The freelancer website is written by Django to help freelancers and employers to find and create new projects.
You can see the database scheme of this website by clicking on this link 👉 SCHEME
- Add a new project with so amazing capability.
- Users can send offers to the projects and can see each other suggestions.
- Each user can have a special cv and etc.. and also employers can search by user skill, Experience or etc...
- Pricing boards for employers who want their projects to be seen more and done faster.
- etc
Fir of all you need to install the PostgreSQL
package in your system and activate the Postgres service
The second step is to install library dependence whit exists in the reqruements.txt
you can install it by this command below:
pip install -r requrements.txt
Then We need to export all environment variables to initialize project configurations.
You can change or set DB, email, Django or etc.. configurations in /freelancer-django
/config/.dev_env file.
export $(grep -v '^#>' ./config/.dev_env | xargs);
After all, you can run the project by 3 commands below:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
Create project models, views and urls.
Create project categorys.
Create project tags.
Create apply models, views and urls.
Create payment models, views and urls.
Update payment models(handel the pricing-panel, immediate project, etc..).
Handel Home Page url and view.
Adding employer comments section in user profile.
Add about, pricing-pannel, FAQ sections.
Dockerize project.
Handel WebServer base configurations.
Handel WebServer security configurations.
Handel WebServer other configurations.
Make TestCase for project models, views and urls.
Make TestCase for apply models, views and urls.
Make TestCase for account models, views and urls.
Create Rest-Api by DRF.
Make TestCase for Rest-Api.
Make Api documentation