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Ayan Twitch bot

Bot for handling osu! related commands/links written on Node JS


  1. Download ayantwitchbot ( Windows | Linux )
    1.1 You can place it anywhere just avoid non-english letters and whitespaces in path
  2. Download Gosumemory or StreamCompanion
  3. Start osu!
  4. Start Gosumemory or StreamCompanion
  5. Start ayantwitchbot ( ayanbot.exe | sh ./ayanbot )

Please note that Linux build is not tested and could be very unstable

Default Commands

You can also check out commands made by me or other people that's not included with bot

  • !np - show current map
  • !currentskin - show current skin
  • !pp accuracy combo mods misses - show pp for a current map
  • *osu! beatmap link* - show beatmap info in Twitch Chat and send DM in osu!
  • *osu! profile link* - show user info in twitch chat

For !np, !currentskin and !pp you need gosumemory or StreamCompanion

All .js command files placed at /commands/defaultCommands with executable file

Creating custom commands

You can write your own commands with javascript and use it in Bot

Script should be placed in /commands/ folder within executable file

If you wanna import additional files (Script, json, or Native Module), you can make folder for a command

!currentskin example

You can see more examples in commands folder and defaultCommands folder

exports.conf = { // Configuration for commands name, aliases and regular expression
      name: 'currentskin',
      aliases: ['cs', 'skincurrent'],
      modOnly: false,
      regexp: { // If you don't need regular expression you can simply delete this object
          only: false, // If true, command will be called only by regexp
          value: '/skin?/g'
  } = async (client, channel, author, value) => {
      const data = await // fetch data from gosumemory (./api/gosu.js)
      if (!data) return  // If no data - return
      client.twitch.say(channel, `Current skin: ${}`) 

client properties

By default client object has 5 main properties

  • client.twitch - a tmi.js Client class
    • client.twitch.say(channel, 'something') - say something in twitch chat
  • client.bancho - a bancho.js Client class
  • client.gosu - an object for getting osu data from osu memory readers like gosumemory or streamcompanion
    • (async) - get data from osu! memory reader
  • client.ojsama - an ojsama module with custom function property parse
    • client.ojsama.parse(osuReaderData, [modes = '+HDDT', acc = '100%', combo = '2000x', miss = '0miss']) - returns an object with total pp, accuracy etc.
  • client.logger - a logger for console. See modules/logger.js for more information

Import files placed within script

const myAnotherScript = require(__dirname+'//anotherscript.js') // If file placed within script
const myJson = require(__dirname+'//myJson.json')
const fs = require('fs') // You still can import Node js modules and modules listed in package json
  • Use process.cwd() if you need executable path


All data specified in config setup will be placed in config.json within executable file

  • osuUsername - your osu! username. Need for osu! chat (beatmap requests)
  • osuApiKey ( - your osu!api key. Need for getting beatmap info and user info
  • osuIRCPassword ( - your osu! IRC password. Need for osu! chat (beatmap requests)
  • twitchBotToken ( - twitch TMI Token. You can create another twitch account for bot and use its token instead
  • twitchChannelName - your twitch channel name
  • prefix - command prefix (Default: !)
  • langauge - bot language
  • debug - if true console will output additional data
  • autoUpdate - set to false if you want to manually update your bot
  • gosuPort - gosumemory port (Default: 24050)
  • timeout - Twitch Chat global timeout in milliseconds (Default: 1500)


  "osuUsername": null, 
  "osuApiKey": null, 
  "osuIRCPassword": null, 
  "twitchBotToken": null,
  "twitchChannelName": null,
  "prefix": "!",
  "language": "en_US",
  "debug": false, 
  "autoUpdate": true, 
  "gosuPort": 24050,
  "timeout": 1500