Welcome to the Snap Note project! This application is part of my submission for the IDCamp scholarship in 2023. Snap Note is application for creating and saving your daily notes.
- 📘️ Create note
- 🔥️ Delete note
- 🔍️ Search note
- 🌖️ Dark mode
- 📝️ Edit note
- 📦 Archived & Unarchived note
To get started with Read Easy, you can follow this step:
Clone the Repository You can clone this GitHub repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/submission-1-dicoding-fundamental-react.git
Running project
Node.js version >= 16.x
setup with pnpm is recommended.
# install dependencies
pnpm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:5173
pnpm dev
# build for production
pnpm build
WARNING: Use this repo only as a reference.
- In accordance with the terms of use at Dicoding, Dicoding Academy class submissions must be your own work.
- Code obtained from other sources (websites, books, forums, GitHub, etc.) is only used as a reference. The level of similarity cannot be more than 70%.
If you have questions or issues, visit the following repository -> new issue If this documentation is useful, let's be friends by pressing the follow button on this profile and star this repository 😁️
Big thanks for Dicoding and Idcamp🙌️
Thank you for checking out Snap Note! Happy learning and coding! If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue on this repository.