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fix: update AB#23341
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jannisvisser committed Aug 25, 2023
1 parent 6c96e28 commit 8592baf
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 91 deletions.
156 changes: 65 additions & 91 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,105 +7,79 @@
3. Open ports 80 (http), 443 (https) and 3099 (webhook)
4. Set the DNS Name Label on the IP Address attached to the VM

### In GitHub

1. [Create web-hook]( to
listen on `http://ip-address:3099/`
2. Set secret for web-hook access (for [this]() step)

### In VM

1. User Management

1. Create user group - `sudo groupadd ibf-users`
2. Add `ibf-user` to group - `sudo usermod -a -G ibf-users ibf-user`
3. Add users to group - `sudo usermod -a -G ibf-users`
1. Command to verify group members - `grep ibf-users /etc/group`
4. Change access of shared directory - `/home/ibf-user`
1. `chgrp -Rf ibf-users /home/ibf-user`
2. `sudo chown -R ibf-user:ibf-users /home/ibf-user`
3. `sudo chmod -R 775 /home/ibf-user`
4. Re-login to verify if you have access by running
`touch /home/ibf-user`
5. Add the following lines to `/etc/sudoers`
1. Create user group - `sudo groupadd ibf-users`
2. Create user `ibf-user` - `sudo adduser ibf-user` (with password also `ibf-user`)
3. Add `ibf-user` to group - `sudo usermod -a -G ibf-users ibf-user`
4. Add users to group - `sudo usermod -a -G ibf-users <username>`
1. Command to verify group members - `grep ibf-users /etc/group`
5. Change access of shared directory - `/home/ibf-user`
1. `chgrp -Rf ibf-users /home/ibf-user`
2. `sudo chown -R ibf-user:ibf-users /home/ibf-user`
3. `sudo chmod -R 775 /home/ibf-user`
4. Re-login to verify if you have access by running
`touch /home/ibf-user`
6. Open `/etc/sudoers` with `sudo nano /etc/sudoers` and add these lines

# Allow members of group ibf-users to execute systemctl daemon-reload
%ibf-users ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
# Allow members of group ibf-users to execute systemctl daemon-reload
%ibf-users ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload

# Allow members of group ibf-users to execute service webhook restart
%ibf-users ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service webhook restart
# Allow members of group ibf-users to execute service webhook restart
%ibf-users ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service webhook restart

2. Install Software
1. NodeJS
1. `curl -sL | sudo -E bash -`
2. `sudo apt-get install -y nodejs`
3. Verification - `node -v`
2. Docker [Source](
1. `sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc`
2. `sudo apt-get update`
3. `sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common`
4. `curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -`
5. `sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88`
6. `sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable"`
7. `sudo apt-get update`
8. `sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli`
9. Allow users to access docker commands
1. `sudo usermod -aG docker`
2. Verification - `grep docker /etc/group`
10. Verification - `docker -v`
3. Docker Compose
1. `sudo curl -L "[$]($)(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose`
2. `sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose`
3. Verification - `docker-compose -v`
4. Webhook Related
1. `sudo apt install postgresql-client-common postgresql-client`
1. NodeJS
1. Follow instructions in Source for Node 16
2. Verification - `node -v`
2. Docker [Source](
1. Follow instructions in Source all th
2. Verification - `docker -v`
3. Allow users to access docker commands
1. `sudo usermod -aG docker <username>`
2. Verification - `grep docker /etc/group`
3. Setup IBF-system
1. Setup GIT
1. `git clone`
2. Set the repo config to allow group access -
`git config core.sharedRepository group`
3. `sudo chgrp -R ibf-users /home/ibf-user/IBF-system`
4. `sudo chmod -R g+rwX /home/ibf-user/IBF-system`
2. Setup Environment Variables
1. [OLD - PIPELINE DECOUPLED NOW]: Create `services/IBF-pipeline/pipeline/`
1. `cp /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/services/IBF-pipeline/pipeline/ /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/services/IBF-pipeline/pipeline/`
2. Set the appropriate values in the
2. Create `/home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
1. `cp /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/example.env /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
2. Set the appropriate values in the `.env` file
3. Load the `.env` vars by `source /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
4. Test if the vars were loaded correctly `echo $NODE_ENV`
3. Setup web-hook
1. `sudo cp webhook.service /etc/systemd/system/`
3. Verification - `ls /etc/systemd/system/`
4. In `/home/ibf-user/IBF-system` - `npm install github-webhook-handler`
5. `sudo service webhook start`
6. Verification - `sudo service webhook status`
4. `. tools/`
4. Set up geoserver
1. Download
2. Unzip the files using `apt install unzip` and `unzip`, into `services/API-service/geoserver-volume/raster-files/`
3. Check if the [Geoserver]( contains
necessary layers.
5. Verify that external pipeline works correctly
1. There should be an external pipeline able to upload impact forecast data to this VM. Please check this together with the pipeline owner or the applicable disaster-types.
- Pipeline runs without error
- Dashboard shows correct data (including disaster-extent raster)
- Email is received if applicable
1. `cd /home/ibf-user`
2. `git clone`
3. `cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system`
4. Set the repo config to allow group access -
`git config core.sharedRepository group`
5. `sudo chgrp -R ibf-users /home/ibf-user/IBF-system`
6. `sudo chmod -R g+rwX /home/ibf-user/IBF-system`
7. Setup Environment Variables
1. Create `/home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
1. `cp /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/example.env /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
2. Set the appropriate values in the `.env` file
3. Load the `.env` vars by `source /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/.env`
4. Test if the vars were loaded correctly `echo $NODE_ENV`
8. Load certificate: load `DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem` in `services/API-service/cert` for connection to Azure Postgres server (if applicable)
9. `. tools/`
4. Load base data

### Useful Commands / Tools
1. Load Geoserver source data
1. Download
2. Unzip the files using `apt install unzip` and `unzip`, into `services/API-service/geoserver-volume/raster-files/`
2. Seed database: `docker compose exec ibf-api-service npm run seed`
3. Run all mock scenarios via Swagger: `api/scripts/mock-all`

1. Delete user from group? `sudo gpasswd -d ibf-users`
2. [Secret Generator](
5. Setup web-hook
1. On Github
1. [Create web-hook]( to
listen on `http://ip-address:3099/`
2. Set secret for web-hook access
2. On VM:
1. `sudo cp tools/webhook.service /etc/systemd/system/`
2. Set `GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET` value in `/etc/systemd/system/webhook.service` as same value set in Github Webhooks
3. Verification - `ls /etc/systemd/system/`
4. In `/home/ibf-user/IBF-system` - `npm install github-webhook-handler`
5. `sudo service webhook start`
6. Verification - `sudo service webhook status`

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