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deploy checklist

Shen Yang edited this page Dec 10, 2022 · 76 revisions

Note: if you click the deploy button, you have responsibility for making sure that any problems that arise are fixed!!

  1. If possible, work with a pair!
  2. Announce in slack #casa that you're deploying / reply to the "deploy now" slack reminder
  3. DATABASE BACKUP: Take a prod heroku database backup
  4. Look at heroku and make sure the latest qa is in staging
  5. Check staging
    • as Volunteer, log in, create case contact, follow up on case contact
    • as Supervisor, check that a volunteer has cases and those cases have case contacts
    • as Admin, Check reimbursement and export. If there are changes to imports, test the imports.
  6. Check #casa-bots for errors from staging! Even if there is no error on the UI. Use in:#casa-bots from:@Bugsnag in the search box
  7. Check in on metrics, email metrics and bugsnag, scout metrics
  8. Click the "promote" button
  9. Manually verify in prod - see the logs at papertrail (login to heroku to auto-login)
  10. Email the stakeholders from the casa@rubyforgood email saying the deploy is done + a list of stuff that changed + screenshots
  11. Update the meeting planning doc
  12. Post to slack that you are DONE!