A wrapper class to communicate between user code and plugin.
void Initialize(void(), void(string));
void Login(LoginMethod, void(OAuthToken), void(string));
void LoginWithNewScopes(string[], void(OAuthToken), void(string));
void Logout(void(), void(string));
void Unlink(void(), void(string));
void GetUserInformation(void(UserInfo), void(string));
void GetProfile(void(TalkProfile), void(string));
void GetFriends(int offset, int count, int order, void(Friends), void(string));
string GetKeyHash();
enum LoginMethod { Error, Kakaotalk, KakaoAccount, Both }
enum Gender { FEMALE, MALE, UNKNOWN }
enum AgeRange { AGE_0_9, AGE_10_14, AGE_15_19, AGE_20_29, AGE_30_39, AGE_40_49, AGE_50_59, AGE_60_69, AGE_70_79, AGE_80_89, AGE_90_ABOVE, UNKNOWN }
static class Order { ASC="asc", DESC="desc" }
delegate void SuccessAction();
delegate void JsonSuccessAction<T>(T data);
delegate void FailAction(string message);
FAIL_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED_DEVICE = "UnityKakaotalkAPI not supported on this device";
FAIL_RESULT_UNEXPECTED_LOGIN_METHOD = "Unexpected login method";
Template of kakaotalk results to deserialize it
Class | Result of | Contains |
OAuthToken | Login | Token and scopes |
UserInfo | GetUserInformation | Account data |
Account | GetUserInformation | The data which need agreement |
Profile | GetUserInformation | Nickname and icon URL |
TalkProfile | GetProfile | Nickname and icon URL |
Friend | GetFriends | Friend data and favorite |
Friends | GetFriends | Friends list and number of friends |