfeb4
MediaEmbed: updated MRCTV1a78a1e62
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBC58874c6f0
MediaEmbed: updated İzlesene872421b92
OptimizeChoose: switch the logic of when/otherwise if it eliminates a branch34b2c5369
Parser: do not needlessly fix self-closing tags with an autoClose rulef7eb4688d
Parser: improved the tag sorting algorithm9641a2721
RecursiveParser: use the match name as a tiebreaker when sorting7cd28aa6a
XPathConvertor: simplified tokenizeXPathForExport()a3e52ece8
XPathConvertor: updated to use RecursiveParserd43da72ea
XPathConvertor: use a PCRE MARK to identify the match
Emoji: fixed Twemoji filenames for ZWJ sequences
Added new named parameters to tag filterscfb9bb738
Fatdown: added mailto to the list of allowed schemesbec1c0810
MediaEmbed: added Sporcleab956458c
MediaEmbed: added support for Google Sheets charts40adb246e
TemplateNormalizer: added support for custom normalizations list in constructor27716cd91
Utils\Http\Client: added returnHeaders option
AbstractNormalization: removed the $onlyOnce property5d443634e
Emoji: removed attribute name from configurator4d6998300
RegexpBuilder: removed CharacterClassBuilder07a289f23
Removed deprecated APIs571a82ce8
Renderers\XSLT: removed unreachable codec2e519208
TemplateHelper: removed deprecated API
Fixed rejection of templates that can only be partially rendered by the Quick renderer234c8df36
Utils\Http\Client: fixed custom headers not being reset between requests
AVTHelper: improved handling of escaped braces6f827c274
Autolink: prevent partial replacements inside of a URLffd66f8b8
Bumped PHP requirements to 7.1f237bd07c
DisallowUnsafeDynamicURL: reorganized codebf09f813a
Emoji: changed default template to use Twemoji assets407f5208e
JavaScript\FunctionProvider: prefill cache and keep it in sync40a9f8e66
MediaEmbed: updated BBC Newscb7888d3d
RegexpBuilder: refactored to use s9e\RegexpBuilderbf24e0d72
RendererGenerators\XSLT: reorganized code47c32647d
RendererGenerators\XSLT: replaced optimizer6a71b5f29
Reorganized Configurable trait9f029995b
Tag: reorganized invalidate()b18ba8205
TemplateLoader: replace CDATA on load5c18a0de1
UrlFilter: allow non-HTTP, non-FTP URLs with no authority parte70e95de4
Utils\Http\Client: updated API212389923
XPathConvertor: identify translate() as a string functionb9aa4c8e3
XPathConvertor: refactored and rewritten234de3584
XPathConvertor: updated Runner constructor
MediaEmbed: added Sendvid
MediaEmbed: updated XboxDVR
MediaEmbed: added 247Sports9312daef7
MediaEmbed: added BitChute
Censor: do not use atomic grouping in JavaScript regexp3e576cd3d
MediaEmbed: updated 247Sports5f26c13a5
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon78d31f3f0
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycatae5ac62af
MediaEmbed: updated MLB
Autovideo: added controls to the player496320829
MediaEmbed: added TikTok
Emoji: updated to Unicode 12.0c164ec116
MediaEmbed: register variables on setup and update them in real timec35ed70dd
MediaEmbed: updated Spotify
UninlineAttributes: added a fast path for static attributes
AVTHelper: simplified parse()5644c5f88
Configurator: do not implicitly call finalize() in asConfig()3440c0225
Emoji: updated EmojiOne URLfc470bbd9
FoldArithmeticConstants: updated regexps3a2d4d3c0
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat446c4295e
MediaEmbed: updated Gistea5d59768
MediaEmbed: updated Google Sheets4be095e3e
MediaEmbed: updated Google Sheetsc216c71b5
MediaEmbed: updated Pinterest020ea657d
MediaEmbed: updated The Guardian582dcb793
MediaEmbed: updated Tumblr1fc93878f
NodeLocator: reorganized internal APIc61d88266
NormalizeAttributeNames: replaced PHP conditional with XPath predicate76f73f2ab
PHP Serializer: cache the value of all "void" attributes8ca414940
Quick: improved the regexp used to match string literals in sourcea24789833
TemplateLoader: remove redundant namespace declarations on load/save192081983
TemplateNormalizations: improved the handling of whitespace in text nodes1c805a2ee
TemplateNormalizer: reduced the number of passes that run on uninlined attributesfacc8d79b
TemplateParser: use XPath queries instead of DOM methodsf944f8789
UninlineAttributes: use a document fragment when creating xsl:attribute elements4e355e608
XPathHelper: reorganized parseEqualityExpr()
ColorFilter: added support for alpha channel
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat9341727fd
MediaEmbed: updated Google Sheets62b26960b
MediaEmbed: updated Instagram3eb59f3e9
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBC and Team Coco1ba5d6685
MediaEmbed: updated Medium397e9f640
MediaEmbed: updated Twitter2d1755cbd
MediaEmbed: updated Twitter9dc6edfb2
MediaEmbed: updated dynamically-sized sites21a52e55d
Parser: reject invalid UTF-8 inputec51bb0b9
Parser: remove control characters from attribute values
AbstractDynamicContentCheck: added support for multiple named attributes in XPath expressionsc3c8c86ea
DisallowUnsafeCopyOf: added support for multiple attributes in xsl:copy-ofe6668ae95
MediaEmbed: added support for /embed/ URLs in Internet Archivea2bd8c7b0
MediaEmbed: added support for YouTube playlists with no IDe4db3c75d
TemplateParser: added support for multiple attributes in xsl:copy-of
MediaEmbed: removed defunct sites Kiss Video and Videomega
AbstractDynamicContentCheck: reorganized checkExpression() codef1f24c6e9
Censor: simplified Helper's regexp8aa52c780
MediaEmbed: updated Hudl3f5de94b9
MediaEmbed: updated Internet Archivecdb0984ad
MediaEmbed: updated example URLs to use HTTPS23aadcb92
TemplateHelper: updated highlightNode()
BBCodes: added colspan/rowspan to TD and THb1f9068e9
