diff --git a/doc/releasenotes/ride-2.1.rst b/doc/releasenotes/ride-2.1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd2e568a4
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+++ b/doc/releasenotes/ride-2.1.rst
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+.. container:: document
+ .. rubric:: RIDE is celebrating 16 years on this date!
+ :name: ride-is-celebrating-16-years-on-this-date
+ `RIDE (Robot Framework
+ IDE) `__ v2.1 is a new
+ release with important enhancements and bug fixes. The reference for
+ valid arguments is `Robot Framework `__
+ installed version, which is at this moment 7.1. However, internal
+ library code is originally based on version 3.1.2, but adapted for
+ new versions.
+ - This version supports Python 3.8 up to 3.12.
+ - There are some changes, or known issues:
+ - ❌ - Removed support for Python 3.6 and 3.7
+ - ✔ - Fixed recognition of variables imported from YAML, JSON and
+ Python files.
+ - ✔ - Added a setting for a specific Browser by editing the
+ settings.cfg file. Add the string parameter **browser** in the
+ section **[Plugins][[Test Runner]]**
+ - Fixed on Text Editor when Saving the selection of tests to run
+ in Test Suites (Tree) is cleared.
+ - ✔ - Added Korean language support for UI.
+ - ✔ - Added **caret style** to change insert caret to 'block' or
+ 'line' in Text Editor, by editing *settings.cfg*. The color of
+ the caret is the same as 'setting' and will be adjusted for
+ better contrast with the background.
+ - ✔ - Allow to do auto-suggestions of keywords in Text Editor
+ without a shortcut, if you want to enable or disable this
+ feature you can config in \`Tools -> Preferences -> Text Editor
+ -> Enable auto suggestions\`.
+ - ✔ - Added support for Setup in keywords, since Robot Framework
+ version 7.0.
+ - ✔ - Added support for new VAR marker, since Robot Framework
+ version 7.0.
+ - ✔ - Added to Grid Editor changing Zoom In/Out with **Ctrl-Mouse
+ Wheel** and setting at Preferences.
+ - ✔ - Fixed plugin Run Anything (Macros) not showing output and
+ broken actions.
+ - ✔ - Added actions on columns of Grid Editor: Double-Click or
+ Right Mouse Click, allows to edit the column name for Data
+ Driven or Templated; Left Mouse Click, selects the column
+ cells.
+ - ✔ - Added command line option, **--settingspath**, to select a
+ different configuration.
+ - ✔ - Added different settings file, according the actual Python
+ executable, if not the original installed.
+ - ✔ - Added a selector for Tasks and Language to the New Project
+ dialog.
+ - ✔ - Added UI localization prepared for all the languages from
+ installed Robot Framework version 6.1, or higher. Major
+ translations are: Dutch, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
+ Still missing translation of some elements.
+ - ✔ - Added support for language configured test suites, with
+ languages from installed Robot Framework version 6.1, or
+ higher.
+ - ✔ - On Text Editor, pressing **Ctrl** when the caret/cursor is
+ near a Keyword will show a detachable window with the
+ documentation, at Mouse Pointer position.
+ - ✔ - RIDE tray icon now shows a context menu with options Show,
+ Hide and Close.
+ - ✔ - Highlighting and navigation of selected Project Explorer
+ items, in Text Editor.
+ - ✔ - When editing in Grid Editor with content assistance, the
+ selected content can be edited by escaping the list of
+ suggestions with keys ARROW_LEFT or ARROW_RIGHT.
+ - ✔ - Newlines in Grid Editor can be made visible with the
+ **filter newlines** set to False.
+ - 🐞 - Problems with COPY/PASTE in Text Editor have been reported
+ when using wxPython 4.2.0, but not with version 4.2.1 and
+ 4.2.2, which we now *recommend*.
+ - 🐞 - Some argument types detection (and colorization) is not
+ correct in Grid Editor.
+ - 🐞 - RIDE **DOES NOT KEEP** Test Suites formatting or
+ structure, causing differences in files when used on other IDE
+ or Editors.
+ **New Features and Fixes Highlights**
+ - Fixed recognition of variables imported from YAML, JSON and Python
+ files.
+ - Added a setting for a specific Browser by editing the settings.cfg
+ file. Add the string parameter **browser** in the section
+ **[Plugins][[Test Runner]]**
+ - Changed the order of insert and delete rows in Grid Editor rows
+ context menu.
