augment panphon prepro with voiceless and tone markers (adce152 )
better messages in is_panphon (16f3607 )
check() implemented for tokenizing transducer (822e198 )
is_panphon and is_arpabet util methods (f0ca3f3 )
is_panphon to apply our panphon preprocessor first (20e2aee )
is_panphon() to issue more warnings to help the user fix things (ddc6ed2 )
temporarily make is_panphon() display how Panphon parses words that are not IPA (b53ee46 )
WIP g2p convert --check option (e51468f )
check: display_warnings arg to transducer.check() and is_panphon() (0bf00c5 )
moh: added context sensitive phonological rules to moh (5c9dd5e )
moh: added context sensitive phonological rules to moh (b1e37b1 )
moh: added new festival compliant mapping to moh (0f72c61 )
moh: added new festival compliant mapping to moh (4200ad5 )
moh: added reversible mappings for mohawk (778256d )
panphon_preprocessor: filter out primary stress mark, \u02c8 (ˈ) (ac73954 )
panphon_preprocessor: strip all tone accents and bars for going to eng-ipa (34a89f8 )
Bug Fixes
correct git merge error (073fdae )
correct git merge error and rerun g2p update (90a2c36 )
g2p convert --tok still outputs two spaces after arpabet words (91f0def )
package-lock.json should not be committed (903a419 )
crl+crj: support accented vowels as equivalent to double vowels in crl and crj (2769668 )
fra: tidy up generated fra-ipa -> eng-ipa (e1de937 )
haa: panphon is picky, use \u0261, not g (f407ae9 )
haa: Panphon is picky, voiceless marker should go below the letter (6c69784 )
haa: use \u02BC for ejective, not ', to please panphon (2557c76 )
is_panphon: suppress spurious warnings about non-ipa characters (ce782c8 )
lml: several corrections to lml (6203194 )
moh: fixed low tone equivalencies and reordered ipa rules for reversibility (70e05f9 )
moh: fixed moh specific test in transducer unittest (acef437 )
moh: update mohawk mappings (8bca18f )
oji: use \u02D0 for vowel length, not ascii : (7c2c9d4 )
reverse: change reverse feature to disregard context (ecfc30f )
studio: fix eventlet version (0c91bad )
tce: use \u02BC for ejective, not ', to please panphon (df00e19 )
tli: use \u02BC for ejective, not ', to please panphon (2b6d148 )
ttm: use \u02BC for ejective, not ', to please panphon (7d2264d )
remove g->\u0261 from panphon preprocessor; instead, we issue a warning about it (f5fe151 )
transducer check should return True for cases with no known checks (4741f94 )
Performance Improvements
more singleton speed testing work (153f04c )
optimize loading panphon distance with a singleton (4285759 )
script to measure speed of different panphon.distance.Distance() init solutions (f4ace7e )
settle for the fastest singleton option (d97f790 )
make_g2p: cache transducers since we make them over and over again (507c6f7 )
Revert "fix(haa): Panphon is picky, voiceless marker should go below the letter" (3673b04 )
rename check test suite more suitably (3febc02 )
Code Refactoring
even simpler, and slightly faster, singleton implementation (98ffee8 )
make some parallel code structures more explicit (bc679a9 )
simplify logic (9e49033 )
simply logic (30a70c7 )
Use simpler Singleton pattern implementation (2b66da9 )
check, tokenizer: use is_ipa() instead of endswith("-ipa") (0bf5837 ), closes #102
moh: replace H and L with 1 and 2for festival format, change stress to high tone (7ce445e )
--check option with tokenizing transducer (4a0a20d )
add check ipa arpabet do dev test suite (fb1aed7 )
add reverse tests for equiv (3dc0369 )
adjust for arpabet producing trailing space (3122104 )
default to source=g2p in tests/.coveragerc (7290c03 )
default to source=g2p in tests/.coveragerc (1321e42 )
more test cases for check ipa and arpabet (a433529 )
public/data/ikt.psv (forgot to include in previous commit) (ec0fd04 )
run check on all test data in public/data via (771634b )
tau cases going to eng-ipa and eng-arpabet (0b877ef )
unit test case for three hop tokenizer (a9eb917 )
check: add test cases for display_warnings (b25af73 )
srs: more srs test cases including arpabet checks (e97e654 )
Add link to PyPI releases to (ff8b5fe )
link to github contributors page (f3538c3 )
write up the g2p workflow in more details (f4056eb )
Continuous Integration
add automatic changelogs and change trigger (fe6be6b )
tag the repo last, so other steps still happens if it fails (72db514 )
tag the repo with release version (8d11996 )
temporarily fix Flask to 1.0.2 until flask-restful is compatible with 2.0.0 (62d4657 )
temporarily fix Flask to 1.0.2 until flask-restful is compatible with 2.0.0 (bdb7d14 )
testing tagging the repo on release (f96cb13 )
update pythonpublish.yml to do only release br (ee6976c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.