ClosureCompilerApplication: added support for user-defined invocation77cd86307
Emoji: added support for Twemoji-style filenamesf73f8c737
Emoji: added support for Unicode 11.0d64c68848
MediaEmbed: added getSites()51a901525
MediaEmbed: added support for /presentation/ URLs in Scribd
MediaEmbed: removed Fora.tv
MediaEmbed: fixed a potential issue with cached HTTP client using the wrong cache dir
Emoji: capture trailing U+FE0F even when it's superfluous89d0da364
Emoji: merged default shortnames into custom aliases5b705ab2d
Emoji: renamed JavaScript hint71c4369a3
JavaScript: renamed $exportMethods to $exports5baaab747
JavaScript: sort exports in lexical order072c87d2d
MediaEmbed: updated Getty Images70c62091a
MediaEmbed: updated Global News7d42f039d
MediaEmbed: updated Rutubee29597a06
MediaEmbed: updated VK5a42834b2
RegexpConvertor: updated Unicode properties6ccd4a31b
Remove e/i/s tags in live preview to emulate the PHP renderer's algorithm
Autoimage: added support for .svg, .svgz and .webp
EnforceHTMLOmittedEndTags: reorganized code6e3039f2e
PHP Quick renderer: detect truncated XML with a "r" root tagfd5e9f35a
Renderer: detect truncated XML with a "t" root tag806df83ad
Renderer: throw an exception when loading invalid XML
MediaEmbed: added Streamja149e28792
MediaEmbed: added support for Instagram's IGTV8af61dce9
TemplateNormalizations: added EnforceHTMLOmittedEndTags
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Blab9cc11283d
MediaEmbed: removed defunct site Viagame
ElementInspector: fixed incorrect results in closesParent()
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon8d2e3c683
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon (.in)4ccf4531f
MediaEmbed: updated Brightcove0d813046d
MediaEmbed: updated Gamespot142e4f953
MediaEmbed: updated Kickstarter25db4ecb8
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBCe152afe5a
Parser: prevent tags from starting or ending in the middle of a UTF sequence
MediaEmbed: updated Youku7b909f51a
NodeLocator: simplified code8b647bafc
Split TemplateHelper into separate componentsec48771b3
TemplateHelper: simplified some code
MediaEmbed: added support for custom headers when scraping
MediaEmbed: updated NPRfcaa772d5
Reorganized PHP serializer code
TemplateParser: fixed an issue with empty elements being incorrectly removed from default case
BBCodes: removed useless code from repository
Fixed a potential issue with DOMNode::$childNodes returning empty text nodescf1069519
Fixed a potential issue with whitespace passed to the PHP renderer generator's serializer21ef901d2
TemplateParser: fixed a potential issue with DOMNode::$childNodes
BBCodes: reorganized Repository internals2aabcb262
TemplateNormalizations: avoid creating empty text nodescb2ddd1df
TemplateParser: improved compatibility with Libxml 2.76e1ddead0
TemplateParser: replaced PHP conditionals with XPath predicates
MediaEmbed: added support for custom user-agent value in scrapes
ElementInspector: updated with HTML 5.2 changes8d5ece9fe
HTMLComments: remove trailing dashes to conform to HTML 5.2a213d7403
MediaEmbed: updated GoFundMe2a1977596
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurfd5a06765
MediaEmbed: updated Team Coco76a71ed88
MediaEmbed: updated Twitter5a558c1da
MediaEmbed: updated VK9e6255edc
MediaEmbed: updated VK's dimensions
TemplateHelper: added support for select attribute in passthrough replacements
MediaEmbed: fixed legacy Imgur embeds
BBCodes\Configurator\Repository: improved error message on bad repository filec50c7525b
XmlFileDefinitionCollection: load XML files using native PHP streams
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: fixed an issue with function calls without arguments being incorrectly replaced95ea73acb
XPathConvertor: fixed boolean conversion of parameters set to '0' in conditionals49330b7fd
XPathConvertor: fixed handling of negative numbers that start with a zero815cef8b5
XPathConvertor: fixed handling of numbers that start with a zero
MediaEmbed: updated Liveleakeee99ce51
MediaEmbed: updated MLB8cfcbe30c
XPathConvertor: refactored exportXPath()6d69d0ee0
XPathConvertor: simplified matchXPathForExport()57c7a5d71
XPathConvertor: simplified translate()
MediaEmbed: added support for "allow" attributes in iframes26cad57a6
XPathConvertor: added support for current()
MediaEmbed: removed Oddshot
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat83b6bfa5d
MediaEmbed: updated Spotifyaa5532afc
TemplateHelper: reorganized replaceTokens()dcef175d3
XPathConvertor: refactored the way XPath expressions are tokenized
MediaEmbed: added support for Telegram5f4d01827
TemplateParser: added support for disable-output-escaping="yes"
MediaEmbed: removed support for Imgur's /t/ URLs
BBCodes: updated SPOILER BBCode to prevent it from submitting forms7a4633b98
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: escape the first left brace of a function declaration74c90041a
InlineTextElements: do not inline text with disable-output-escaping="yes"58b2a389f
MediaEmbed: embed Imgur links to static images87671bcb8
MediaEmbed: updated BBC News95ed3fc0d
MediaEmbed: updated CBS News2b30e7523
MediaEmbed: updated Vevo25559caf4
MediaEmbed: updated Vevo289b1e26e
Simplified Quick renderer generator472c568b7
TemplateParser: refactored and split into subcomponents8a323795f
TemplateParser: simplified node removal
MediaEmbed: added FOX Sports
Parser: fixed an issue with malformed XML in places where text is ignored
Added caching HTTP clienta107e470a
Emoji: added support for textual codepoint sequences
BBCodes: removed $predefinedAttributes06920f1fb
MediaEmbed: removed $captureURLsffde0c243
