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Distributed unique ID Generator

id-generator is a dirstributed unique ID generator. There are 3 kinds of generators provided by id-generator:

  1. snowflake-like ID generator

    • inspired by Twitter's Snowflake.

    • A snowflake-like ID is composed of

      31 bits for time in units of 1 second (limit: 2**31/3600/24/365 = 68 years)
      22 bits for a sequence number         (limit: 2**22-1 = 4,194,303 per second)
      10 bits for a worker id               (limit: 2**10 = 1024)
  2. auto-inremented sequence ID generator

    • id auto-incremented

    • sequence ID is composed of

      53 bits for a sequence number  (limit: 2**53-1 = 9,007,199,254,740,991)
      10 bits for a worker id        (limit: 2**10 = 1024)
  3. order ID generator

    • id is of type uint64

    • as a digit string, its head 6 chars are date with layout "YYMMDD"

    • its tail chars form the workerId specified when initing

    • the digit of the whole order id is composed of 3 parts

      • short order id
      parts format: YYMMDDxxxxxxxWW
         YYMMDD  stands for Year, Month, Day.   (upper limit: 991231)
         xxxxxxx stands for order Id sequence.  (upper limit: 10,000,000 per day)
         WW      stands for worker id.          (upper limit: 100)
      • long order id
      parts format: YYMMDDhhmmxxxxxxWW
         YYMMDDhhmm  stands for Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute. (upper limit: 9912312359)
         xxxxxx      stands for order Id sequence.              (upper limit: 1,000,000 per minute)
         WW          stands for worker id.                      (upper limit: 100)


The package is fully go-getable without any dependency, So, just type

go get


package main

import (

func main() {
	// 1. for snowflake-like ID
	epochTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1) // set your epochTime, a history time
	workerId := uint16(1) // set your own workerId
	sf := idgen.NewFlakeIdGenerator(echochTime, workerId)   // 64bit id
	// sf := idgen.NewFlakeIdGenerator32(echochTime, workerId) // 32bit id, most of time, 32bit is ok.
	for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
		id := sf.NextID()
		// id

	// 2. for order id
	ord := idgen.NewOrderIdGenerator(workerId, "Asia/Shanghai") // any valid tz string is ok
	for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
		id := ord.NextID()
		// id

	ord2 := idgen.NewLongOrderIdGenerator(workerId, "Asia/Shanghai") // any valid tz string is ok
	for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
		id := ord2.NextID()
		// id

	// 3. for sequence id
	seq := idgen.NewSeqIdGenerator(workerId, 0) // startId, any uint64 is ok
	for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
		id := seq.NextID()
		// id


Under my aliyun-ECS: 1core CPU, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz

The benchmark result is:

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
Benchmark_orderNextId     	 3000000	       479 ns/op
Benchmark_seqNextId       	 3000000	       469 ns/op
Benchmark_snowFlakeNextId 	 3000000	       472 ns/op
ok	3.781s


Pull requests are welcome! Also, if you want to discuss something, send a pull request with proposal and changes.