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Research Scholarship at the University of Newcastle (2023-2024)

This repository contains the work I completed during my research scholarship at the University of Newcastle in 2023-2024. The project focused on implementing and exploring numerical methods, specifically the Virtual Element Method (VEM), and contributions in both Julia and MATLAB.


This project solves the possion equation: $ \begin{cases} -\Delta{u} & = f \quad \text{in} \ \Omega \ u & = g \quad \text{on}\ \delta\Omega \end{cases} $

Where $f,g \in L_2$

Project Overview

The primary goal of this research project was to explore and implement numerical methods, specifically focusing on the Virtual Element Method (VEM). This repository includes:

  • A Julia reimplementation of the VEM as described by Oliver J. Sutton.
  • Supporting MATLAB files for additional analysis and comparison.
  • A paper discussing the project's objectives, methodology, and results.

Directory Structure

Here’s a complete list of the files in this repository:

Main Files:

File Description
.gitignore Specifies files ignored by Git.
Project.toml Julia project dependencies. This README file describing the repository structure.

LaTeX Files:

File Description
LaTeX/ Documentation related to the LaTeX report.
LaTeX/appendix.tex Appendix with MATLAB and Julia code listings.
LaTeX/diagram.tex Diagrams used in the LaTeX report.
LaTeX/jlcode.sty Custom Julia syntax highlighting for LaTeX.
LaTeX/main.tex Main LaTeX document for the report.
LaTeX/sources.bib Bibliography file for references.
LaTeX/vem-preamble.sty Preamble for the LaTeX report including packages and settings.


File Description
MATLAB/PolygonTests.m MATLAB file containing tests for polygon meshes in the VEM context.

Source Code (Julia):

File Description
src/L_domain.jl Julia code for handling the L-shaped domain problem.
src/plot_solution.jl Julia script to plot the solution to the VEM problem.
src/read_mat.jl Julia script for reading .mat files.
src/square_domain.jl Julia code for handling a square domain.
src/vem_method.jl Julia implementation of the VEM method.
src/vem_problem.jl Julia code defining the VEM problem struct.
src/vem_solver.jl Julia code to solve the VEM problem.

Check Directory:

File Description
check/debugging/output.txt Debug output for tracking VEM computations.
check/debugging/ Markdown report for debugging information.
check/debugging/ General debug output in Markdown format.
check/debugging/ Julia-specific debug output.
check/debugging/ MATLAB-specific debug output.
check/meshes/*.mat .mat files for different mesh configurations, including L-domain, Voronoi, etc.

Documentation (docs/):

File Description
docs/build/index.html HTML documentation generated with Documenter.jl.
docs/build/notebook.ipynb Example Jupyter notebook.
docs/build/plot_solution/index.html Plot solution documentation in HTML format.
docs/src/*.md Markdown source files for the project documentation.
docs/make.jl Julia script to build the documentation using Documenter.jl.

Jupyter Notebooks:

File Description
nb/vem_demo.ipynb Example Jupyter notebook demonstrating the VEM solver.

Resources (res/plots/):

File Description
res/plots/something.pdf Example plot in PDF format.
res/plots/something.png Example plot in PNG format.
res/plots/something.svg Example plot in SVG format.

cc Dependencies

The following Julia packages are required to run the Virtual Element Method solver and related scripts in this project:

  • Plots: For generating visualizations, such as heatmaps and wireframe plots.
  • Colors: Provides color manipulation and schemes for plotting.
  • Statistics: Used for basic statistical calculations.
  • MAT: For reading and writing MATLAB .mat files, which are used for storing VEM problem data.
  • LinearAlgebra: Provides linear algebra functions, necessary for matrix operations.
  • SparseArrays: Supports sparse matrix representations, essential for efficiently handling large systems.

To install these dependencies, run the following command in the Julia REPL:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["Plots", "Colors", "Statistics", "MAT", "LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"])

### Command Line Options 

| Option              | Description                                                                 | Required | Default Value             |
| `--file, -f`        | Path to the `.mat` file containing the VEM problem.                         | Yes      | N/A                       |
| `--plot, -p`        | Plot type: choose either `"heatmap"` or `"wireframe"`.                      | No       | N/A                       |
| `--ptitle, -t`      | Title for the plot.                                                         | No       | None                      |
| `--colourscheme, -c`| Color scheme for the plot. Default: `"blues"` for heatmap, `"viridis"` for wireframe. | No       | `"blues"` for heatmap     |
| `--azimuth, -a`     | Azimuth angle for the wireframe plot. Default: `30`.                        | No       | `30.0`                    |
| `--elevation, -e`   | Elevation angle for the wireframe plot. Default: `30`.                      | No       | `30.0`                    |
| `--solidcolour, -s` | Solid color for the wireframe plot.                                         | No       | N/A                       |
| `--savepath, -o`    | File path to save the generated plot (e.g., `output.png`).                  | No       | N/A                       |
| `--debug, -d`       | Enable debug mode and output detailed information.                          | No       | Disabled                  |
| `--debug_file, -D`  | Path to store debug output. Default: ``.                 | No       | `""`   |

### Examplse

    julia vem_solver.jl --file /path/to/mesh.mat --plot heatmap --colourscheme plasma --savepath output.svg
    julia vem_solver.jl --file /path/to/mesh.mat --plot wireframe --azimuth 45 --elevation 60 --solidcolour red --savepath wireframe.png
    julia vem_solver.jl --file /path/to/mesh.mat --debug --debug_file

How to Use

For detailed instructions on running the code and generating documentation, refer to the docs section.

Generating Documentation

The documentation is built using Documenter.jl. To generate the HTML documentation locally, run the following:

julia> include("docs/make.jl")