MediaEmbed: removed $createIndividualBBCodesac33fb0a2
MediaEmbed: removed Vidme24d5ae989
MediaEmbed: removed Zippysharedef39285e
MediaEmbed: removed appendTemplate()7e343bf2d
MediaEmbed: removed support for custom schemes5921a6ad1
MediaEmbed: removed unused code21a9fce71
Parser: removed implicit invalidation in tag filters1c136a634
Removed InvalidTemplateException and InvalidXslException classes80ec0e641
Removed support for attribute generators and the {RANDOM} token in BBCodes
ElementInspector: updated for HTML 5.2ff6da69aa
HTMLElements: updated configurator for HTML 5.20bc92a880
HTMLElements: updated the list of URL attributesdace43e40
Litedown: restricted the characters allowed in link references' URLs8092ea038
MediaEmbed: refactored plugin6557a14ae
MediaEmbed: updated 8tracks112b7457c
MediaEmbed: updated Dailymotion and Twitch488a15907
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook9079e50c3
MediaEmbed: updated Flickrb7ee53bf5
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurc0f863da8
MediaEmbed: updated Redditeacf0e0f8
MediaEmbed: updated Spotifya5647eb14
MediaEmbed: updated Vimeo3d5cfef45
Parser: reorganized filter processing3de8c6af8
RegexpConvertor: updated Unicode properties to latest version1987a0ba4
TemplateHelper: updated for HTML 5.2788152faf
Updated live preview algorithm
Added RemoveLivePreviewAttributes template normalization to non-JavaScript renderer generatorsbadcf2a35
Added live preview attribute data-s9e-livepreview-ignore-attrsfa352dc5a
MediaEmbed: added live preview hints to dynamically-resized embeds
RegexpBuilder: fixed infinite recursion during remerge
JavaScript: updated Closure Compiler externs62ed3073f
MediaEmbed: keep all optional fields in cached definitions1e56d2a60
MediaEmbed: moved attribute creation out of add()805b1ae9a
MediaEmbed: normalize site definitions as they are createdee4b1bdd4
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBC6e5b6c405
Ruleset: refactored internals to be more scalabled3fde3969
TemplateInspector: split individual elements' inpection into ElementInspector2d242d8a7
Updated live preview code and JavaScript externsf6551bb4d
Updated live preview to return the last node modifieda75aef0cb
Updated the live preview algorithm
Added MinifyInlineCSS template normalizationd471649ce
Added timestamp attribute filter
Censor: removed unused method
HashmapFilter: fixed an issue where hash keys were not preserved during JavaScript minification803d3c5b9
RegexpConvertor: fixed the conversion of empty regexps
BuiltInFilters: reorganized filters into separate classes66b1d77be
BuiltInFilters: simplified regexp-based filters4f998c818
Logger: renamed get() to getLogs()d2df9701b
MediaEmbed: updated MSNBC47b00f1c8
MediaEmbed: updated YouTube017c8f77c
MediaEmbed: updated cached definitions
Added OptimizeChooseText template normalizationf7b88b2d8
Added UninlineAttributes template normalization8dfdedf97
BBCodeMonkey: added support for short-form optional attributese92549522
Litedown: added support for subscript8e751a5a1
MediaEmbed: added Orfium
Emoji: removed set configuration and hardcoded default template4744c5950
OptimizeChoose: removed redundant method232bb4e03
PHP renderer: removed source from renderer instance433651b7b
Removed HostedMinifier and RemoteCachecf79c62f4
Renderer: removed $metaElementsRegexpd37d1912a
TemplateInspector: removed getDOM()
AVTHelper: preserve whitespace in toXSL()4ea55275c
BBCodeMonkey: reorganized some code761bc3e35
ClosureCompilerService: updated service's URL34ff96f14
Detect unexpected input that cannot be rendered by the Quick renderer1fc40d19d
Emoji: use EmojiOne 3.1's PNG assetse6f58045d
Litedown: do not require a blank line before listsbe2618c1d
Litedown: refactored Superscript passb6368c235
Litedown: refactored parser into separate passes9ebe42bea
Litedown: reorganized Emphasis parserc941be98a
Litedown: simplified configurator setupf4be8e77d
Litedown: updated emphasis syntax to check for whitespace92ba7928c
Litedown: updated superscript syntax8d8e3cde3
MediaEmbed: updated Google Sheetscb942255a
MediaEmbed: updated Mail.Rucb0c4d6dc
MediaEmbed: updated YouTube283087b99
MediaEmbed: updated YouTube to remove deprecated optione06cc7079
Moved static code from dynamically generated PHP renderers into a separate class713cc2e29
OptimizeChoose: moved generic methods to an abstract class21f63889d
Preg: replaced detection of invalid regexpsd5bfb22a4
Quick: bypass entity decoding/encoding when multiple XML attribute values are output in an HTML attribute50d1bf55e
Quick: simplified boilerplate code3755ed483
Refactored and simplified template normalization classesf1a382413
Replaced custom branch tables with native switch statements in PHP renderers844df511a
TemplateInspector: reorganized code for readabilityd184254b7
TemplateInspector: simplified bitfield analysisbdcfec4fc
TemplateNormalizer: increased the maximum number of iterationse20a5c8b0
Updated JavaScript parsers to use bracket notation for character accessf6a3dfdb6
Updated PHP requirements to PHP 5.4.7
Litedown: fixed a bug triggered by empty code blocks77e81cfba
Quick: fixed an issue with @* in conditionalsac2353ba6
XmlFileDefinitionCollection: fixed an issue with atypical but valid definitions
MediaEmbed: identify [media] tag pairs as markupaeaa1c8f1
MediaEmbed: made ->MediaEmbed->captureURLs accessible744f5a436
MediaEmbed: updated NHLee5e8e13b
MediaEmbed: updated Podbean91fa461a0
Preg: normalize custom tag names955c8e78c
RulesGenerator: improved code's readabilityba76dd0fd
XmlFileDefinitionCollection: cast known config values to the appropriate type
