* ___________________________________
* | _______________________________ |
* | |RobotGeek I2C LCD |\|
* | | Digital/Analog Input Demo | |
* | | | |
* | |_______________________________|/|
* |___________________________________|
* The following sketch will use the RobotGeekLCD library to print
* the values of a pushbutton, a Knob and a Joystick to the LCD
* Products
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-geekduino-sensor-kit
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-lcd-wmount
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotGeek-pushbutton
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-rotation-knob
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-joystick
* Wiring
* RobotGeek Sensor Shield With Geekduino
* The RobotGeek I2C LCD will plug directly into the 4-pin I2C port on
* the sensor shield using a 4-pin sensor cable. Normally the sensor cable
* will be plugged in with the following orientation:
* SCL - Yellow
* SDA - White
* 5v/VCC - Red
* G/GND - Black
* Digital Input 2 - Pushbutton
* Analog Input 0 - Rotational Knob
* Analog Input 1 - Joystick Horizontal
* Analog Input 2 - Joystick Vertical
* Control Behavior:
* The state of value of each sensor will be displayed to the LCD
* B:Button
* K:Knob
* X:Joystick Horizontal
* Y:Joystick Vertical
* References
* RobotGeek LCD Documentation http://learn.trossenrobotics.com/30-robotgeek-getting-started-guides/dev-kits/57-robotgeek-i2c-lcd-getting-started-guide
* RobotGeek Libraries and Tools (Included LCD Library) https://github.com/trossenrobotics/robotGeekLibrariesAndtools/archive/master.zip