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Quick intro

The main types of the Nancy library are, of course, the representations of ultimately pseudo-periodic piecewise affine functions (henceforth, UPP) , meaning that f(t + k*d) = f(t) + k*c for any t >= T and natural k [1, chap. 4].

Within the library and documentation, the x-axis is referred as time and the y-axis as value or data

Nancy's main types are:

  • Point, a single time-value pair, and Segment, defined in open interval ]a, b[
  • Sequence, which is piecewise affine function defined in a limited interval, constructed as a series of Points and Segments.
  • Curve, which is the representation of a UPP function, constructed as a Sequence defined in [0, T + d[ and the three parameters T, d and c

These types are immutable, meaning that an object cannot be modified after initialization, rather a new copy must be initialized with different values. This is done for both safety of use and parallelization.

For example

var c = new Curve(
    baseSequence: new Sequence(new Element[]
        new Point(time: 0, value: 0),
        new Segment(startTime: 0, endTime: 2, rightLimitAtStartTime: 0, slope: 1),
        new Point(2, 2),
        new Segment(2, 3, 2, 0),
        new Point(3, 2),
        new Segment(3, 4, 2, 1)
    pseudoPeriodStart: 2    // T
    pseudoPeriodLength: 2,  // d
    pseudoPeriodHeight: 1   // c

Will result in the following:

Example of UPP curve. The points and segments in [2, 4[ are repeated indefinitely.

Figure 1: Example of UPP curve. The points and segments in [2, 4[ are repeated indefinitely.

Simplified constructors are available for common types of curves.

var sc = new RateLatencyServiceCurve(delay: 3, rate: 3);
var ac = new SigmaRhoArrivalCurve(sigma: 4, rho: 1);

Plot of RateLatency and SigmaRho curves.

Figure 2: Plot of RateLatency and SigmaRho curves.


The library implements the NC operators for all representable curves, which include

  • Minimum and Maximum
  • Addition and Subtraction, the latter with option to have the result non-negative (default) or not
  • Convolution and Deconvolution
  • Vertical- and HorizontalDeviation
  • MaxPlusConvolution and MaxPlusDeconvolution
  • Lower- and UpperPseudoInverse
  • Sub- and SuperAdditiveClosure
  • Composition


  • DelayBy and AnticipateBy
  • VerticalShift
  • Cut over finite interval


The library can be used to compute delay and buffer bounds for any kind of curves.

var sc = new RateLatencyServiceCurve(3, 3);
var ac = new SigmaRhoArrivalCurve(4, 1);
var delay = Curve.HorizontalDeviation(ac, sc);
// Output: 13/3

Plot of the arrival and service curves. The max horizontal deviation can be seen at y = 4.

Figure 3: Plot of the arrival and service curves. The max horizontal deviation can be seen at y = 4.

The calculation works also for general curves, for example (from [1, p. 121]):

var sc = Curve.Minimum(
    new RateLatencyServiceCurve(0, 3),
    new RateLatencyServiceCurve(4, 3) + 3
var ac = new SigmaRhoArrivalCurve(1, 1);
var delay = Curve.HorizontalDeviation(ac, sc);
// Output: 2/1

Plot of the arrival and service curves. The max horizontal deviation can be seen at y = 3.

Figure 4: Plot of the arrival and service curves. The max horizontal deviation can be seen at y = 3.

The operators can be used to naturally construct any min-plus expressions. For example, computing a residual service curve in a FIFO server [1, p. 166]:

var beta = new RateLatencyServiceCurve(2, 3);
var alpha = new SigmaRhoArrivalCurve(3, 2);
var theta = 4;
var delta_theta = new DelayServiceCurve(theta);

var alpha_theta = Curve.Convolution(alpha, delta_theta);
var diff = Curve.Subtraction(beta, alpha_theta, nonNegative: true);
var residual = Curve.Minimum(diff, delta_theta);

Plot of the FIFO residual service curve, computed with the code above.

Figure 5: Plot of the FIFO residual service curve, computed with the code above.

As another example, computing the strict service curve for Interleaved Weighted Round-Robin (IWRR) described in [2] (using Th. 1 with the parameters in Fig. 3):

var weights = new []{4, 6, 7, 10};
var l_min = new []{4096, 3072, 4608, 3072};
var l_max = new []{8704, 5632, 6656, 8192};
var beta = new RateLatencyServiceCurve(
    delay: 0, 
    rate: 10000 // 10 Mb/s, but using ms as time unit
var unit_rate = new RateLatencyServiceCurve(0, 1);

// parameters computation omitted for brevity
int Phi_i_j(int i, int j, int x) { ... }
int Psi_i(int i, int x) { ... }
int L_tot(int i) { ... }

int i = 0; // the flow of interest
var stairs = new List<Curve>();
for(int k = 0; k < weights[i]; k++)
    var stair = new StairCurve(l_min[i], L_tot(i));
    var delayed_stair = stair.DelayBy(Psi_i(i, k * l_min[i])); 
var U_i = Curve.Addition(stairs); // summation of min-plus curves
var gamma_i = Curve.Convolution(unit_rate, U_i);
var beta_i = Curve.Composition(gamma_i, beta);

Plot of the IWRR strict service curve, computed with the code above.

Figure 6: Plot of the IWRR strict service curve, computed with the code above.

Tuning performance

Representation minimization

The Curve data structure is based on the UPP property which enables to represent a function f(t) for non-negative rationals Q^+ by storing only a finite representation for [0, T+d[. However, it is not guaranteed that such representation is the most efficient (i.e. the same f(t) cannot be represented with smaller T and/or d). This is more so true for results of operators, since they are based on general proofs which are agnostic to the patterns and properties of operands and results, leading to a growth in the memory occupation and time complexity of subsequent operations.

To address this issue, Nancy implements an a posteriori optimization algorithm that will simplify the result of an operator to the minimal representation for the same f(t). This algorithm is presented in detail in [3].


Nancy uses C#'s PLINQ feature which allows to easily parallelize independent computations over large sets, exploiting performance of multicore processors.


Most operators will have as a last optional argument a ComputationSettings object, that is used to tune how the operator is computed.

The most relevant settings are AutoOptimize, which will apply representation minimization to all results (also intermediate ones) and UseParallelism, which will use parallelization when is (heuristically) deemed to be useful. Both are set by default to true.


The code for these examples, and others, can be found in the examples folder, where you can edit the code and try it for yourself.


In this intro we reference the following works.

  • [1] Deterministic Network Calculus: From Theory to Practical Implementation, A. Bouillard and M. Boyer and E. Le Corronc, 2018
  • [2] Interleaved Weighted Round-Robin: A Network Calculus Analysis, S. M. Tabatabaee and J. Y. Le Boudec and M. Boyer, 2021
  • [3] Computationally efficient worst-case analysis of flow-controlled networks with Network Calculus, R. Zippo and G. Stea, 2022, arXiv