In the previous section, we moved our map values into lazy thunks, each one
read separately from storage. However, each value was stored in the lin-kv
service, and in the real world, providing linearizability might be expensive.
Since our thunks are immutable, could we move them into an
eventually-consistent store instead?
class Thunk
SVC = 'lww-kv'
The lww-kv
service works exactly like lin-kv
, but uses last-write-wins
eventual consistency, like Cassandra. Let's see what happens.
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 1
:anomaly-types (:G-single-realtime),
:not #{:strict-serializable},
:also-not #{}},
:valid? false}
Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Well that's... odd. A G-single-realtime anomaly means that Maelstrom was able to find a dependency cycle including one write -> read edge and at least one realtime edge. The fact that it's a realtime anomaly tells us that timing was important: the history was serializable, but somewhere, a transaction observed a legal state from the past.
This plot, from elle/G-single-realtime/0.svg
, shows the anomaly that my
particular test found--yours may vary. Each segmented rectangle is a single
transaction: a 9 2
means "append 2 to key 9" and r 9 [2]
means "read key
9's value as [2]". Edges show dependencies between transactions: rt
that one transaction completed before another began, wr
means that one
transaction wrote something another observed, and rw
means that one
transaction observed a state overwritten by a later transaction.
At the bottom of this plot we have a pair of transactions: one appends 7 to key
9, and strictly later, in real time, another reads key 9, and sees nil
failed to observe the previous transaction's effects. Let's take a look at messages.svg
to see what might have happened.
The second transaction tried to read the root pointer, and succeeded: it found
the map stored in n1-8
, and in there, a reference to key 9's value stored in
. However, the lww-kv
store responded with a not-found
error for our
read. We were sloppy before, and assumed that reads would always observe the
latest state--but this isn't necessarily the case in an eventually consistent
store. We need to retry when values are missing.
class Thunk
def value
until @value
res = @node.sync_rpc! SVC, type: 'read', key: id
if res[:body][:type] == 'read_ok'
value = from_json res[:body][:value]
@value ||= value
# Read failed, retry
sleep 0.01
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
If we look at the Lamport diagrams, we can see nodes retrying failed reads over and over again. The LWW store in Maelstrom is intentionally awful, which means it may take several tries before a write becomes visible. That pushes up our latency, and the number of messages we have to exchange:
:net {:stats {:all {:send-count 9280,
:recv-count 9280,
:msg-count 9280,
:msgs-per-op 19.61945},
:clients {:send-count 950,
:recv-count 950,
:msg-count 950},
:servers {:send-count 8330,
:recv-count 8330,
:msg-count 8330,
:msgs-per-op 17.610994}},
17.6 messages per transaction... even considering the awful LWW KV store, that's a lot of RPC calls! The obvious question is: can we go faster?
Because our thunks are immutable, we can always cache them safely. Let's try adding a cache to our Thunk class, and re-using values from the cache whenever possible.
class Thunk
SVC = 'lin-kv'
@@cache = {}
# Loads a thunk from the local cache. If not found in cache, evaluates block
# to construct a new Thunk, and saves that in the cache.
def self.cached(id)
@@cache[id] or (@@cache[id] = yield)
Now we can modify Map#from_json
to try loading thunks from cache, if
# We have a list of [k, id] pairs, each id belonging to a saved Thunk.
def from_json(json)
pairs = json || []
m = {}
pairs.each do |k, id|
m[k] = Thunk.cached(id) do @node, id, nil, true
And likewise for fetching Maps in State#transact!
def transact!(txn)
# Load the current map id from lin-kv
map_id1 = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
type: 'read',
key: KEY
map1 = if map_id1
Thunk.cached(map_id1) do, @idgen, map_id1, nil, true)
else, @idgen, @idgen.new_id, {}, false)
Now we don't have to re-fetch data that hasn't changed since the last time we read it!
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
:servers {:send-count 9458,
:recv-count 9458,
:msg-count 9458,
:msgs-per-op 14.550769}},
Not incredible, but still nothing to sneeze at! We shaved off roughly three messages per transaction.