MediaEmbed: added support for parameters metadata in site config
MediaEmbed: removed default dimensions from definitions
BBCodes: updated default [img] BBCode to accept dimensions9e917849f
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat57bff33ca
MediaEmbed: updated Imgur7e7aa3b23
MediaEmbed: updated Vidmed75174d02
MediaEmbed: updated YouTube
Added AllowAll rules generator76c01d93b
MediaEmbed: added support for Amazon Indiaafe63fc05
RulesGenerator: added BlockElementsCloseFormattingElements to default generators
Configurator: removed addHTML5Rules() and integrated it in finalize()3e9a48fe1
Configurator: removed the finalizeParser and finalizeRenderer options from finalize()599a21548
Configurator: removed the optimizeConfig option from finalize()c20153268
Configurator: removed the returnParser and returnRenderer options from finalize()77f96dfe8
RulesGenerator: removed support for parentHTML option4d3370389
Ruleset: removed defaultChildRule() and defaultDescendantRule()65c910a20
TemplateInspector: removed isIframe()
Utils: fixed removeTag() failing with arbitrarily high values
Autoimage: reversed tag priority to allow Autolink to linkify the imagea4862b55e
Autovideo: explicitly allow URL tags to be used as fallback9970de5da
Internals: increased the default limits for tags and other resourcesc31a802d1
MediaEmbed: explicitly allow URL tags to be used as fallback2d3cc9ba9
MediaEmbed: limit the width of dynamically-sized embeds to 100%a2dba6ee0
MediaEmbed: reorganized template generation for readabilitya58a52a34
MediaEmbed: updated Amazona7088bd48
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon4fc5fbda2
MediaEmbed: updated Getty2074eeabc
MediaEmbed: updated Google Drive6b26c91cd
MediaEmbed: updated Vidme608840ec2
MediaEmbed: use span as responsive wrapper15f65327a
Rules: the default rule for tags is nowdeny
now only apply to non-child descendant
Censor: fixed an issue where Helper::censorHtml() would not use the correct replacement
MediaEmbed: added support for new Twitch Clips URLse12a63653
TemplateParser: added support for namespaces
Censor: removed Helper::reparse()023d2f1a7
Tag: removed setSortPriority()
Censor: fixed an issue with special characters in censorHtml()
BBCodes: updated default spoiler BBCode80e813320
MediaEmbed: updated Audiomackaf3c2e758
MediaEmbed: updated audioBoom3e32c86eb
MediaEmbed: updated vidme
BBCodeMonkey: added support for setting nestingLimit and tagLimit in definitionsc6edaf190
BuiltInFilters: added support for PHP 7.2739fa2ee9
HotnameList: added support for PHP 7.2bd9a5d697
XPathConvertor: added support for PHP 7.2
MediaEmbed: removed the authoritative part of SoundCloud URLs used as id
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: fixed an issue where properly escaped braces would get incorrectly escaped again
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: improved support for HTML attributes that end with an odd number of left braces76b806e92
HTMLElements: updated list of URL attributes6aba111ff
MediaEmbed: systematically scrape track_id from SoundCloud URLs935381522
MediaEmbed: updated BBC Newsd8f6c0573
MediaEmbed: updated Pinterest to exclude "explore" links
XPathHelper: added support for ints and floats in export()
FoldArithmeticConstants: fixed an issue with number formatting in non-C locales65f5721d4
Parser: fixed an unbounded loop that can occur when a tag closes an ancestor with a worse priority
FoldArithmeticConstants: improved the parsing of decimal and negative numbers82abeb20c
Parser: do not apply closeAncestor/closeParent rules if maxFixingCost has been reached to mitigate against unbounded loopsa8abcf6dd
Parser: tweaked regexp for performanceb7ba9e117
XPathHelper: improved detection of numerical expressions
TemplateInspector: fixed an issue where templates with a mixed content model would not allow any children
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: escape left braces that are not followed by a right brace3a3577129
MediaEmbed: updated Youku9e1197ae1
TemplateNormalizer: replaced the way iterations are counted
MediaEmbed: added livestreaming tag5e9de5cda
MediaEmbed: added support for ABC News embed URLs
OptimizeChoose: fixed an issue where xsl:choose elements could be improperly repositioned
MediaEmbed: accept uppercase schemes in IGN1356d05e8
MediaEmbed: accept uppercase schemes in SoundCloud231d1bc0e
MediaEmbed: updated Google Sheets1041b3e88
MediaEmbed: updated Oddshotd8ed8bf40
MediaEmbed: updated TinyPicb14e5abb4
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch
Autoimage: added support for more punctuations4f9aa8bcd
Autovideo: added support for more punctuations18c63cea7
MediaEmbed: added support for attribution links from YouTube8bbb9b089
MediaEmbed: added support for new share links from YouTube4f5475ffe
TemplateInspector: added isIframe()
BBCodeMonkey: allow newlines in {TEXT} used in composite attributese52087874
EnforceContentModels: limit content fallback to single iframes31f46d6cb
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch8d0d4a82a
MediaEmbed: updated vidme6d678d75b
TemplateInspector: elements with "display:none" won't be considered block elements
BBCodeMonkey: added support for flexible whitespace in composite attributes22566a0a1
BBCodes: added TBODY and THEAD to the repositorya8114878c
PHP renderer generators: added support for @* in conditions
BBCodeMonkey: TEXT and ANYTHING tokens don't have to consume any text in composite attributes3d7542c72
Parser: create tags generated by a fosterParent rule at the first available non-whitespace positionb241fbd2d
Parser: remove empty tag pairs, including those with attributes0031b5fa0
