27 Extreme climate index defined by ETCCDI (http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml).
# remotes::install_github("pacificclimate/climdex.pcic")
# remotes::install_github("rpkgs/clim")
df = climdata_raw %>% SpecialValue()
# climdata_raw = fread("data-raw/climdata_raw.csv") %>% unique()
d <- df[year == 1958, ]
q_ref <- clim.quantile(df, ref = c(1961, 1990))
r <- clim.indexes_year(d, q_ref)
# index_P(d, q_ref)
# index_T(d, q_ref)
FD SU ID TR GSL TXx TNx TXn TNn TN10p TX10p TN90p TX90p WSDI CSDI DTR Rx1 1 187 57 124 0 204 33 17.2 -26 -40.2 0.1342466 0.08219178 0.04109589 0.03287671 0 9 11.77589 16.2 Rx5 SDII RR10 RR20 RR25 CDD CWD R95D R99D R95P R99p PRCPTOT 1 26.3 3.628571 3 0 0 27 3 2 0 28.4 0 228.6
## 任意时间尺度ETCCDI气候指数
## Writed By kongdd, 2015/06/05
## Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
## email: kongdd@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
## 函数已使用climdex.pcic已经验证,除和T quantile有关的四个TN10p,TX10p,TN90p,TX90p,其余完全一致
## ========================================================================
## 所需计算的各项指标
## 参考文献:
# [1] 慈晖, 张强, 张江辉, 等. 1961-2010 年新疆极端降水过程时空特征[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 10: 010.
# [2] Bartholy J, Pongrácz R. Regional analysis of extreme temperature and precipitation indices for the Carpathian basin
# from 1946 to 2001. Global and Planetary Change, 2007, 57(1-2): 83-95.
# [3] http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml
# =========================================================================
# 关于温度的16个指标 --------------------------------------------------------------
## 1 FD, Number of frost days: Annual count of days when TN (daily minimum temperature) < 0
## 2 SU, Number of summer days: Annual count of days when TX (daily maximum temperature) > 25
## 3 ID, Number of icing days: Annual count of days when TX (daily maximum temperature) < 0
## 4 TR, Number of tropical nights: Annual count of days when TN (daily minimum temperature) > 20
## 5 GSL, Growing season length: Annual (1st Jan to 31st Dec in Northern Hemisphere (NH), 1st July to 30th
# June in Southern Hemisphere (SH)) count between first span of at least 6 days with daily mean
# temperature TG>5oC and first span after July 1st (Jan 1st in SH) of 6 days with TG<5oC.
# 1-6月的第一次至少连续6日平均气温高于定义温度至7-12月第一次至少连续6日平均气温高于定义温度的持续天数
# 6-9 月极端最高气温、月最低气温极大值、月最高气温极小值、月极端最低气温
# TXx, Monthly maximum value of daily maximum temperature
# TNx, Monthly maximum value of daily minimum temperature
# TXn, Monthly minimum value of daily maximum temperature
# TNn, Monthly minimum value of daily minimum temperature
# 10-13 TN10p, Percentage of days when TN < 10th percentile
# TX10p, Percentage of days when TX < 10th percentile
# TN90p, Percentage of days when TN > 90th percentile
# TX90p, Percentage of days when TX > 90th percentile
# 14 WSDI, Warm speel duration index: Annual count of days with at least 6 consecutive days when TX > 90th percentile
# 15 CSDI, Cold speel duration index: Annual count of days with at least 6 consecutive days when TN < 10th percentile
# 16 DTR, Daily temperature range: Monthly mean difference between TX and TN
# 关于降水的11个指标 --------------------------------------------------------------
# 17.Rx1day 1 日降水量最大值
# 18.Rx5day 连续5 日降水量最大值
# 19 SDII 日降水量之和与日降水量≥ 1 mm的日数之比
# 20-22.RRn 降雨量大于n mm的日数
# 23.CDD 年内日降水量连续低于1 mm的日数最大值
# 24.CWD 年内日降水量连续高于等于1 mm的日数最大值
# 25-26 降雨大于95%、99%百分位值对应的天数与累计降雨量,
# R95D 年内日降水量高于标准时段日降水量序列第95 百分位值的日数之和
# R99D 年内日降水量高于标准时段日降水量序列第99 百分位值的日数之和
# R95P 年内日降水量高于标准时段日降水量序列第95 百分位值的降水量之和
# R99P 年内日降水量高于标准时段日降水量序列第99 百分位值的降水量之和
# 27.PRCPTOT 日降水量≥ 1 mm的降水量之和
## ========================================================================
慈晖, 张强, 张江辉, 等. 1961-2010 年新疆极端降水过程时空特征[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 10:010.
Bartholy J, Pongrácz R. Regional analysis of extreme temperature and precipitation indices for the Carpathian basin from 1946 to 2001. Global and Planetary Change, 2007, 57(1-2): 83-95.