Docker image is available at
- configure docker-compose.yml according to your own setup
- the image by default uses 'admin' user, with 'admin' password
- django can be accessed locally with, via browser
- after running the docker image you will be asked to login, and to configure the instance
- you scan check 'browsers' if they work using page properties page
- you should check 'sources' to enable some of them
This project uses the following technologies:
- django
- celery - background task processing
- database - postgresql
- rabbitmq-server
- crawlerbuddy - project that crawls the web GitHub
- spacy - for text/keyword analysis
- Python poetry
- Crawling program
- postgresql - use of SQLite is discouraged
- it is best to use on a device with SSD
- do not use SQLlite for production, or more advanced setups
This is minimal setup, without backend, without tasks.
$ make install-minimal
- Configure file
- Configure file rsshistory/
$ make createtables-minimal
$ make createsuperuser
- Configure django users
For basic setup this should be enough, and should be working.
For a full setup, with backend and tasks a more robust setup needs to be created:
$ make install
- Configure file
- Configure file rsshistory/
$ make createtables
$ make createsuperuser
$ sudo make installsysdeps
- Configure django users
Parts of it are described below.
Django Settings are most important part of the configuration
During install step user is informed that file should be updated:
- SECRET_KEY needs to be defined
- ALLOWED_HOSTS needs to be configured
- tables need to be created
- users need to be defined
This program allows to configure super user using a rule.
You can create super user manually, as usual in Django
For minimal setup
$ make run-minimal
For full setup
$ make run
With django server could be started. The server is responsible for scraping handling requests for pages. This feature is optional.
After starting django application define RSS sources, start using app.
After updating source code, to correctly update existing environment please:
$ make update
list of rules:
$ make install - installs dependencies, creates
$ make createtables - creates database tables
$ make createsuperuser - creates super user for the system
$ make installsysdeps - install system dependencies, like rabbitmq-server
$ make run - starts django server and celery
$ make test - performs tests
$ make oncommit - cleans code, runs tests, things needed before making a commit
Read contents of the makefile, and perform the actions described by it
Makefile assumes you are running debian, or debian compliant OS. To be able to run it on a different system you have to update Makefile accordingly.
This program installs and configures rabbitmq-server in rule make installsysdeps. If you require redis, or other setup please modify mmakefile accordingly.
To be able to perform various operations additional programs are needed:
- wget - to download pages
- id3v2 - to tag downloaded songs
Memcached is required for the memory locking to work.
These programs are installed by make installsysdeps rule.
Django apps can be deployed for Apache:
- You can point apache to use env set up by the poetry
Demo on developement env (may, or may not be running actually):
You should not plan on doing anything hostile. For you it might be just web scraping. For others it could be DDOS attack.
Some scraping solutions do not work on Raspberry PI out of the box: for example chrome-undetected.