Parser: trim whitespace when adding a magic end tag if the current tag ignores whitespacee8bcaed06
Parser: trim whitespace when closing multiple tags if any of them ignores whitespace
FixUnescapedCurlyBracesInHtmlAttributes: added more JavaScript-related replacementsacdd16962
MediaEmbed: added support for Gifs.com42f549035
MediaEmbed: added support for Pinterest
Removed the custom autoloader
RegexpParser: fixed incorrect unanchored patternecf1d71e4
Utils: fixed raw newlines in replaceAttributes()
Autolink: simplified parentheses matching842b02716
JavaScript: do not replace the s9e object if it already exists19c33a310
JavaScript\ConfigOptimizer: do not deduplicate empty arrays and dictionariescaf68b1cf
MediaEmbed: updated Podbean9deb2f725
MediaEmbed: updated WSHHd8623b088
RegexpParser: anchored bracket matching pattern as a precautionf5f494fc7
TemplateForensics: renamed to TemplateInspector2f57d0383
TemplateInspector: replaced "self" type hints with "TemplateInspector"20c5ed80f
Utils: normalize control characters in replaceAttributes()
FancyPants: added =/= as an alias for the not-equal signa9a2f2fa2
FancyPants: added support for toggling groups of replacementsd8644729c
FancyPants: added support for vulgar fractions5bc811858
PipeTables: added support for empty cells
Emoji: updated aliases and changed JavaScript regexp to lowercasefcbe4f120
MediaEmbed: updated IMDbe7ad9f604
PipeTables: improved the priority of table tags9c4eff9ab
Updated composer.json with dev dependencies92f61dc74
XSLT: force HTML attributes to use double quotes
Added #fontfamily attribute filter008025df4
Added PipeTables plugind62d30a89
BBCodes: added align attribute to TD and THf7da8cd9c
Fatdown: added PipeTables1b2a9b28f
MediaEmbed: added support for MLB.comba6ce5e2d
MediaEmbed: added support for Twitch clipsfffd95cde
MediaEmbed: added support for the new NHL video site
FontfamilyFilter: fixed consecutive quoted strings
AttributeFilters: reorganized how each filter sets its own safenessf911748d3
BBCodes: disabled paragraphs inside [TD] and [TH]71c0fe828
BBCodes: updated default [font]8620a49e3
ClosureCompiler: updated externs85f6f41bb
HashmapFilter: reorganized code. No functional change5d2eea951
Litedown: improved the priority of QUOTE start tagsffde5aa2e
MediaEmbed: updated BBC Newsf4c750adc
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook06658f1b3
MediaEmbed: updated IMDbce1b411d7
MediaEmbed: updated SoundCloud. No functional change507fcbddd
MediaEmbed: updated Spotify8a486df0d
Parser: addTagPair() now sets the priority of the end tag to minus the given value7db413b19
Parser: invalidate tags that are skippedc5d2dbece
RegexpFilter: reorganized code slightlyf72332402
Ruleset: clear() should reset defaultChildRule and defaultDescendantRule rather than remove them
FancyPants: added support for not equal sign and guillemets
Censor\Helper: fixed an issue with text in quotes being ignored83f2797
Quick renderer: fixed an issue where attribute values would not be saved
FancyPants: cached tagName/attrName in a local variable for better JS minification7293db8
FancyPants: reorganized code. No functional change04a6539
FancyPants: simplified parseSymbolsAfterDigits()0300282
MediaEmbed: made the default [media] tag's name configurable
BBCodes: added [table], [tr], [th] and [td] to repository1e44987
Forum bundle: added [table], [tr], [th] and [td]90fcbce
MediaEmbed: added support for NBC News videosde73726
MediaEmbed: added support for Washington Post Video426e103
MediaEmbed: added support for new Pastebin URLsfd1094a
TemplateForensics: added support for more optional end tags
Emoji: updated aliases915a281
Fatdown: disabled paragraphs inside of and3b8b047
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: replaced the blacklist of unsupported functions with a whitelist of supported functions
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: fixed detection of XPath node tests in uppercase
FoldConstantXPathExpressions: improved detection of nonfoldable expressions
FoldArithmeticConstants: added support for folding substractions83a3468
Litedown: added support for spaces in inline links' info7cb65e0
MediaEmbed: added 'name' and 'tags' metadata to CachedDefinitionCollection items4602feb
TemplateNormalizer: added FoldConstantXPathExpressions pass
Parser: removed manual garbage collection
BBCodes: updated default [CODE]75b28f9
MediaEmbed: replaced the SiteDefinitionProvider API6d1d7c0
MediaEmbed: simplified the XML configuration reader
Added Autovideo plugin8608895
Autoimage: added support for fallback link via Autolinkca3cc4e
MediaEmbed: added Steam store64bc419
MediaEmbed: added support for fallback link via Autolink2a7b9ff
MediaEmbed: added support for uppercase scheme
BuiltInFilters.js: fixed unchecked access to undefined vardfa0e66
HTMLElements: fixed exception's messageba79789
TemplateForensics: fixed allowsChildElements() on a template with no xsl:apply-templates element8371057
Utils: fixed an issue with removeFormatting() where some tags were skipped
Autolink: excluded fullwidth and halfwidth punctuation from links02360fa
Emoji: simplified UTF-8 to codepoint algorithma0a2546
Emoji: store hexadecimal codepoints padded to 4 characters31b88d0
Emoji: updated JavaScript regexp. No functional changeb3b9e7b
EnforceContentModels: allow for some fallback content in templates with no xsl:apply-templates elementf1fb0c3
HTMLElements: updated the list of URL attributes7f67345
MediaEmbed: updated Amazon9388645
RegexpConvertor: updated Unicode properties2023bfb
Replaced the default behaviour on duplicates in AttributeCollection, BBCodeCollection, EmoticonCollection and TagCollectione66f291