+ - Fixed validation of multiple arguments with default values in Grid
+ Editor.
+ - Added color to Test Runner Console Log final output, report and
+ log since RF v7.1rc1.
+ - Fixed on Text Editor when Saving the selection of tests to run in
+ Test Suites (Tree) is cleared.
+ - Added Korean language support for UI, experimental.
+ - Fixed wrong item selection, like Test Suite, when doing
+ right-click actions in Project Explorer.
+ - Fixed delete variable from Test Suite settings remaining in
+ Project Explorer.
+ - Added **caret style** to change insert caret to 'block' or 'line'
+ in Text Editor, by editing *settings.cfg*. The color of the caret
+ is the same as 'setting' and will be adjusted for better contrast
+ with the background.
+ - Fixed obsfuscation of Libraries and Metadata panels when expanding
+ Settings in Grid Editor and Linux systems.
+ - Allow to do auto-suggestions of keywords in Text Editor without a
+ shortcut, if you want to enable or disable this feature you can
+ config in \`Tools -> Preferences -> Text Editor -> Enable auto
+ suggestions\`.
+ - Added support for Setup in keywords, since Robot Framework version
+ 7.0.
+ - Fixed multiline variables in Variables section. In Text Editor
+ they are separated by ... continuation marker. In Grid Editor use
+ \| (pipe) to separate lines.
+ - Added support for new VAR marker, since Robot Framework version
+ 7.0.
+ - Added configurable style of the tabs in notebook pages, Edit,
+ Text, Run, etc. Parameter **notebook theme** takes values from 0
+ to 5. See wxPython, demo for agw.aui for details.
+ - Added UI localization and support for Japanese configured test
+ suites, valid for Robot Framework version 7.0.1 or higher.
+ - Fixed keywords Find Usages in Grid Editor not finding certain
+ values when using Gherkin.
+ - Improved selection of items from Tree in Text Editor. Now finds
+ more items and selects whole line.
+ - Changed output in plugin Run Anything (Macros) to allow Zoom
+ In/Out, and Copy content.
+ - Added to Grid Editor changing Zoom In/Out with **Ctrl-Mouse
+ Wheel** and setting at Preferences.
+ - Fixed plugin Run Anything (Macros) not showing output and broken
+ actions.
+ - Added actions on columns of Grid Editor: Double-Click or Right
+ Mouse Click, allows to edit the column name for Data Driven or
+ Templated; Left Mouse Click, selects the column cells.
+ - Added command line option, **--settingspath**, to select a
+ different configuration.
+ - Added different settings file, according the actual Python
+ executable, if not the original installed.
+ - Fixed headers and blank spacing in Templated tests.
+ - Added context option **Open Containing Folder** to test suites
+ directories in Project Explorer.
+ - Added a setting for a specific file manager by editing the
+ settings.cfg file. Add the string parameter **file manager** in
+ the section **[General]**
+ - Added minimal support to have comment lines in Import settings.
+ These are not supposed to be edited in Editor, and new lines are
+ added at Text Editor.
+ - Fixed removal of continuation marker in steps
+ - Fixed wrong continuation of long chains of keywords in Setups,
+ Teardowns or Documentation.
+ - Added a selector for Tasks and Language to the New Project dialog.
+ Still some problems: Tasks type changes to Tests, localized
+ sections only stay translated after Apply in Text Editor.
+ - Added UI localization prepared for all the languages from
+ installed Robot Framework version 6.1, or higher. Language is
+ selected from Tools->Preferences->General.
+ - Removed support for HTML file format (obsolete since Robot
+ Framework 3.2)
+ - Added support for language configured test suites. Fields are
+ shown in the language of the files in Grid Editor. Tooltips are
+ always shown in English. Colorization for language configured
+ files is working in Text Editor.
+ - Fixed New User Keyword dialog not allowing empty Arguments field
+ - Fixed escaped spaces showing in Text Editor on commented cells
+ - Improved keywords documentation search, by adding current dir to
+ search
+ - Improved Move up/down, **Alt-UpArrow**/**Alt-DownArrow** in Text
+ Editor, to have proper indentation and selection
+ - Added auto update check when development version is installed
+ - Added menu option **Help->Check for Upgrade** which allows to
+ force update check and install development version
+ - Added **Upgrade Now** action to update dialog.
