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Releases: robotframework/RIDE

RIDE 1.5 alpha 1

13 Aug 11:28
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RIDE 1.5 alpha 1 Pre-release

The first 1.5 alpha version contains the initial support for Robot Framework 2.9 features

These features are:

  • Dictionary variable type
  • Keyword tags
  • Support new FOR loop types

RIDE 1.4.1 beta 1

21 Jul 05:23
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RIDE 1.4.1 beta 1 Pre-release

RIDE 1.4.1 is created to address the high severity bug in using installed standard libraries #1476. In addition, some bug fixes are included. All closed issues are listed in the table below. RIDE 1.4.1 beta 1 was release 2015-07-21.

The release in only available through PyPi, either as a direct download or via pip:

pip install robotframework-ride==1.4.1b1
ID Type Priority Summary
#1476 bug high Standard library imports may fail if a different major version of RF is installed
#1473 enhancement medium Change file opening dialogs to filter primarily by default file format
#1484 bug low PyDeadObjectError is thrown when preferences dialog is closed in Windows
#1469 bug low iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile error shown in terminal

RIDE 1.4

27 Jun 15:26
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The most important feature of RIDE 1.4 is upgrading of the bundled RF to version 2.8.7 (issue #1446). In addition there are some usability enhancement and bug fixes, which are listed in the table below.

The source distribution is uploaded to Pypi and can be installed with pip by running

pip install robotframework-ride==1.4

There's also a Windows installer available.

RIDE 1.4 was released on Saturday, 27th of June 2015.

ID Type Priority Summary
#1446 enhancement critical Robot Framework 2.8 compatibility
#1371 bug high Use installed RF to list standard libraries
#1449 enhancement medium Grid editor columns auto-resize
#1395 bug medium RIDE IndexError during test execution
#1370 bug medium 'View All Tags (F7)' does not work if there are multiple identical tags with different case(upper/lower)
#1249 bug medium Text box stuck on UI when renaming a test suite
#1248 bug medium Lib directory included twice into the source distribution
#1162 enhancement medium Preferences dialog has no action button to refresh the display
#1105 enhancement medium Run Keyword If argument enhancement
#1455 bug low Grid colorizer does not recognize changed settings.
#1443 bug low Import library spec dialog does not work on OSX
#1403 bug low RIDE doesn't restore to the un-minimised size, if it is closed when minimised.
#1402 bug low "New version of RIDE available"-dialog has wrong download URL
#1401 enhancement low Option to use monospace font in grid
#1317 enhancement low Bad error message when Robot Framework is not installed
#1277 bug low New resource file name is lower cased in Windows
#837 bug low Tag display only half visible

RIDE 1.4 beta 3

10 Jun 12:48
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RIDE 1.4 beta 3 Pre-release

The content is exactly the same as in beta 2 described below, but in addition a misleading 'No Robot Framework installation found' message was removed from test runner plugin (issue #1464)

This release has been uploaded to PyPi, and can be installed with

pip install robotframework-ride==1.4b3

RIDE 1.4 beta 2

08 Jun 16:34
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RIDE 1.4 beta 2 Pre-release

This is a first (and hopefully the only) beta release of RIDE leading to 1.4 release. The label is beta 2 due to wrong version being uploaded to PyPi, which had to be removed.

All features planned for 1.4 are implemented, and if no critical issues are found during the beta phase, a final 1.4 will be release Jun 15th.

You can find the list of enhancements and bug fixes in the table below.

The source distribution is uploaded to Pypi and can be installed with pip by running

pip install robotframework-ride==1.4b2

There's also a Windows installer available further down this page.

ID Type Priority Summary
#1446 enhancement critical Robot Framework 2.8 compatibility
#1371 bug high Use installed RF to list standard libraries
#1449 enhancement medium Grid editor columns auto-resize
#1395 bug medium RIDE IndexError during test execution
#1370 bug medium 'View All Tags (F7)' does not work if there are multiple identical tags with different case(upper/lower)
#1249 bug medium Text box stuck on UI when renaming a test suite
#1248 bug medium Lib directory included twice into the source distribution
#1162 enhancement medium Preferences dialog has no action button to refresh the display
#1105 enhancement medium Run Keyword If argument enhancement
#1455 bug low Grid colorizer does not recognize changed settings.
#1443 bug low Import library spec dialog does not work on OSX
#1403 bug low RIDE doesn't restore to the un-minimised size, if it is closed when minimised.
#1402 bug low "New version of RIDE available"-dialog has wrong download URL
#1401 enhancement low Option to use monospace font in grid
#1317 enhancement low Bad error message when Robot Framework is not installed
#1277 bug low New resource file name is lower cased in Windows
#837 bug low Tag display only half visible