TemplateForensics: updated specs to HTML 5.12c8bbf0
Utils: simplified the UTF-8 to codepoint algorithm
Emoji: added support for UTR #51 Unicode Emoji, Version 3.0e1701fd
Forum bundle: added support for emoji646c85b
JavaScript: added support for urldecode() as a callback3626b16
MediaEmbed: added support for non-ASCII usernames in Google+
BBCodes: replaced stripos() calls for performance3352264
Emoji: made EmojiOne the default image setaee1add
Emoji: updated path to Twemoji assets27d1b6b
MediaEmbed: improved support for embeds whose dimensions are fully dynamic76e4641
MediaEmbed: updated ESPN8a77784
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurce36a47
MediaEmbed: updated TED Talksf3a0f52
MediaEmbed: updated VK2fc4807
Parser: improved the performance of out-of-order insertions in the tag stack4d3b0b0
Parser: simplified out-of-order insertion algorithm2507bfc
Parser: tweaked addTagPair() to reduce the need for additional sorting36c544e
Preg: set a higher priority to replacements over default pluginsd0543dd
StylesheetCompressor: improved heuristicscda5b1f
Tag: setSortPriority() has been deprecated and will emit a warning
Autoimage: added support for uppercased URLsc8253c9
BBCodeMonkey: added support for putting BBCode attributes in quotes
Litedown: fixed catastrophic backtracking when matching inline links/images
Litedown: added support for separating blockquotes with two blank lines636bd77
Litedown: added support for separating lists with two blank linesd77de85
MediaEmbed: added support for Plays.tv shortlinks
BuiltInFilters: removed public access to parseUrl()39a41bc
Configurator: removed getParser() and getRenderer()b005a40
Removed the Variant class and related API
BuiltInFilters: fixed an issue with empty query/fragment in URLs
ClosureCompilerService: updated externs07317a1
Code: ensure that __toString() always returns a stringe3c010a
Code: filterConfig('JS') should return the instance itself to preserve its content from being encoded as a stringd4c9eca
Emoticons: customized exception message to be more meaningful584562c
Litedown: expanded escaping to include the left parenthesis and single quotea365537
Litedown: replaced the algorithm handling links and imagesec2f000
Litedown: simplified ignoreEmphasis()0f533ba
MediaEmbed: updated Scribdaf8ddab
MediaEmbed: updated Straw Poll78ca63b
MediaEmbed: updated YouTube2ded572
Moved JS parser loading to PluginBase::getBaseProperties()0f34747
PluginBase: getBaseProperties() should not return a 'js' element if there is no JS parser4ecb7f2
Quick renderer: replaced the export() algorithmfa99034
Regexp: replaced JavaScript-related API99fbcd1
RegexpConvertor: updated toJS() to return a string rather than an instance of Code
Added new rule type: createChild413fbeb
MediaEmbed: added support for Google Drive links that contain a domain namebfad6cc
MediaEmbed: added support for JW Platform
Litedown: suspended escaping inside inline code spansafbbcd5
MediaEmbed: ignore the hash part of URLs when scraping2683928
MediaEmbed: updated Hudl0aff031
MediaEmbed: updated Hudl38ad33f
MediaEmbed: updated Reddit41967d0
MediaEmbed: updated SoundCloudd7526a4
MediaEmbed: updated XboxClips to exclude screenshotse141f0b
TemplateHelper: refactored some code and reformatted sources96a5a67
TemplateHelper: remove invalid attributes in loadTemplate()
Litedown: removed excessive slash stripping from attributes722763d
Removed unused variable from PHP renderers
Fixed an issue with newlines in attribute values in Quick renderingefd1ce3
Litedown: fixed an issue with quote markup inside of multiline attributes
Litedown: refactored inline code spans matching665444d
Parser: output LF characters as HTML entities in attribute values
Litedown: fixed an issue with backticks inside inline code spans6e536e6
Litedown: fixed an issue with unbalanced inline code markersc66c940
TemplateHelper: fixed an issue with UTF-8 characters in HTML-to-XML conversion
BBCodes: updated Highlight.js to 9.4.06e8c811
MediaEmbed: updated Getty Images
Emoji: added support for more aliasesb573086
XPathConvertor: added support for less-than and greater-then comparisons
JavaScript\Encoder: fixed a potential issue with property names that start with a digit448e167
RegexpConvertor: fixed an issue with incorrect ranges used for \P properties
Emoji: updated EmojiOne's template to use lowercase filenames50e85d6
MediaEmbed: prevent division by zero in variable-sized embeds43acb03
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook3912aa9
MediaEmbed: updated Getty253fbb5
MediaEmbed: updated Internet Archivea579d85
RegexpConvertor: precompute the regexp that matches Unicode properties for performancee22a808
Updated Tinypic
Added OL and UL to the Forum bundle794d664
BBCodes: added OL and UL to the default repository794127a
MediaEmbed: added NBC Sports8c6aa1e
MediaEmbed: added The Guardian7714ae9
MediaEmbed: added Veoh630ad0a
MediaEmbed: added a background image to YouTube and Twitter
Litedown: removed support for unquoted titles in links and images
Fatdown: fixed missing title in links
Autolink: made ->Autolink->matchWww public11633f8
Autolink: remove most non-letters at the end of the URL2a7de09
Autolink: replaced manual check with word boundary assertion90eaf86
BBCodes: updated Highlight.js to 9.3.01608c79
Litedown: made the decodeHtmlEntities property public94f07bd
MediaEmbed: replaced all HTTP URLs with protocol-relative URLs in src attributes8b0a31d
MediaEmbed: updated Brightcove76638c6
MediaEmbed: updated Gfycat16038df
MediaEmbed: updated Gistab22f0b
MediaEmbed: updated VBOX7b0b717a
