============================================== PYISPConfig - A simple wrapper around the ISPconfig3 API
Current Maintainer:
Benjamin Bouvier <benjamin.bouvier29@gmail.com>
Original Authors:
Benjamin Bouvier <benjamin.bouvier29@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2012, Benjamin Bouvier. All rights reserved, see the file LICENSE for conditions of use.
The remote API need updates. Some fonction of PYISPConfig won't work until updates are made. You just have to update the 'remoting.inc.php' file following theses steps
On the ISPconfig Server,
1) Go to the REMOTE API repository file:
$ cd /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/
2) Update the 'remoting.inc.php' file by the 'remoting.inc.php' in "Files" repo, or get it on "http://benjaminbouvier.fr/files/remoting.inc.txt"
$ mv remoting.inc.php remoting-old.inc.php
$ wget http://benjaminbouvier.fr/files/remoting.inc.txt
$ mv remoting.inc.txt remoting.inc.php
Detail : I just added this code, at the beginning of functions which needs dictionnaries arguments ('client_add' function for example):
$mytable = array();
foreach($params as $value){
$mytable[$value[0]] = $value[1];
$params = $mytable ;
The goal of the PYISPConfig wrapper is to provide a simple code to use
for Python and very simple to use and that fully supports interactions between ISPConfig3 API and a Django/Python client.
- SOAPpy (https://github.com/jeffkit/SOAPpy)
- Connexion to remote API
- Login and Logout as remote user
- Handles principals client's actions
- Handles principals database's actions
- Handles few server's actions
TODO (See RELEASE_INFO and CHANGELOG for recent changes)
- Take over all functions of the API
README This file
pyispconfig.py Wrapper to use
SOAPPy/* SOAPpy librarie
Files/views.py Simple example "How to use the Wrapper"
Files/remoting.inc.php File to replace on your ISPConfig server
- SOAPpy 0.12.5 or later,
As of version 0.9.8 SOAPpy can be installed using the standard python
package installation tools.
To install:
1) Unpack the package
2) Include it in a repository of your project
3) Make sur SOAPpy is installed
A simple way to add a new client in your app:
from SOAPpy import SOAP
from SOAPpy import *
from pyispconfig import PyISPconfig
dict = {"usertheme": "default",
"username": "user1",
"company_name": "user1",
"password": "user1"}
#Connects to Soap Server
ispconfig_api = PyISPconfig('', 'admin', 'admin')
#Adds a new client and return the id.
new_client_id = ispconfig_api.client_add(dict)
print new_client_id
#Disconnects from Soap Server
For further information see the files views.py.
Note that documentation is one of PYISPconfig's current weak points.
Please help me out!
Please send me bug reports, feature requests, patches, etc.
At <benjamin.bouvier29@gmail.com>