The fundamental UNIX commands necessary for development
- The command line is a tool for interacting with a computer using only text (also known as a text interface) rather than other methods like clicking and scrolling.
- If you press the Tab key while entering a file name or folder name, the rest of the name gets auto-completed.
- The directory that you're currently in, is called the current directory.
- In the file structure of a computer, there is a root directory at the very top. The root directory is represented by /.
touch file_name.extension => Create new file
$ touch begin.txt
cat file_name => Displays the content of a file
$ cat begin.txt
If you specify a file that does not exist using the cat command, you will get an error, as the command is invalid]
mkdir directory_name => Creates a new directory
$ mkdir code
cd directory_name => Moves to specified directory
$ cd html
You'll get an error if you specify a directory that does not exist]
pwd (print working directory) => To know the directory you are currently working in
$ pwd
ls (Listing files) => Displays the directories and files that are direct children of the current directory
$ ls
=> Moves to the parent directory$ cd ..
If you execute cd without specifying a directory, you can move to what is called a home directory (represented by ~)]
- mv directories/file_to_move/ destination_directory => Moves to directories/file
$ mv begin.txt html
- mv old_file_name new_file_name => Renames a file
$ mv begin.txt end.txt
- cp file_to_copy new_file_name. => To copy files
$ cp begin.txt copy.txt
- cp -r directory_to_copy new_directory_name => Copy a directory ( r - Recursive copy)
$ cp -r code html
If you try to copy a directory without adding the -r option, you will get an error]
- rm file_to_remove => Removes a file
$ rm begin.txt
- rm -r directory_to_remove => Removes a directory
$ rm -r code
- man => Opens reference manual of a Linux operating system (help document)
$ man
- history => Shows all the commands that you have used in the past for the current terminal session
$ history
- clear => Clears the terminal
$ man
- lp Filename => Prints a file
$ lp begin.txt
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