+ - Added **Test Tags** field (new, since Robot Framework 6.0) to Test
+ Suites settings. This field will replace **Default** and **Force
+ Tags** settings, after Robot Framework 7.0
+ - Improved **RIDE Log** and **Parser Log** windows to allow Zoom
+ In/Out with **Ctrl-Mouse Wheel**
+ - Hide continuation markers in Project Tree
+ - Improved content assistance in Text Editor by allowing to filter
+ list as we type
+ - Fixed resource files disappearing from Project tree on Windows
+ - Fixed missing indication of link for User Keyword, when pressing
+ **Ctrl** in Grid Editor
+ - Added content help pop-up on Text Editor by pressing **Ctrl** for
+ text at cursor position or selected autocomplete list item
+ - Added Exclude option in context nenu for Test files, previously
+ was only possible for Test Suites folders
+ - Added exclusion of monitoring filesystem changes for files and
+ directories excluded in Preferences
+ - Fixed exception when finding GREY color for excluded files and
+ directories in Project Tree
+ - Added support for JSON variables, by using the installed Robot
+ Framework import method
+ - Colorization of Grid Editor cells after the continuation marker
+ **...** and correct parsing of those lines
+ - Colorization of Grid Editor cells when contents is list or
+ dictionary variables
+ - Added indication of matching brackets, **()**, **{}**, **[]**, in
+ Text Editor
+ - Fixed non synchronized expanding/collapse of Settings panel in
+ Grid Editor, on Linux
+ - Fixed not working the deletion of cells commented with **#** in
+ Grid Editor with **Ctrl-Shift-D**
+ - Fixed empty line being always added to the Variables section in
+ Text Editor
+ - Improved project file system changes and reloading
+ - Added context menu to RIDE tray icon. Options Show, Hide and Close
+ - Added synchronization with Project Explorer to navigate to
+ selected item, Test Case, Keyword, Variable, in Text Editor
+ - Control commands (**FOR**, **IF**, **TRY**, etc) will only be
+ colorized as valid keywords when typed in all caps in Grid Editor
+ - Newlines in Grid Editor can be made visible with the **filter
+ newlines** set to False, by editing *settings.cfg*
+ - Improve auto-suggestions of keywords in Grid Editor by allowing to
+ close suggestions list with keys ARROW_LEFT or ARROW_RIGHT
+ - Improve Text Editor auto-suggestions by using: selected text, text
+ at left or at right of cursor
+ **The minimal wxPython version is, 4.0.7, and RIDE supports the
+ current version, 4.2.2, which we recommend.**
+ *Linux users are advised to install first wxPython from .whl package
+ at*
+ `wxPython.org `__,
+ or by using the system package manager.
+ The
+ `CHANGELOG.adoc `__
+ lists the changes done on the different versions.
+ All issues targeted for RIDE v2.1 can be found from the `issue
+ tracker
+ milestone `__.
+ Questions and comments related to the release can be sent to the
+ `robotframework-users `__
+ mailing list or to the channel #ride on `Robot Framework
+ Slack `__, and
+ possible bugs submitted to the `issue
+ tracker `__. You
+ should see `Robot Framework
+ Forum `__ if your
+ problem is already known.
+ To install with `pip `__ installed,
+ just run
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ pip install --upgrade robotframework-ride==v2.1
+ to install exactly this release, which is the same as using
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ pip install --upgrade robotframework-ride
+ Alternatively you can download the source distribution from
+ `PyPI `__ and
+ install it manually. For more details and other installation
+ approaches, see the `installation
+ instructions `__.
+ If you want to help in the development of RIDE, by reporting issues
+ in current development version, you can install with:
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ pip install -U https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/archive/master.zip
+ Important document for helping with development is the
+ `CONTRIBUTING.adoc `__.
+ See the `FAQ `__
+ for important info about : FOR changes and other known issues and
+ workarounds.
+ To start RIDE from a command window, shell or terminal, just enter:
+ ::
+ ride
+ You can also pass some arguments, like a path for a test suite file
+ or directory.
+ ::
+ ride example.robot
+ Another possible way to start RIDE is:
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ python -m robotide.__init__
+ You can then go to Tools>Create RIDE Desktop Shortcut, or run the
+ shortcut creation script with:
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ python -m robotide.postinstall -install
+ or
+ .. code:: literal-block
+ ride_postinstall.py -install
+ RIDE v2.1 was released on 13/October/2024 (`16 years after its first
+ version `__).