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Tools to ease creating larger test libraries for Robot Framework using Python


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Python Library Core

Tools to ease creating larger test libraries for Robot Framework using Python. The Robot Framework hybrid and dynamic library API gives more flexibility for library than the static library API, but they also sets requirements for libraries which needs to be implemented in the library side. PythonLibCore eases the problem by providing simpler interface and handling all the requirements towards the Robot Framework library APIs.

Code is stable and is already used by SeleniumLibrary and Browser library. Project supports two latest version of Robot Framework.

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There are two ways to use PythonLibCore, either by HybridCore or by using DynamicCore. HybridCore provides support for the hybrid library API and DynamicCore provides support for dynamic library API. Consult the Robot Framework User Guide, for choosing the correct API for library.

Regardless which library API is chosen, both have similar requirements.

  1. Library must inherit either the HybridCore or DynamicCore.
  2. Library keywords must be decorated with Robot Framework @keyword decorator.
  3. Provide a list of class instances implementing keywords to library_components argument in the HybridCore or DynamicCore __init__.

It is also possible implement keywords in the library main class, by marking method with @keyword as keywords. It is not required pass main library instance in the library_components argument.

All keyword, also keywords implemented in the classes outside of the main library are available in the library instance as methods. This automatically publish library keywords in as methods in the Python public API.

The example in below demonstrates how the PythonLibCore can be used with a library.


To install this library, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install robotframework-pythonlibcore

This command installs the latest version of robotframework-pythonlibcore, ensuring you have all the current features and updates.


"""Main library."""

from robotlibcore import DynamicCore

from mystuff import Library1, Library2

class MyLibrary(DynamicCore):
    """General library documentation."""

    def __init__(self):
        libraries = [Library1(), Library2()]
        DynamicCore.__init__(self, libraries)

    def keyword_in_main(self):
"""Library components."""

from robotlibcore import keyword

class Library1(object):

    def example(self):
        """Keyword documentation."""

    def another_example(self, arg1, arg2='default'):

    def not_keyword(self):

class Library2(object):

    @keyword('Custom name')
    def this_name_is_not_used(self):

    @keyword(tags=['tag', 'another'])
    def tags(self):

Plugin API

It is possible to create plugin API to a library by using PythonLibCore. This allows extending library with external Python classes. Plugins can be imported during library import time, example by defining argumet in library [__init__]{.title-ref} which allows defining the plugins. It is possible to define multiple plugins, by seperating plugins with with comma. Also it is possible to provide arguments to plugin by seperating arguments with semicolon.

from robot.api.deco import keyword  # noqa F401

from robotlibcore import DynamicCore, PluginParser

from mystuff import Library1, Library2

class PluginLib(DynamicCore):

    def __init__(self, plugins):
        plugin_parser = PluginParser()
        libraries = [Library1(), Library2()]
        parsed_plugins = plugin_parser.parse_plugins(plugins)
        DynamicCore.__init__(self, libraries)

When plugin class can look like this:

class MyPlugi:

    def plugin_keyword(self):
        return 123

Then Library can be imported in Robot Framework side like this:

Library    ${CURDIR}/    plugins=${CURDIR}/


PLC supports translation of keywords names and documentation, but arguments names, tags and types can not be currently translated. Translation is provided as a file containing Json and as a Path object. Translation is provided in translation argument in the HybridCore or DynamicCore __init__. Providing translation file is optional, also it is not mandatory to provide translation to all keyword.

The keys of json are the methods names, not the keyword names, which implements keyword. Value of key is json object which contains two keys: name and doc. name key contains the keyword translated name and doc contains keyword translated documentation. Providing doc and name is optional, example translation json file can only provide translations only to keyword names or only to documentatin. But it is always recomended to provide translation to both name and doc.

Library class documentation and instance documetation has special keys, __init__ key will replace instance documentation and __intro__ will replace libary class documentation.


If there is library like this:

from pathlib import Path

from robotlibcore import DynamicCore, keyword

class SmallLibrary(DynamicCore):
    """Library documentation."""

    def __init__(self, translation: Path):
        """__init__ documentation."""
        DynamicCore.__init__(self, [], translation.absolute())

    @keyword(tags=["tag1", "tag2"])
    def normal_keyword(self, arg: int, other: str) -> str:
        """I have doc

        Multiple lines.
        Other line.
        data = f"{arg} {other}"
        return data

    def not_keyword(self, data: str) -> str:
        return data

    @keyword(name="This Is New Name", tags=["tag1", "tag2"])
    def name_changed(self, some: int, other: int) -> int:
        """This one too"""
        print(f"{some} {type(some)}, {other} {type(other)}")
        return some + other

And when there is translation file like:

    "normal_keyword": {
        "name": "other_name",
        "doc": "This is new doc"
    "name_changed": {
        "name": "name_changed_again",
        "doc": "This is also replaced.\n\nnew line."
    "__init__": {
        "name": "__init__",
        "doc": "Replaces init docs with this one."
    "__intro__": {
        "name": "__intro__",
        "doc": "New __intro__ documentation is here."

Then normal_keyword is translated to other_name. Also this keyword documentions is translted to This is new doc. The keyword is name_changed is translted to name_changed_again keyword and keyword documentation is translted to This is also replaced.\n\nnew line.. The library class documentation is translated to Replaces init docs with this one. and class documentation is translted to New __intro__ documentation is here.