- If you are a pet adoption or foster organization and want a website like this one, for free,
- <%= link_to 'Click Here', root_path %>
+ <%= t('.call') %>
+ <%= link_to t('.action'), root_path %>
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<%= t('.company') %>
<% if Current.tenant&.profile.facebook_url.present? || Current.tenant&.profile.instagram_url.present? %>
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@
- Pet-Rescue, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+ <%= t('.rights') %>
Our platform is free to use for all rescues, forever.
<%= t('.free') %>
<%= t('.free_description') %>
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
Manage applications
Receive, review and process adoption and foster applications with ease.
<%= t('.manage') %>
<%= t('.manage_description') %>
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
Our team is here to help you with any questions you may have.
<%= t('.support') %>
<%= t('.support_description') %>
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
…an awesome sentence or two.
<%= t('.header') %>
<%= t('.call_to_action') %>
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index b0e2fe43a..cc22c12b5 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -75,6 +75,31 @@ en:
status: Status
withdraw_submission: Withdraw Application
confirm_withdraw: Withdraw your application
+ root:
+ index:
+ title: "Connecting hearts and homes"
+ worldwide: "worldwide"
+ description: "A free application for pet foster and adoption organizations who want to save time and manage their operations in one place."
+ easy_to_use: "Easy to use"
+ no_download: "No dowload needed"
+ manage: "Manage operations in one place"
+ save: "Save time and spend it on what matters"
+ btn_title: "Request an account"
+ subtitle: "Manage your operations"
+ subtitle_highlight: "in one place"
+ subtitle_description: "No more spreadsheets, no more paper, no more headaches."
+ img_sub: "Manage your operation with ease"
+ logistics: "Logistics"
+ logistics_description: "Keep track of your animals in one place."
+ free: "Free for ever!"
+ free_description: "Our platform is free to use for all rescues, forever."
+ manage: "Manage applications"
+ manage_description: "Receive, review and process adoption and foster applications with ease."
+ support: "Support"
+ support_description: "Our team is here to help you with any questions you may have."
+ header: "Header"
+ call_to_action: "…an awesome sentence or two."
+ btn_call_to_action: "Call to action"
@@ -86,6 +111,40 @@ en:
status: Status
withdraw_submission: Withdraw Application
confirm_withdraw: Withdraw your application
+ layouts:
+ shared:
+ footer:
+ title: "Pet Rescue"
+ call: "If you are a pet adoption or foster organization and want a website like this one, for free,"
+ action: "Click Here"
+ company: "Company"
+ rights: "Pet-Rescue, Inc. All Rights Reserved"
+ policy: "Privacy Policy"
+ cookie: "Cookie Notice"
+ terms: "Terms of Use"
+ navbar:
+ sign_up: "Sign Up"
+ log_in: "Log In"
+ log_out: "Log Out"
+ pets: "Pets"
+ contact: "Contact"
+ donate: "Donate"
+ faq: "FAQ"
+ dashboard: "Dashboard"
+ demo: "This is a demo site"
+ no_tenant_footer:
+ title: "Pet Rescue"
+ description: "We provide a platform for Pet Rescues and Animal Service Organizations"
+ company: "Company"
+ about: "About Us"
+ partners: "Partners"
+ rights: "Pet-Rescue, Inc. All Rights Reserved"
+ policy: "Privacy Policy"
+ cookie: "Cookie Notice"
+ terms: "Terms of Use"
+ no_tenant_navbar:
+ title: "Pet Rescue"
+ dropdown_title: "Rescues"