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Link to the paper on Automatically Learning Shape Specifications.


DOrder is copyrighted by Purdue University.

Author: He Zhu, Gustavo Petri, Suresh Jagannathan.

DOrder is a specification synthesizer written in OCaml that runs on top of the OCaml compiler. It is capable of synthesizing shape specifications for OCaml data structure programs with no user-annotations. It only requires a small number of simple tests to bootstrap synthesis.

Below, we provide a guide for fun things you can play with DOrder, with pointers to the paper for further information.

You can also git-clone the source code of DOrder:

	git clone

System requirements:

  1. OCaml 3.12:

    The tool is currently incompatible with OCaml 4.0+. We hope to improve our code in the future. The following instructions assume OCaml library is installed under /usr/local/lib/ocaml/, which is also the default setting. Please make necessary changes according to your machine.

  2. Z3 4.3:

    DOrder requires Z3 to be installed. Download and install Z3 following all instructions provided here. We strongly recommend Z3 4.3. To bind Z3 to DOrder, we require users to manually

     	Go into external/z3/ocaml, and run ./ /usr/local/lib/ocaml/

    Please also put libz3.dylib or (these files are available upon success compilation of Z3) under external/z3/lib. If any problem is encountered, please follow the ReadMe provided under external/z3/ocaml.

  3. CamlIDL:

    CamlIDL can be downloaded from here.

To detect whether an operating system supports DOrder,

		Run ./configure

To compile DOrder, from the top directory:

        Run make libs && make	

To run DOrder,

  1. In MacOS, be sure that the files in external/Z3/lib are in your library path (not required in Ubuntu).
    One way to do this is to run, from the top directory,

     	export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="external/z3/lib/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
  2. To test whether DOrder is successfully complied, run

     	./ ./tests/recursive/

A precise specification for the well-known mcCarthy91 function should be displayed. For any other problem with compiling DOrder, send an email to zhu103 AT myuniversity.

This section gives an example about how to validate DOrder.

Benchmark location:


To run a benchmark [bench]:

	./ -no_hoflag -reachability ./tests/reachability/[bench]

More explanations about benchmarks:

  1. We can infer and verify specifications involving rich ordering properties of data structures (e.g. in AVL insertion function, the in-order relation of the output binary tree preserves the in-order relations of the input binary tree; in list reversal function, the forward-order relation of the output list is equivalent to the backward-order relation of the input list; in heap merge function, the parent-child relation of the output heap preserves the parent-child relations of the input heaps). We support arbitrary user-defined algebra data types. Examples include AVL tree, Splay tree, Braun tree, Skew heap, Treap, etc.

     To try an example, run ./ -no_hoflag -reachability ./tests/reachability/
  2. You should be able to observe specifications inferred for each function in binarysearchtree from your command line interface, which will be explained below. If you prefer to observe the output in a file, add "-dump_specs" parameter, you can then read synthesized specifications in a file "./specifications.txt".

     e.g. ./ -no_hoflag -reachability -dump_specs ./tests/reachability/
  3. We also support the inference and verification of shape-data specifications. For example, we can infer and verify functional correctness specifications for classic list sorting algorithms (e.g. quicksort, mergesort and heapsort) or balanced tree data structure programs (e.g. AVL and Redblack), proving lists are correctly sorted or trees correctly satisfy BST properties. Running our tool using the above commands will also display all synthesized shape-data specifications.

Assumptions made by DOrder:

For any data structure program prog, DOrder assumes test inputs to prog are provided in a file prog_harness. These test inputs can be generated from automated tools like quickcheck. In fact, all test inputs from harness files are in quickcheck style. They are all very simple. If used to synthesize specifications for some new data structure, make sure a new harness file for the data structure is created. Many existing harness test files in the repository are reusable.

