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trying to fix CI issues? #35

trying to fix CI issues?

trying to fix CI issues? #35

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- main
# Cancel any currently running workflows from the same PR, branch, or
# tag when a new workflow is triggered.
cancel-in-progress: true
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
target: riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf
toolchain: nightly-2023-03-09
components: rust-src
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
ldproxy: false
override: false
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Check all RISC-V targets:
- name: check (esp32c3)
run: cd esp-hal-smartled/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --features=esp32c3
- name: check (esp32c6)
run: cd esp-hal-smartled/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --features=esp32c6
# Check all Xtensa targets:
- name: check (esp32)
run: cd esp-hal-smartled/ && cargo +esp check --features=esp32,esp32_40mhz
- name: check (esp32s2)
run: cd esp-hal-smartled/ && cargo +esp check --features=esp32s2
- name: check (esp32s3)
run: cd esp-hal-smartled/ && cargo +esp check --features=esp32s3
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
default: true
buildtargets: esp32
ldproxy: false
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
- name: build esp32-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo build --examples
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: check esp32-hal (async)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
- name: check esp32-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
target: riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf
toolchain: nightly-2023-03-09
components: rust-src
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
# We also use this as an opportunity to verify that the examples link
# for each supported image format.
- name: build esp32c2-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo build --examples
- name: build esp32c2-hal (direct-boot)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo build --examples --features=direct-boot
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32c2-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: check esp32c2-hal (async, systick)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick
- name: check esp32c2-hal (async, timg0)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32c2-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
- name: check esp32c2-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
target: riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf
toolchain: nightly-2023-03-09
components: rust-src
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
# We also use this as an opportunity to verify that the examples link
# for each supported image format.
- name: build esp32c3-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 build --examples
- name: build esp32c3-hal (direct-boot)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 build --examples --features=direct-boot
- name: build esp32c3-hal (mcu-boot)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 build --examples --features=mcu-boot
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32c3-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: check esp32c3-hal (async, systick)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick
- name: check esp32c3-hal (async, timg0)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32c3-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
- name: check esp32c3-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
target: riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf
toolchain: nightly-2023-03-09
components: rust-src
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
# We also use this as an opportunity to verify that the examples link
# for each supported image format.
- name: build esp32c6-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 build --examples
- name: build esp32c6-hal (direct-boot)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 build --examples --features=direct-boot
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32c6-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: check esp32c6-hal (async, systick)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick
- name: check esp32c6-hal (async, timg0)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32c6-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
- name: check esp32c6-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo +nightly-2023-03-09 check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick,async
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
default: true
buildtargets: esp32s2
ldproxy: false
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
- name: check esp32s2-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo build --examples
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32s2-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
# FIXME: `time-systick` feature disabled for now, see 'esp32s2-hal/Cargo.toml'.
# - name: check esp32s2-hal (async, systick)
# run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick
- name: check esp32s2-hal (async, timg0)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32s2-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
- name: check esp32s2-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
default: true
buildtargets: esp32s3
ldproxy: false
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Perform a full build initially to verify that the examples not only
# build, but also link successfully.
# We also use this as an opportunity to verify that the examples link
# for each supported image format.
- name: build esp32s3-hal (no features)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo build --examples
- name: build esp32s3-hal (direct-boot)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo build --examples --features=direct-boot
# Subsequent steps can just check the examples instead, as we're already
# confident that they link.
- name: check esp32s3-hal (common features)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --examples --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: check esp32s3-hal (async, systick)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-systick
- name: check esp32s3-hal (async, timg0)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_hello_world --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0
- name: check esp32s3-hal (async, gpio)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_wait --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
- name: check esp32s3-hal (async, spi)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --example=embassy_spi --features=embassy,embassy-time-timg0,async
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
target: riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf, riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf
toolchain: "1.65.0"
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Verify the MSRV for all RISC-V chips.
- name: msrv (esp32c2-hal)
run: cd esp32c2-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: msrv (esp32c3-hal)
run: cd esp32c3-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: msrv (esp32c6-hal)
run: cd esp32c6-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
ldproxy: false
version: "1.65.0"
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Verify the MSRV for all Xtensa chips.
- name: msrv (esp32-hal)
run: cd esp32-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: msrv (esp32s2-hal)
run: cd esp32s2-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
- name: msrv (esp32s3-hal)
run: cd esp32s3-hal/ && cargo check --features=eh1,ufmt
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
toolchain: stable
components: clippy
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Run clippy on all packages targeting RISC-V.
- name: clippy (esp32c2-hal)
run: cargo +stable clippy --manifest-path=esp32c2-hal/Cargo.toml -- --no-deps
- name: clippy (esp32c3-hal)
run: cargo +stable clippy --manifest-path=esp32c3-hal/Cargo.toml -- --no-deps
- name: clippy (esp32c6-hal)
run: cargo +stable clippy --manifest-path=esp32c6-hal/Cargo.toml -- --no-deps
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain@v1.5
ldproxy: false
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Run clippy on all packages targeting Xtensa.
# The ESP32-S2 requires some additional information in order for the
# atomic emulation crate to build.
- name: clippy (esp32-hal)
run: cargo +esp clippy --manifest-path=esp32-hal/Cargo.toml -- --no-deps
- name: clippy (esp32s2-hal)
run: cargo +esp clippy --manifest-path=esp32s2-hal/Cargo.toml --target=xtensa-esp32s2-none-elf -Zbuild-std=core -- --no-deps
- name: clippy (esp32s3-hal)
run: cargo +esp clippy --manifest-path=esp32s3-hal/Cargo.toml -- --no-deps
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Some of the items in 'rustfmt.toml' require the nightly release
# channel, so we must use this channel for the formatting checks
# to succeed.
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1
toolchain: nightly
components: rustfmt
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Check the formatting of all packages.
- name: rustfmt (esp-hal-common)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp-hal-common/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp-hal-procmacros)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp-hal-procmacros/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp-hal-smartled)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp-hal-smartled/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32c2-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32c2-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32c3-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32c3-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32c6-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32c6-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32s2-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32s2-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check
- name: rustfmt (esp32s3-hal)
run: cargo fmt --all --manifest-path=esp32s3-hal/Cargo.toml -- --check