A simple minesweeper game build with Golang
The minesweeper game can play in command prompt, the library add gocui for the UI control. It suggest run in unicode command prompt but ASCII also will work.
- Windows 10 (tested)
- Linux(ARM) Armbian 5.4.2 (tested)
- Linxu(x86) to-do
- go 1.16
- gocui v0.5.0
- Download the executable files in Releases
- Run and Fun!
git clone https://github.com/s2031215/Gominesweeper.git
cd Gominesweeper
go run . # start game
go build . # build executable file
./Gominesweeper #linux
Gominesweeper.exe #Windows
#set go path
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
go install github.com/s2031215/Gominesweeper@latest
#run program
- 1.0
- Initial Release
- 1.1
- Add Linux(Arm64) build support
- Add Flag Function
- Add Status table
- Add Difficulty Level 10x10 20x20
- Add Item can help when play (one more life/auto detect mines)