MediaEmbed: updated Youkud9f1608
MediaEmbed: updated dumperte49d6c9
OnlineMinifier: instantiate the HTTP client in the constructor15e3223
OnlineMinifier: renamed HTTP client property4f10e67
OptimizeChoose: streamlined conditionalc6fd225
TemplateForensics: inspect an element's style to determine whether it's a block-level element
Added support for named parameter 'text' in tag filterse5d1b85
MediaEmbed: added Brightcove5c5206c
MediaEmbed: added Healthguru34a49c1
MediaEmbed: added MRCTV04d14f1
MediaEmbed: added Video Detectiveae8cc70
MediaEmbed: added support for FORA.tv9a741c3
MediaEmbed: added support for Livestream short links and old sitebdc62e8
TemplateNormalizations: added SetRelNoreferrerOnTargetedLinks (enabled by default)
Litedown: removed support for space in inline links markup
Litedown: fixed an issue with Setext headers causing the next line to be ignored
Litedown: prefix the class name used to identify the language of a code block7606ab6
Litedown: require code fences' length to matchd2ff237
MediaEmbed: updated Dailymotion55ca396
MediaEmbed: updated NYTimes
MediaEmbed: added support for LiveCap
OptimizeChoose: fixed an issue when removing nested conditionals
Parser: fixed an issue with fosterParent and high-priority tags0eeecb3
Parser: fixed an issue with fosterParent and low-priority tags
BlockElementsFosterFormattingElements: do not create a fosterParent rule if the template is not passthrough5bb3b77
Parser: adjusted the cost of fixing tags in fosterParent
RegexpBuilder: added support for non-Unicode strings
MediaEmbed: removed support for discontinued Mixcloud short links
Litedown: fixed quote markup interpreted inside of fenced code blockse56f871
OptimizeChoose: fixed an issue with node iteration over a live tree
Http: prefer native stream to cURL if safe mode is on (PHP 5.3 only)9398ee9
MediaEmbed: updated ComedyCentral93a6a9b
MediaEmbed: updated Imgur5de2c70
MediaEmbed: updated Straw Pollbbabbb9
MediaEmbed: updated Tumblr5ac0294
Updated externs files for Closure Compiler v20160208
Added an HTTP helper with support for cURL and native streams19ecb28
Added support for customisable timeout in HTTP clients88562c2
Added support for toggling SSL peer verification in HTTP clientsc4e0a99
ClosureCompilerService: added support for configurable HTTP clientff15e3a
HostedMinifier: added support for configurable HTTP client8509ded
MediaEmbed: added Blab5feeae6
MediaEmbed: added support for HTTP client used for scrapinge2cae50
RemoteCache: added support for configurable HTTP client
ClosureCompilerService: reorganized code0c2b5aa
Curl: reset the request body when doing POST requests48d08f6
MediaEmbed: moved all GitHub iframes to RawGitc73392e
MediaEmbed: moved hosted iframes back to GitHub4e55063
MediaEmbed: updated Indiegogo6444043
Moved Http helper to the Utils namespace9973077
OnlineMinifier: automatically set timeout in getHttpClient()ab2c9f1
RemoteCache: updated for new APIb2481cd
Reorganized native HTTP client's code0489bb8
Set headers unconditionally in native HTTP client
Added support for MatthiasMullie\Minify8eda0fb
JavaScript: added support for converting \x{....} in regexps932f6f1
Minifiers: added experimental minifiers HostedMinifier and RemoteCache
MediaEmbed: removed Rdio
BBCodes: updated Highlight.js to 9.0.04be9a3f
ClosureCompilerApplication: cache the binary's hash for performanceb730287
ClosureCompilerApplication: made constructor argument optional43b9f74
Minifier: use a default constant used as cache differentiator
Added support for negative offsets in NormalizedListfaeafd6
JavaScript: added FirstAvailable minifier1ec2d62
MediaEmbed: added Plays.tv853e63b
MediaEmbed: added support for timestamps in Twitch videos
Litedown: fixed incorrect indentation in fenced code blocks
Litedown: trim whitespace around the language name in fenced code blocks19ee41c
Litedown: updated inline code syntax to bring it closer to Markdown's1f6e375
MediaEmbed: updated Pastebin299996e
MediaEmbed: updated Twitch to use their new player
Censor: added JavaScript hint650adb0
Censor: added JavaScript hint68fe6d6
Emoji: added JavaScript hint491042c
Emoji: added JavaScript hint23e84ac
Emoticons: added JavaScript hint7ec97e6
HTMLElements: added JavaScript hint5b5a6c4
JavaScript: added support for custom hints set by pluginsfe484da
Litedown: added JavaScript hint for skipping HTML entity decoding0971ef0
Litedown: added support for decoding HTML entities in attribute values993f5cc
Preg: added JavaScript hint
BBCodes: removed duplicate condition
BBCodes: fixed improper pairing during parsing080d7aa
HTMLElements: fixed detection of empty elements
HTMLEntities: ignore control characters encoded as HTML entitiesffcdd48
MediaEmbed: replaced protocol-relative iframe URLs from GitHub to use HTTPS95b72d7
MediaEmbed: updated CNNec41c55
MediaEmbed: updated GameTrailers2209d3c
Updated emoji script4ce201a
utils.js: cache the element used in html_entity_decode()
BBCodes: added support for lists that start at an arbitrary number72d8236
Litedown: added support for empty linksc466adf
Litedown: added support for ordered lists that start at an arbitrary number54b40b8
Litedown: added support for reference links and imagesd26f829
Litedown: added support for single quoted and unquoted titles in links and images22426da
Litedown: added support for unescaped brackets in link text and image alt text76c7f6a
MediaEmbed: added support for country-specific Facebook links58d8541
XPathConvertor: added support for conditions with more than 3 boolean operations
MediaEmbed: fixed CSS overflow on iOS Safari10cfa29
XPathConvertor: fixed comparison to 0