For example, consider the _heapsort_ program under ./test/reachability. Its test inputs are described in heapsort_harness, which contains the following code:
let list n = random _n_ integers

let main () = 
	let _ = fprintf outch "env:newtest\t\n" in
	heapsort (list 15)
let _ = main ()

The line "let _ = fprintf outch "env:newtest\t\n" in" is used to tell DOrder to collect input-output behaviors of the function below it (e.g. heapsort). The function is then called with a randomly generated list whose length equals 15.

DOrder uses a naive data structure serialization technique in its sampling, possibly resulting in imprecise results when duplicated values are contained in one data structure. However, enforcing distinct values in sampled data structures does not affect soundness and completeness of DOrder in terms of shape specification synthesis.

Output explanation:

If "-dump_specs" is used as a parameter to call DOrder, you can read synthesized specifications in "./specifications.txt". Otherwise, you can directly read synthesized result from the command line interface.

Synthesized specifications are boolean combinations of a set of atomic predicates inferred per-datatype. For example, consider the data type heap provided in the heapsort program.

type 'a heap = 
	| E 
	| T of int * 'a * 'a heap * 'a heap

A number of atomic predicates are created for this data type, which essentially is a tree data structure. We will use h to represent an instance of 'a heap. Following Section.2 of the paper, we first consider possible containment predicates for h:

	reach (h, u) represents a certain value u is present in a heap h:

A more interesting predicate class is one that establishes ordering relations between two elements of a data structure, u and v. Recall that in 'a heap definition only T constructors contain values. However, since T contains two inductively defined subtrees, there are several cases to consider when establishing an ordering relation among values found within a tree h. We use link (h, t, i, j, u, v) to represent the ordering relation that u is contained the i-th component and v is in the j-th component of constructor T in h (T is uncapitalized in the predicate). For example, if we are interested in cases where the value u appears “before” (according to a specified order) v, we could either have that:

	(i) the value v occurs in the first (left) subtree (indexed by 2) from a tree 
	node containing u (indexed by 1), described by the notation link (h, t, 1, 2, u, v), 

	(ii) the value v occurs in the second (right) subtree (indexed by 3), described by the 
	notation link (h, t, 1, 3, u, v),

	(iii) both values are in the tree, but u is found in a subtree that is disjoint from the subtree 
	where v occurs. Suppose there exists a node whose first subtree contains u (indexed by 2) and whose 
	second subtree contains v (indexed by 3). This is denoted as link (h, t, 2, 3, u, v). 

Notice that in this description we have exhausted all possible relations between any two values in a tree. The first argument (indexed by 0) to the T constructor is not considered by all atomic predicates because integer is not part of the polymorphic data structure 'a heap (type theory).

Simplification: Given a predicate link (h, t, i, j, u, v), to improve readability of DOrder, for a polymorphic data structure 'a type, if the i-th component of constructor T is the only polymorphic argument of T that is not an inductive data type (e.g. simple list or tree data structure), we simplify the output of the predicate to link (h, t, j, u, v) because i is obvious and hence hidden in this case.

After synthesizing atomic predicates from datatype definition, DOrder synthesizes specifications for data structure functions. Consider the merge function in heapsort,

let rec merge h1 h2 =
	match h1, h2 with 
	| h1, E -> h1 
	| E, h2 -> h2 
	| (T(rk1, x, a1, b1)), (T(rk2, y, a2, b2)) -> 
		if x >= y then 
			t x a1 (merge b1 h2) 
			t y a2 (merge h1 b2)

By learning from test outcome, the following specification is synthesized:

function merge with type h1: {'a heap | some type omitted ... } 
	-> h2: {'a heap | sometype omitted ... }
	-> {'a heap |                              			
			forall (u v ). ((-. link (V, t, 1, 2, u, v)) or 
			link (h2, t, 1, 2, u, v) or
			link (h2, t, 1, 3, u, v) or
			(link (h1, t, 1, 3, u, v) or 
			link (h1, t, 1, 2, u, v)) or
			((reach (h2, u)) and (reach (h1, v))) or
			((reach (h2, v)) and (reach (h1, u)))) /\ ...}

We only show one predicate in the result for simplicity. The operator "-." represents logical negation (\neg). In the result type, V represents the value of the result heap. The given specification states that the parent-child relation (e.g. link (V, t, 1, 2, u, v) where u and v are quantified) between elements contained in the result heap preserves their parent-child relation (e.g. link (h2, t, 1, 2, u, v)) in the input heap h1 and h2. [You might find that link (V, t, 1, 2, u, v) is simplified to link (V, t, 2, u, v) in the result due to the simplification strategy.]

