is a pure JavaScript reimplementation of git that works in both Node.js and browser JavaScript environments. It can read and write to git repositories, fetch from and push to git remotes (such as GitHub), all without any native C++ module dependencies.
Isomorphic-git aims for 100% interoperability with the canonical git implementation. This means it does all its operations by modifying files in a ".git" directory just like the git you are used to. The included isogit
CLI can operate on git repositories on your desktop or server.
This library aims to be a complete solution with no assembly required. The API has been designed with modern tools like Rollup and Webpack in mind. By providing functionality as individual functions, code bundlers can produce smaller bundles by including only the functions your application uses.
The project includes type definitions so you can enjoy static type-checking and intelligent code completion in editors like VS Code and CodeSandbox.
The following environments are tested in CI and will continue to be supported until the next breaking version:
![]() Node 10 |
Chrome 79 |
Edge 79 |
Firefox 72 |
![]() Safari 13 |
Android 10 |
iOS 13 |
See the full Release Notes on GitHub and the release Blog Post.
You can install it from npm:
npm install --save isomorphic-git
The "isomorphic" in isomorphic-git
means that the same code runs in either the server or the browser.
That's tricky to do since git uses the file system and makes HTTP requests. Browsers don't have an fs
And node and browsers have different APIs for making HTTP requests!
So rather than relying on the fs
and http
modules, isomorphic-git
lets you bring your own file system
and HTTP client.
If you're using isomorphic-git
in node, you use the native fs
module and the provided node HTTP client.
// node.js example
const path = require('path')
const git = require('isomorphic-git')
const http = require('isomorphic-git/http/node')
const fs = require('fs')
const dir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test-clone')
git.clone({ fs, http, dir, url: '' }).then(console.log)
If you're using isomorphic-git
in the browser, you'll need something that emulates the fs
The easiest to setup and most performant library is LightningFS which is written and maintained by the same author and is part of the isomorphic-git
If LightningFS doesn't meet your requirements, isomorphic-git should also work with BrowserFS and Filer.
Instead of isomorphic-git/http/node
this time import isomorphic-git/http/web
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import http from ''
const fs = new LightningFS('fs')
const dir = '/test-clone'
git.clone({ fs, http, dir, url: '', corsProxy: '' }).then(console.log)
If you're using ES module syntax, you can use either the default import for convenience, or named imports to benefit from tree-shaking if you are using a bundler:
import git from 'isomorphic-git'
// or
import * as git from 'isomorphic-git'
// or
import {plugins, clone, commit, push} from 'isomorphic-git'
View the full Getting Started guide on the docs website.
Then check out the Useful Snippets page, which includes even more sample code written by the community!
Unfortunately, due to the same-origin policy by default isomorphic-git
can only clone from the same origin as the webpage it is running on. This is terribly inconvenient, as it means for all practical purposes cloning and pushing repos must be done through a proxy.
For this purpose @isomorphic-git/cors-proxy exists which you can clone or npm install
For testing or small projects, you can also use - a free proxy sponsored by Clever Cloud.
I'm hoping to get CORS headers added to all the major Git hosting platforms eventually, and will list my progress here:
Service | Supports CORS requests |
Gogs (self-hosted) | ✔ |
Gitea (self-hosted) | ✔ |
Azure DevOps | ✔ (Usage Note: requires authentication) |
Gitlab | ❌ My PR was rejected, but the issue is still open! |
Bitbucket | ❌ |
Github | ❌ |
It is literally just two lines of code to add the CORS headers!! Easy stuff. Surely it will happen.
Isomorphic-git comes with a simple CLI tool, named isogit
because isomorphic-git
is a lot to type. It is really just a thin shell that translates command line arguments into the equivalent JS API commands. So you should be able to run any current or future isomorphic-git commands using the CLI.
It always starts with an the assumption that the current working directory is a git root.
E.g. { dir: '.' }
It uses minimisted
to parse command line options and will print out the equivalent JS command and pretty-print the output JSON.
The CLI is more of a lark for quickly testing isomorphic-git
and isn't really meant as a git
CLI replacement.
This project follows semantic versioning, so I may continue to make changes to the API but they will always be backwards compatible unless there is a major version bump.
- add
- addNote
- addRemote
- annotatedTag
- branch
- checkout
- clone
- commit
- currentBranch
- deleteBranch
- deleteRef
- deleteRemote
- deleteTag
- expandOid
- expandRef
- fastForward
- fetch
- findMergeBase
- findRoot
- getConfig
- getConfigAll
- getRemoteInfo
- getRemoteInfo2
- hashBlob
- indexPack
- init
- isDescendent
- isIgnored
- listBranches
- listFiles
- listNotes
- listRemotes
- listServerRefs
- listTags
- log
- merge
- packObjects
- pull
- push
- readBlob
- readCommit
- readNote
- readObject
- readTag
- readTree
- remove
- removeNote
- renameBranch
- resetIndex
- resolveRef
- setConfig
- status
- statusMatrix
- tag
- updateIndex
- version
- walk
- writeBlob
- writeCommit
- writeObject
- writeRef
- writeTag
- writeTree
Share your questions and ideas with us! We love that. You can find us in our Gitter chatroom or just create an issue here on Github! We are also @IsomorphicGit on Twitter.
The development setup is similar to that of a large web application. The main difference is the ridiculous amount of hacks involved in the tests. We use Facebook's Jest for testing, which make doing TDD fast and fun, but we also used custom hacks so that the same tests will also run in the browser using Jasmine via Karma. We even have our own mock server for serving git repository test fixtures!
You'll need node.js installed, but everything else is a devDependency.
git clone
cd isomorphic-git
npm install
npm test
Check out the CONTRIBUTING
document for more instructions.
- nde - a futuristic next-generation web IDE
- git-app-manager - install "unhosted" websites locally by git cloning them
- GIT Web Terminal
- Next Editor
- Clever Cloud
- Stoplight Studio - a modern editor for API design and technical writing
Isomorphic-git would not have been possible without the pioneering work by @creationix and @chrisdickinson. Git is a tricky binary mess, and without their examples (and their modules!) I would not have been able to come even close to finishing this. They are geniuses ahead of their time.
Cross-browser device testing is provided by:
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]
This work is released under The MIT License