This is the git repository, containing the homepage for the EEG lab at the VIS of the University of Stuttgart. This README will be updated as the project grows, if you feel something is missing, feel free to add an issue.
- Make sure you have Julia installed. This Website is running on Julia 1.6.3, but later versions should work as well.
- Install Franklin for Julia, by going into the package manager and typing
add Franklin; add CSV; add DataStructures
. - Clone this git repository.
- In Julia, exit the package manager by pressing CTRL-C or pressing the backspace key at the beginning of the line, if you didn't already and cd into your local repository.
- Then type the following:
This should open up your browser and render the website. It might take a few seconds to intialize.
using Franklin using CSV serve()
If you experience any trouble, have a look at the Franklin doc: Quick Start
As an alternative to deploying the website locally, you can preview changes to the website with pull requests before merging them:
- Clone this git repository
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b branch-name
- Make changes
- Stage and commit
- Push:
git push origin branch-name
- Go to the lab website on Github, and click "Compare & pull request"
- select "base: main <- compare: branch-name"
- add a title and description of the changes
- click "Create pull request"
- Preview the website with your changes by visiting the following URL, where you use the number of your pull request:{number}/
- If everything works as intended, merge the pull request
The team member page is auto generated by the contents in _assets\team\ . You can add, delete or update both current members or alumnis in their respective folders.
The folders consist of a number and the team member's name, e.g. 001_benedikt_ehinger
The number is for ordering purposes, the name just for readability reasons. The name used for the website is taken from the CSV file
The folder of each member needs the following things:
- A
image, named profile_image.jpg with a size of 360px x 360px. - A
file, containing all info displayed in the member card.
The CSV should use ;
as its delimiter and newline
as row separator.
The structure of the file should look like this:
title | name | position | interests | contact |
Jun.-Prof. | Benedikt Ehinger | Computational Cognitive Science, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science/VIS | EEG/Eye-tracking, Methods, Statistics, Visual Processing | |
For now, papers are sorted by year published. Therefore, for every year there will be a CSV file in .\_assets\papers\
This CSV file is built like this:
Title | Author | DOI | |
name-of-publications | names-of-authors | identifier | link-to-pdf, e.g. "..\assets\papers\pdf\paper1.pdf" |
If you want to upload the paper directly to the homepage, you can put the pdf of the paper in ..\assets\papers\pdf\
Read below on how to update the list.
Generally, the site follows the Franklin folder structure, documented here. If you just want to edit the content of the website, get familiar with Markdown and the basic functionality of Franklin.
Folders are made into master pages, linking to the *.md
pages found in that folder. This allows you to group content. If you don't want a folder to be part of the website you can blacklist it (as well as any other file). If you want to extend the site generation, all scripts can be found under .\_assets\scritps\
In the .\_assets\scritps\
folder is file named file_blacklist.jl
. It contains all needed blacklist for the site generation.
The file blacklist lists MD files that should not be reached by any navigation element. The names of the file have to be added in whole, case-sensitive and with file extension.
In contrast, the folder blacklist only needs keywords and/or symbols that need to be contained in a folder or non-md file to not be part of the website at all, e.g as a toc page to group content.
Uppercase list is a list of pages, that should be rendered in uppercase in the navigation menu.
Format Blacklist is a blacklist for names, that shouldn't be formatted at all. In that case the name of the folder is used as is.
E.g. becomes EEG and becomes PoRiCS
Under .\_assets\scritps\
are all scripts for page generation and similar scripts that should be run after deployement, but before the changes go live. If scripts are added there, they either should be called in init_dynamics.jl
or manually added to the github action under .\.github\workflows\Deploy.yml
The first level of all navigation elements can have a custom ordering, while any higher level is going to be sorted alphabetically. The first level is sorted like this: Any page that is specified in the custom order (see below) is sorted and inserted into the navigation as the custom order demands. Any further page that is not contained in there will be appended at the end of the navigation. In case of multiple such pages, those are sorted alphabeticially.
In the generate_side_nav.jl
under .\_assets\scripts\
is a custom_order
array, that contains all custom ordered pages in their correct order. This array can be modified to meet the demands needed. (This array might be extracted in the future, if the script is not like documented here, look for an obvious script name in the script folder)
In general the toc pages (such es Teaching Resources or Thesis Art) are just a hub to link to the content of this group. But of course there should be some content before the grid of links. In each folder that becomes a toc page, you can add a file. This file will be ignored by any navigation elements and the contents will be prepended to the links of the toc page.
Furthermore TOC pages now have an image preview. The images for each tile have to be added by hand. Images should have a resolution of 400px x 380px. The folder structure is like this: \assets\toc-previews\sub-folder-name\Page-Name.jpg
. The image size is important in that regard, that it both controls the image size on screen as well as the aspect ratio of the background circles.
Teammembers and TOC pages have cirles as a visual feature. These are completely made in CSS. Every box contains a 7x7 grid. With grid-template-rows
and grid-template-columns
are the areas defined, in which the individual circles are defined. They can overlap, but they can't start and end in the same box. The circles themself are bordered divs with rounded edges. This makes it fairly easy to make new variations of cirlce patterns. If you want to read up, have a look here:
If you add any pages, they will be added to the navigation menu, whenever you push the changes to Github. Same goes for the generation of TOC pages for folders and subfolders. If you want to update the nav bar etc. locally, just cd into the folder where you would normally start Franklin. There run
If you change any content inside the website, make sure to update the lunr search index (according to the Franklin.jl docs):
- Make sure you have Lunr and Cheerio installed with:
- Pkg.add(NodeJS)
- using NodeJS
- run(`$(npm_cmd) install lunr`); run(`$(npm_cmd) install cheerio`);
- Update the search index by calling lunr()
- You're good to go! Now you can just run serve() as usual
- Better SEO
- Warning system, if changes are made to pages that are auto-generated and not to the generation script itself
This repository is licensed under the MIT license.