The purpose of this sample app is to demonstrate a simple integration with PoyntOS SDK to build apps that run on PoyntOS.
Couple of things to note here:
- Permissions in AndroidManifest.xml - these are required to make sure your application can invoke the Poynt Services and access Data from the Poynt Content Providers.
- Binding/Unbinding to the PoyntServices is required as with any AIDL service on android.
- Poynt Authenticator is used to support Poynt Accounts (Business users 'aka' employees) logins through the Android Account Manager interface.
The sample uses gradle wrapper to build. Just use the gradlew commands to build or you can open the project in Android Studio and run it directly from there.
./gradlew assembleDebug
Our maven repository is protected with login credentials, which at this point are shared only with the developers who've signed up for PoyntOS SDK on a first come first served basis. If you've already signed up but haven't received the information from us yet, please be patient as we reach out to everyone from the SDK request list.