* -(] [)- RobotGeek Gripper with Wrist Servo
* / / \ \ Knob Control
* | | | |
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* The following sketch will allow you to open/close the RobotGeek Gripper and
* control the angle of the wrist servo.
* Products
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-gripper
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-geekduino-sensor-kit
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-rotation-knob
* http://www.robotgeek.com/p/power-supply-6vdc-2a.aspx
* Wiring
* Digital Input 9 - Blue Micro Servo (FT-FS90MG) Orange - 'S' Brown -'G'
* Digital Input 11 - Black RobotGeek 180 Degree Servo White -'S' Black -'G'
* Analog Input 0 - Knob 1
* Analog Input 1 - Knob 2
* Use an external power supply and set the jumper for pins 9/10/11 to 'VIN'
* Control
* The two knobs will control the current position of the servos.