- Use MySQLWorkbench, execute the whole scripts: db_init.sql and then phase3_shell.sql (db_init.sql and phase3_shell.sql are under cs4400-phase > sql). Please use phase3_shell.sql included in the indicated folder because it is updated with some more procedures than what we submitted for phase 3.
- Open app.py file (in cs4400-phase4 > src > app.py), update self.root_pw to your password to MySQLWorkbench
- Navigate to “cs4400-phase4 > src”
- Run app.py
- (OPTIONAL) Include the “sys.path.append(‘[INSERT cs4400-phase4 PATH]’)” line in the app.py file
- Run “python3 app.py”
- (OPTIONAL) Include the “‘[sys.path.append(INSERT cs4400-phase4 PATH])” line in the app.py file
- PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text (to program the application)
- MySQLWorkbench (to host the database)
- Python, SQL
- Required Python packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- pip
- PyQt5
- PyQt5-sip
- PyQt5-stubs
- python-dateutil
- pytz
- setuptools
- six
- Split UI into different components: “Home Screens” and “Screens”
- Added “Utils” folder to include custom made classes
- Added .gitignore for removing unnecessary files
- Used Python’s PyQt5 library to create the UI all the screens
- Used pymysql to connect to the database
- Hymee Huang: UI and functionalities for screens 1, 2, 3s, 6, 14. 17
- Roy Gabriel: UI and functionalities for screens 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16
- Quynh Trinh: UI and functionalities for screens 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18
- All members cross-checked each other’s screens and tested the application together as a team
- For screen Aggregate Result, Date Processed follows this formatting:
- Must include YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2020-10-10 or 2021-05-05 NOT 2020-5-5 or 20-20-10)
- Incomplete dates are treated as NULL
- After a student signs up for a test and even though we only simulate tests (per the project description), student cannot see their pending test under the Student View Test Results screen until a lab technician add the new test to a pool. This is based on how the procedure 'student_view_results' was written (by a TA), so we assume this is the expected behavior of the system.