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Community notifications

Gulfaraz Rahman edited this page Feb 6, 2025 · 2 revisions

IBF allows to have a community_notifications layer which can be filled via a specific Kobo-form. The Kobo instances used by 510's IBF-system can be found in the internal Tech Doc. This guide allows how to set this up and work with it.

Table of Contents

  1. Create a Kobo form
  2. Create a test notification

Create a Kobo form

  1. Create an empty Kobo-form using
    • Typically, you would want at least 2 forms, one for production and one for dev/test/demo environments.
  2. Include the following questions,
label key type required
Name of the volunteer nameVolunteer text true
Name of the village nameVillage text false
Type of disaster disasterType select_one false
Description description text true
Location location geopoint true
Photo photo image false
Consent consent select_one true
  1. This should together lead to the dto as outlined in upload-community-notification.dto.ts
  2. Attach API-call to the form.
    • Under Settings > REST services click Register a new service
    • Endpoint URL: <ibf-url>/api/point-data/community-notification/${countryCodeISO3}
    • To test this locally you can expose a port by e.g. ngrok and fill in the ngrok-url
  3. Update the description of the community_notifications layer in layer-metadata.json, which references an exact link to all uploaded data.
  4. The community notification upload leads to a WhatsApp notification by IBF System.
    • Make sure that notification-info.json contains a whatsappMessage.<disasterType>.community-notification entry for the correct disasterType and countryCodeISO3.
    • To locally test the WhatsApp message, see the guide on WhatsApp notifications

Create a test notification

  1. Create a new datapoint by submitting the form.
  2. Check if a WhatsApp message comes in, if configured as such.
  3. In the portal you will see the community notifcation marker. Click it to open the popup. Click the photo button for the photo popup.
  4. The notification can be dismissed when it is processed, either because non-relevant or because it's acted upon.
  5. The layer description contains a link to an overview of all (historical) notifications