Escaper: reverted to using a custom taga94a625
MediaEmbed: updated Facebook13c9015
MediaEmbed: updated Facebookc742fa7
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurd7edfed
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurff60c99
MediaEmbed: updated Instagram4e138d7
MediaEmbed: updated Xbox DVR048e433
MediaEmbed: updated vidmebb56400
Parser: automatically correct the length of ignore tags0676a8d
Updated Fatdown
Bundles: added getCachedParser() and getCachedRenderer()
MediaEmbed: removed redundant code
Emoji: simplified template generationf624086
Litedown: allow lists to start immediately after a header or horizontal rulea871f19
Litedown: replaced the way block boundaries are set3c8c61d
MediaEmbed: updated Comedy Centralce982d7
MediaEmbed: updated Imgurdf9e944
MediaEmbed: updated Imgur to not transform links to static imagese5c72df
MediaEmbed: updated NPRcd24826
NormalizedCollection: save items in the lexical order of their keys
BBCodes: ensure that end tags added by lookahead are not duplicatedfd6bd30
Emoji: added draggable="false" to Emoji One imagesd32e93d
MediaEmbed: added support for private tracks in SoundCloud0dd8a61
PHP renderer generator: added support for raw output
BBCodes: updated the default CODE definition627d41c
JavaScript\ConfigOptimizer: do not attempt to deduplicate simple variables7afa5f9
MediaEmbed: updated wget() to send a User-agent header31e3b26
TemplateParser: set the escape value of literal text in script elements to "raw"
MediaEmbed: fixed malformed XSL when an attribute value contains an angle bracket but is not XSL0d4675c
MediaEmbed: fixed responsive embeds alignment
MediaEmbed: updated Medium7887f79
MediaEmbed: updated SoundCloud
Added AVTHelper::toXSL()5863c4c
Added JavaScript\StylesheetCompressor257a413
MediaEmbed: added support for Google Drivea6f99bb
MediaEmbed: added support for multiple-choice templates82f06e3
TemplateNormalizations: added OptimizeChoosebc8e764
TemplateNormalizations: added additive identity optimization to FoldArithmeticConstants9548cee
TemplateNormalizations: added support for decimal values in InlineXPathLiterals0a6ff7a
TemplateNormalizations: added support for multiplications, divisions and sub expressions in FoldConstants7a439ff
XPathConvertor: added support for parenthesized math expressions
Emoji: removed unnecessary parentheses in JavaScript regexpedacfa8
MediaEmbed: removed ESPN Deportese20df9f
MediaEmbed: removed enableResponsiveEmbeds() and disabledResponsiveEmbeds()4e7f087
MediaEmbed: removed the embed element from Flash templatesb1500b6
PHP renderer generator: removed constant math evaluation which was made redundant by the FoldArithmeticConstants template normalization pass
MediaEmbed: fixed the MEDIA tag filter to not create a tag if it does not match a known sitea5feb09
Quick renderer: fixed a potential issue with string comparison against single quotes80f2c9a
Quick renderer: fixed incorrect comparison against literals that contain a single quote
BBCodes: updated Highlight.js in CODE BBCodec3f79fb
Censor: do not escape single quotes in Helper::reparse()050b051
MediaEmbed: overhauled responsive embeds2ac29f1
MediaEmbed: reorganized filterTag()5ff9c1e
MediaEmbed: reorganized template generation7ede2a7
MediaEmbed: updated Audiomack and SoundCloud1b8956f
MediaEmbed: updated Google Drive493ac00
MediaEmbed: updated IMDb455723e
MediaEmbed: updated Imgur4680bb5
MediaEmbed: updated Ustream5552810
Moved JavaScript callbacks deduplication to ConfigOptimizer2bc612c
TemplateNormalizations: improved parentheses removal in FoldArithmeticConstants361212f
TemplateNormalizations: preserve strings content in FoldArithmeticConstants679f0d3
TemplateNormalizations: renamed FoldConstants to FoldArithmeticConstants470c1da
Updated docblock0765165
Utils: updated serializeAttributes() to escape quotes in a manner consistent with the parsercaf1dc2
XPathHelper: updated minify() to remove more space around the div operator38a9c89
XPathHelper: updated minify() to remove spaces after a div operator
Added CharacterClassBuilder helper
JavaScript: use returnFalse and returnTrue callbacks as-is0f5051d
MediaEmbed: simplified the regexp that matches text links
ClosureCompilerService: added read timeout with a default value of 10s348e1de
JavaScript: added returnTrue() in utils.js
ClosureCompilerApplication: updated command line options for v20150901 and turned off warningsd105dbc
JavaScript: created different externs for ClosureCompilerApplication and ClosureCompilerService3cab461
MediaEmbed: moved template generation out of add()c497eb3
MediaEmbed: normalized the order of characters in regexps' character classesed7aaaf
MediaEmbed: replaced the 'unresponsive' attribute in site definitions with a 'responsive' attribute95007fb
MediaEmbed: simplified the generation of Flash templatesa75dd32
Refreshed bundlesd4e81cb
Regexp: avoid adding non-capturing subpatterns to regexps generated by getNamedCaptures() where they are not neededcd1f119
Regexp: simplified getNamedCaptures()
MediaEmbed: fixed responsive Flash objectsf1ef4fc
Parser: fixed incorrect tag removal
MediaEmbed: moved template generation to its own classbe478e7
MediaEmbed: moved the 'unresponsive' attribute into the iframe/flash definition3f5e499
MediaEmbed: removed support for custom templates15e8ece
MediaEmbed: updated Vine
XPathHelper: fixed false negative in isExpressionNumeric()
MediaEmbed: added Oddshot.tv48d03be
TemplateNormalizations: added FoldConstants pass
Litedown: gave inline links a slightly better priority to give them precedence over BBCodes
Litedown: fixed incorrect indentation inside fenced code blocks
Initial release