Another optimization: it might be possible for us to guess that the state of
the root pointer hasn't changed since we last executed, and avoid having to
fetch it for every transaction. We can add a map
field to our State
class, like so:
class State
# Where do we store the root DB state?
SVC = 'lin-kv'
KEY = 'root'
def initialize(node, idgen)
@node = node
@idgen = idgen
# Start with an empty state
@map =, @idgen, @idgen.new_id, {}, false)
And when we transact, we'll run our transaction on the cached Map, hoping that it's still current. If we lose, we can always pull the latest map and retry.
def transact!(txn)
while true
# Apply transaction speculatively
map2, txn2 = @map.transact txn
# Save resulting map!
res = @node.sync_rpc!(SVC, {
type: 'cas',
key: KEY,
create_if_not_exists: true
if res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
# Done!
@map = map2
return txn2
# Shoot, we lost the cas; back off and retry.
sleep(rand * 0.05)
Let's see what happens!
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 10
:stats {:valid? true,
:count 1006,
:ok-count 1006,
:fail-count 0,
:info-count 0,
:by-f {:txn {:valid? true,
:count 1006,
:ok-count 1006,
:fail-count 0,
:info-count 0}}},
:net {:stats {:all {:send-count 10574,
:recv-count 10574,
:msg-count 10574,
:msgs-per-op 10.510935},
:clients {:send-count 2016,
:recv-count 2016,
:msg-count 2016},
:servers {:send-count 8558,
:recv-count 8558,
:msg-count 8558,
:msgs-per-op 8.506958}},
:valid? true},
:workload {:valid? true},
:valid? true}
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
Three incredible things happened.
- Adding a retry loop eliminated our cas failure messages. Every single transaction succeeded.
- Adding a bit of random backoff to our retries actually reduced the CAS contention: overall latencies dropped from ~100 ms to ~10 ms
- The number of messages exchanged fell from 14.5 to 8.5 per transaction!
Could we do even better?
When executing a read-only transaction, we don't really need to update the
state of the root pointer--do we? After all, nothing has changed. Let's try
skipping the root cas
operation if there's been no change to the Map.
class State
def transact!(txn)
while true
# Apply transaction speculatively
map2, txn2 = @map.transact txn
# If there was no change to the state, we're done.
if ==
return txn2
Read-only transactions aren't super common in our workload, but they do occur, and when they do, we can skip an extra round-trip.
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
:servers {:send-count 7550,
:recv-count 7550,
:msg-count 7550,
:msgs-per-op 8.057631}},
However, this test fails!
:workload {:valid? false,
:anomaly-types (:G-single-realtime),
:not #{:strict-serializable},
Indeed, Elle shows us that there are realtime anomalies. For instance, the
top transaction here executed strictly after (rt
) the bottom transaction, but
failed to observe its append of 15 to key 44!
We've failed to ensure strict serializability! Why? Was that trivial cas
operation... load-bearing, in a sense?
Imagine that transaction T1, executing on node n1, modifies the root id from 0 to 1. A read-only transaction T2 begins on n2, which still has root 0. Under our new transactor rules, it's allowed to execute speculatively on root 0, without observing T1's effects. If n0 is required to perform a cas from 0 -> 0, it ensures that the state 0 is still valid--which guarantees strict serializability. By removing that check, we allow stale reads.
This system is, however, still serializable:
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100 --consistency-models serializable
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
Batching. There's nothing that says we have to flush every single
transaction to the underlying storage. Modify Transactor
to buffer incoming
transactions and apply them in batches of a few at a time. What happens to the latency? Number of messages sent?
Read parallelism. We perform all our reads sequentially, as the transaction asks for values. This means our transactors spend a good deal of time waiting for state to go back and forth. See if you can scan a transaction to identify its read set ahead of time, and preload those elements of the Map in parallel. What kind of impact does this have on latency?
Write parallelism. Ditto for writes: we write all our records to storage sequentially. Modify Thunk#save! to return a promise, and have Map#save! perform all writes in parallel.
Hash Trees. Our transactions slow down linearly as we add new keys to the Map. Redesign Map to store records in a tree of immutable hashmap nodes. Show that transaction latencies rise logarithmically over time, rather than linearly. How do the constant factors compare?