DOrder also outputs shape-data specifications. For example, for the heapsort function, the following specification is synthesized:

function heapsort with type ls: 'a list ->
    {'a list | forall (u v ). ((-. link (V, cons, 0, 1, u, v)) or  (v <= u)) /\ ...}

In the result type, we see that the output list is correctly sorted, where cons is the uncapitalized version the Cons data type constructor of list. The predicate link (V, cons, 0, 1, u, v) encodes that v is in the tail of a list node containing u.

How to validate DOrder:

To validate our experimental results, DOrder displays detailed runtime information in the command line interface. For example, assume you run DOrder with

>>> ./ -no_hoflag -reachability -dump_specs ./tests/reachability/

[ ... ... ]


Time to solve constraints:
TOTAL                         29.109 s
	learn_from_samples             9.160 s
##Size of hypothesis domain: 81##
##In total 28 specifications were synthesized in the above command lines. QED.

Here the number of atomic predicates in the hypothesis domain of all the functions in heapsort is 81 (resp. column H of Tab.5), the number of verified ordering specifications in terms of either input-output or shape-data relations is 28 (resp. column I of Tab.5). The total time taken (learning and verification) is 29.109s (resp. column T of Tab.5). The time spent solely on learning (including the time spent in sampling) is 9.160s (resp. column LT of Tab.5). Inferred specifications can be found either in command lines or "./specifications.txt" depending on whether "-dump_specs" is used as a parameter to call DOrder.

Readers are welcome to validate the experimental results listed in Tab.5 of the paper, following these steps.

More examples:

More examples on DOrder output (example syntax follows the paper and is directly consistent with link and reach predicates given above).

Learning other specifications beyond the paper

  1. In addition to the above ordering properties, DOrder can also infer and verify inductive numeric specifications for data structures. For example, we can infer and verify functional correctness specifications for balanced tree structures (e.g. AVL and Redblack), proving trees can be correctly balanced in data structure implementations. The corresponding inductive data structure benchmarks are included in ./tests/dml/ directory.

     To try an example, run ./ -no_hoflag ./tests/dml/ or
     					   ./ -no_hoflag ./tests/dml/
  2. DOrder not only handles data structure programs, but also can be used to infer specifications for numeric programs. The loop (numeric) program benchmarks are included in ./tests/folprograms/ directory.

     To try an example, run ./ -no_hoflag ./tests/folprograms/misc/

    The recursive (numeric) program benchmarks are included in ./tests/recursive/ directory.

     To try an example, run ./ -no_hoflag ./tests/recursive/
  3. DOrder supports high-order functions. The higher-order (numeric) program benchmarks are included in ./tests/mochi/ ./tests/lists/ and ./tests/popl13/ directories.

     To try an example, run ./ -hoflag ./tests/mochi/
  4. DOrder can synthesize quantified array invariants. The array program benchmarks are included in ./tests/array/

     To try an example, run ./ -inv -effect ./tests/array/

Summary: DOrder Command Line Arguments

  1. To infer shape specifications on top of ordering and containment properties for data structure programs, run

     ./ -no_hoflag -reachability [ML source file]
  2. To infer specifications for general high-order functional programs, run

     ./ -hoflag [ML source file]
  3. To turn off the support for higher-order functions (for first-order programs), run

     ./ -no_hoflag [ML source file]
  4. To infer quantified array invariants, run

     ./ -inv -effect [ML source file]