diff --git a/src/trait-bounds.md b/src/trait-bounds.md
index 019a2f7f0..67df9561d 100644
--- a/src/trait-bounds.md
+++ b/src/trait-bounds.md
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Trait and lifetime bounds
> **Syntax**\
> _TypeParamBounds_ :\
> _TypeParamBound_ ( `+` _TypeParamBound_ )\* `+`?
@@ -35,6 +38,7 @@
> | [IDENTIFIER][] \
> | `Self`
[Trait] and lifetime bounds provide a way for [generic items][generic] to
restrict which types and lifetimes are used as their parameters. Bounds can be
provided on any type in a [where clause]. There are also shorter forms for
@@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ certain common cases:
`trait A { type B: Copy; }` is equivalent to
`trait A where Self::B: Copy { type B; }`.
Bounds on an item must be satisfied when using the item. When type checking and
borrow checking a generic item, the bounds can be used to determine that a
trait is implemented for a type. For example, given `Ty: Trait`
@@ -87,9 +92,11 @@ fn name_figure(
Bounds that don't use the item's parameters or [higher-ranked lifetimes] are checked when the item is defined.
It is an error for such a bound to be false.
[`Copy`], [`Clone`], and [`Sized`] bounds are also checked for certain generic types when using the item, even if the use does not provide a concrete type.
It is an error to have `Copy` or `Clone` as a bound on a mutable reference, [trait object], or [slice].
It is an error to have `Sized` as a bound on a trait object or slice.
@@ -107,16 +114,24 @@ where
struct UsesA<'a, T>(A<'a, T>);
Trait and lifetime bounds are also used to name [trait objects].
## `?Sized`
`?` is only used to relax the implicit [`Sized`] trait bound for [type parameters] or [associated types].
`?Sized` may not be used as a bound for other types.
## Lifetime bounds
Lifetime bounds can be applied to types or to other lifetimes.
The bound `'a: 'b` is usually read as `'a` *outlives* `'b`.
`'a: 'b` means that `'a` lasts at least as long as `'b`, so a reference `&'a ()` is valid whenever `&'b ()` is valid.
@@ -127,14 +142,19 @@ fn f<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, mut y: &'b i32) where 'a: 'b {
`T: 'a` means that all lifetime parameters of `T` outlive `'a`.
For example, if `'a` is an unconstrained lifetime parameter, then `i32: 'static` and `&'static str: 'a` are satisfied, but `Vec<&'a ()>: 'static` is not.
## Higher-ranked trait bounds
> _ForLifetimes_ :\
> `for` [_GenericParams_]
Trait bounds may be *higher ranked* over lifetimes. These bounds specify a bound
that is true *for all* lifetimes. For example, a bound such as `for<'a> &'a T:
PartialEq` would require an implementation like
@@ -158,6 +178,7 @@ fn call_on_ref_zero(f: F) where for<'a> F: Fn(&'a i32) {
Higher-ranked lifetimes may also be specified just before the trait: the only
difference is the [scope][hrtb-scopes] of the lifetime parameter, which extends only to the
end of the following trait instead of the whole bound. This function is
@@ -172,15 +193,20 @@ fn call_on_ref_zero(f: F) where F: for<'a> Fn(&'a i32) {
## Implied bounds
Lifetime bounds required for types to be well-formed are sometimes inferred.
fn requires_t_outlives_a<'a, T>(x: &'a T) {}
The type parameter `T` is required to outlive `'a` for the type `&'a T` to be well-formed.
This is inferred because the function signature contains the type `&'a T` which is
only valid if `T: 'a` holds.
Implied bounds are added for all parameters and outputs of functions. Inside of `requires_t_outlives_a`
you can assume `T: 'a` to hold even if you don't explicitly specify this:
@@ -203,6 +229,7 @@ fn not_implied<'a, T>() {
Only lifetime bounds are implied, trait bounds still have to be explicitly added.
The following example therefore causes an error:
@@ -213,6 +240,7 @@ struct IsDebug(T);
fn doesnt_specify_t_debug(x: IsDebug) {}
Lifetime bounds are also inferred for type definitions and impl blocks for any type:
@@ -244,6 +272,8 @@ impl<'a, T> Trait<'a, T> for &'a T {}
## Use bounds
Certain bounds lists may include a `use<..>` bound to control which generic parameters are captured by the `impl Trait` [abstract return type]. See [precise capturing] for more details.
[IDENTIFIER]: identifiers.html