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Simon Urbanek edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Rserve has a built-in server that supports the HTTP protocol. It can be enabled by setting one of more or http.port, https.port or http.tls.port options (lattew two for HTTP+TLS = https).

This document describes the API which maps the HTTP request to a function call in R and then maps the returned value to a response.

The server accepts a HTTP request and maps it into a call in R of the form:

try(.http.request(url, query, body, headers), silent=TRUE)

with the following arguments:

  • url: string, path of the request (yes, sorry, a historical misnomer)

  • query: NULL (if there is no query string) or a named character vector with each element corresponding to one query string

  • body: NULL (if there is no body), named character vector (if the body is of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded) or a raw vector (all other cases) with "content-type" attribute containing the Content-type header entry (if present).

    NOTE: if http.raw.body Rserve option is enabled then the body is always sent as a raw vector and never decoded.

    For helper functions to parse multi-part body contents see

    FastRWeb::parse.multipart(list(body=body, c.type=attr(body, "content-type"),
  • headers: NULL (if there are no headers) or a raw vector of all header entries.

The function is expected to return the result which will be turned into a HTTP response.

The result is expected to be a list in the form

list(payload[, content-type[, headers[, status code]]])

with following entries (by index, not name):

  • payload: either a character vector of length one or a raw vector. If the vector is named file then the contents of the file is served instead of the string itself (e.g.: list(file="foo.png", "image/png") will serve the image file contents).

  • content-type: optional, string, defaults to "text/html" if not specified (or if NULL)

  • headers: optional, character vector with each element one line of the headers. It may not contain "Content-type" nor "Content-length" as those are synthesized by Rserve.

  • code: optional, status code (defaults to 200)

If the result is a character vector of length one (e.g., if try() catches an error), it is returned as status code 500 with the string as payload. Any other return value is invalid and will yield 500 Invalid response from R HTTP response.

NOTE: this API is identical to the R builtin HTTP server (since I used the same code) with the exception that the builtin server uses tools::.httpd.handlers.env handlers per path instead of a fixed .http.request entry point.


It is possible to re-map FastRWeb run() API into Rserve API simply by setting

.http.request <- FastRWeb:::.http.request


For a more comprehensive API aimed at web app developers, see the RestRserve project which is a layer on top of Rserve

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