This package implements the Philips Hue Entertainment API. You can use it to change the lights Philips Hue in a fast to way, for example to sync with a music or a video.
package huestream_test
import (
// WARNING: this example makes use of fast changing light effects conditions
// and it may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures
// in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy.
func Example() {
// Run this only the first time and store the creds in an ENV var.
host, username, clientKey, err := genClientCreds()
if err != nil {
// If you don't have an entertainment area yet, create it using the
// Philips Hue App:
// Settings > Entertainment areas > +.
// Use this command to get the ID of your first entertainment area,
// if you have more than one and want to choose, adapt the command:
// curl -s -k \
// -H 'hue-application-key: <username>' \
// https://<host>/clip/v2/resource/entertainment_configuration | jq '.data.[0].id'
// Yes, I'm too lazy to write this function.
areaID := ""
// Create a context that listens to signals so we can gracefully shutdown the
// stream.
ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
defer stop()
// Create the stream client.
client := huestream.New(host, username, clientKey)
// Start a stream in the selected Entertainment area.
stream, err := client.StartStream(ctx, areaID)
if err != nil {
defer stream.Close()
// From Hue Docs:
// "The streaming makes use of UDP, which can result in that certain messages
// get lost, that is why it is important to continuously stream messages, even
// when it would mean repeating the same messages or light values, typically a
// streaming rate of 50-60Hz is used."
// 50 Hz = 1 message each 20 ms.
sendRate := time.NewTicker(20 * time.Millisecond)
defer sendRate.Stop()
// From Hue Docs:
// "The bridge sends maximum at 25 Hz messages over ZigBee.
// Thus, the (fastest) effect rate should be 2 – 3 times slower
// than this 25 Hz, i.e < 12.5 Hz."
// 12.5 Hz = 1 message each 80 ms.
changeColorRate := time.NewTicker(80 * time.Millisecond)
defer changeColorRate.Stop()
c0, c1 := randColor(), randColor()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Log the errors.
case err := <-stream.Error:
case <-changeColorRate.C:
c0, c1 = randColor(), randColor()
case <-sendRate.C:
// Here we are sending two colors because my Entertainment Area has 2 lights.
// The slice index represents the Channel ID (the light).
// If you have 5 lights in your area, send a slice of 5 colors.
stream.Send <- []color.Color{c0, c1}
func genClientCreds() (host, username, clientKey string, err error) {
bridge, err := huego.Discover()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
host = bridge.Host
// Press the Bridge link button.
user, err := bridge.CreateUserWithClientKey("my entertainment app")
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
return host, user.Username, user.ClientKey, nil
func randColor() color.Color {
rnd := func() uint8 { return uint8(rand.IntN(256)) }
return color.RGBA{R: rnd(), G: rnd(), B: rnd()}