Problem Statement:
Nowadays in many offices, when new candidates gets employed, their faces are checked several times.
First they check if the faces in hall ticket is same as in college identity card. If the faces match, they continue, else they are kept aside.
Then, during interview, screenshots are being taken, to check if that candidate's face matches with the hall ticket.
Once their faces matches everything, they get verified.
However, this job is done by a staff in an office and imagine the staff verifying 100 of candidates.:face_with_head_bandage:
To avoid so much stress, I made a small python code that verifies if the candidates faces matches:
- hall ticket and college identity
- hall ticket and screenshots in interview
- miniconda (get it from here)
Install miniconda
While installing it, tick the option that says Add Miniconda3 to my PATH environment variable
After installation, go to the place with directories of different people
Place all the codes there
Make sure that the details of each candidate is in the directory
Inside directory of each candidate, make sure these PDF files exist:
(college id of the candidate)hall_ticket.pdf
(hall ticket of the candidate)interview.pdf
(screenshots of the interview)
Now once everything is verified, go back to the place where the codes exist
from there -
Hit enter and the command prompt will open
conda activate base
and hit enter. It will activate miniconda. -
conda create --name pi --file requirements.txt
as above -
as above -
If it ends like this, then we can continue. If it ended up with an error then you have to start from first :(
After everything is done, type
conda activate pi
like below -
Once activated, type
pip install opencv-python
as below -
After installation, we are good to run the code :)
and hit enter. Wait for a minute. It will end up like the above if no error occurred. -
Click the
to see the output. -
You can import it as a CSV in excel for a better view :)