Robot Framework is a Turing-complete language and supports all common control structures, including IF-Statements, FOR-Loops, WHILE-Loops and more. While it is not expected that RCFPs can write complex control structures, they should understand their purpose.
In some cases, it is necessary to use control structures to handle different cases, iterate over a list of values, or execute an action until a condition is met.
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Understand the purpose and basic concept of IF-Statements
syntax in Robot Framework is used to control the flow of test|task execution by allowing certain keywords to run only when specific conditions are met.
This is achieved by evaluating conditions written as Python expressions, enabling dynamic decision-making within your tests|tasks.
The IF
statement begins with the IF
token and ends with an END
, enclosing the keywords executed when the condition is true.
An optional ELSE
can specify alternative actions when the initial condition is false.
This structure enhances the flexibility and responsiveness of your tests|tasks, allowing them to adapt based on variables and outcomes encountered during execution.
When certain keywords should be executed only if a condition is met, the IF statement can be used.
- Structure:
IF <condition> <keywords> <keywords> END
- Example:
*** Test Cases *** Check Status IF '${status}' == 'SUCCESS' Log Operation was successful. END
- Executes the
keyword if${status}
is the stringSUCCESS
- Executes the
To execute different alternative actions based on various conditions, use the IF/ELSE IF/ELSE structure.
- Structure:
IF <condition1> <keywords if condition1 is true> ELSE IF <condition2> <keywords if condition2 is true> ELSE <keywords if all conditions are false> END
- Example:
*** Test Cases *** Evaluate Score IF ${score} >= 90 Log Grade A ELSE IF ${score} >= 80 Log Grade B ELSE Log Grade C or below END
For single conditional keywords, the simplified inline IF statement can be used.
- Structure:
IF <condition> <keyword> [arguments]
- Example:
*** Test Cases *** Quick Check IF ${user} == 'Admin' Log Admin access granted.
- Executes the
keyword if${user}
. - No
is needed for inline IF.
- Executes the
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Understand the purpose and basic concept of FOR Loops
loop in Robot Framework repeats a set of keywords multiple times, iterating over a sequence of values.
This allows you to perform the same actions for different items without duplicating code, enhancing the efficiency and readability of your keyword logic.
Robot Framework has four types of FOR loops; this chapter focuses on the basic FOR-IN
is used to iterate over a list of values.
The other types are FOR-IN-RANGE
, and FOR-IN-ZIP
, which are more advanced and less commonly required.
iterates over a range of numbers.FOR-IN-ENUMERATE
iterates over a list of values and their indexes.FOR-IN-ZIP
iterates over multiple lists simultaneously.
loop begins with the FOR
token, followed by a loop variable, the IN
token, and the iterable variable or list of values.
The loop variable takes on each value in the sequence one at a time, executing the enclosed keywords for each value.
When you need to execute the same keywords for each item in a list or sequence, you can use the FOR-IN loop.
FOR ${loop_variable} IN <value1> <value2> ... <valueN> <keywords> <keywords> END
<value1> <value2> ... <valueN>
can be the same as an unpacked list like@{values}
, this is the most common way to use the FOR loop.FOR ${loop_variable} IN @{iterable_values} <keywords> <keywords> END
*** Variables *** @{fruits} = apple banana cherry *** Test Cases *** Process Fruit List FOR ${fruit} IN @{fruits} Log Processing ${fruit} END
This would essentially be the same as:
*** Test Cases *** Process Fruits separately Log Processing apple Log Processing banana Log Processing cherry
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Understand the purpose and basic concept of WHILE Loops
While the FOR
loop iterates over a known amount of values, WHILE
loops repeat their body as long as a condition is met.
This is typically used in cases where the number of iterations is not known in advance or depends on a dynamic condition.
One example use case would be scrolling down a page until a certain element is visible.
In this case, you would use a WHILE
loop to keep scrolling until the element is found or a maximum iteration limit is reached.
loop begins with the WHILE
token, followed by a condition that evaluates to true or false.
If the condition is true, the loop body is executed, and the condition is re-evaluated.
If the condition is false, the loop is exited, and execution continues with the next keyword after the END
The condition is similar to an IF statement, a Python expression that evaluates to a boolean value.
- Structure:
WHILE <condition> <keywords> <keywords> END
- Example:
*** Test Cases *** Scroll Down Until Element Visible ${element_visible} Get Element Visibility <locator> WHILE not ${element_visible} Scroll Down ${element_visible} Get Element Visibility <locator> END
loops have a configurable iteration limit in Robot Framework.
When the maximum number of iterations is reached, the loop exits with a failure, causing the test|task or keyword to fail.
This prevents infinite loops and ensures that tests|tasks do not hang indefinitely.
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Understand the purpose and basic concept of the BREAK and CONTINUE statements
In some cases, it is helpful to stop a loop or skip the remaining part of a loop and continue with the next iteration.
This can be achieved with the BREAK
stops the current loop and exits it immediately.CONTINUE
skips the remaining part of the current iteration and continues with the next iteration.
These can, of course, be combined with IF
statements to control the loop flow.
Example 1 BREAK
Suppose we want to search for an element on a page and scroll down until it is visible.
This time, we do not know the number of pages we can scroll, so we use the WHILE
However, we want the loop to iterate and BREAK
once we have found the element.
*** Test Cases ***
Scroll Down Until Element Visible
WHILE True # This would loop to the max iteration limit
${element_visible} Get Element Visibility <locator>
IF ${element_visible} BREAK
Scroll Down
Here we used BREAK
to exit the loop before scrolling down if the element is visible.
is useful when you want to skip the remaining part of the current iteration and continue with the next iteration if a condition is met.
In that case, combine IF
to control the loop flow.
Example 2 CONTINUE
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
&{participant_1} name=Alice age=23
&{participant_2} name=Bob age=42
&{participant_3} name=Charlie age=33
&{participant_4} name=Pekka age=44
@{participants} ${participant_1} ${participant_2} ${participant_3} ${participant_4}
*** Test Cases ***
Find Older Participants
${older_participants} Get Older Participants ${participants} 40
Should Be Equal ${older_participants}[0][name] Bob
Should Be Equal ${older_participants}[1][name] Pekka
*** Keywords ***
Get Older Participants
[Arguments] ${participants} ${minimum_age}
VAR @{older_participants} # Creates an empty list
FOR ${participant} IN @{participants} # Iterates over all participants
IF ${participant.age} < ${minimum_age} CONTINUE # Skips the remaining part of the loop if age is below the minimum
Log Participant ${} is older than 40 # Logs participant name if age is above the minimum
Append To List ${older_participants} ${participant} # BuiltIn keyword to append a value to a list
RETURN ${older_participants}