The Landscaper is a Kubernetes based processing framework that can be used to control and manage installation and upgrade processes for any environment and technology. It implements the infrastructure-as-data pattern mapped to the installation realm.
This is achieved by restricting the core engine to the controlling and management of state and clearly separating it from the execution of real deployment actions, which are encapsulated in dedicated deployers following the Kubernetes controller approach. The functionality of the deployer is not bound to dedicated deployment and target technologies, therefore it is possible to manage any technical environment and deployment technology by the same control framework, e.g.:
- helm (deployment technology) deployments on Kubernetes (target environment)
- terraform (deployment technology) deployments for any target environment supported
- Hyper-scaler technologies to manage hyper-scaler environments
- any legacy technology able to manage dedicated environments
Those controllers typically come into life as a result of deployment actions, which again can be managed by the Landscaper. This way a product installation can extend the deployer set on its own to self-describe its own required deployment technologies. The Landscaper installation itself can be kept minimal but is recursively extensible. Because it is Kubernetes based it just comes with a very limited set of basic Kubernetes deployers.
A core feature of the Landscaper is the management of a data flow (sometimes also called data pipelining) among separated installation units, which decouples installation units that only relate to required data, but do not directly depend on required other installation units, anymore.
Installation units describe the concrete installation instances with their configurations and fall back to installation rules, described by so-called Blueprints that are provided together with the required deployment artefacts (e.g. container images or helm charts) as part of software components stored and delivered via artefact repositories (based on the Open Component Model).
Together with the possibility to describe and manage deployment targets to support various technical deployment environments from a single Landscaper installation, a complete life-cycle environment for complex system installations is provided.
The following sections describe the various concepts and elements in more detail.
The Landscaper is a set of Kubernetes controllers working on a Kubernetes data plane hosting the resources manged by the landscaper. As such it may live in a Kubernetes cluster and use the data plane of the runtime cluster, or is uses its own data plane consisting of a nodeless Kubernetes data plane (Kubernetes api server plus etcd and stripped controller manager). The latter is highly recommended to grant access to the landscaper data plane to be able to configure installations without the possibility to access the runtime cluster the landscaper tools are running in.
The following sections will introduce the basic concepts behind the Landscaper, the landscaper resources living in the data plane resulting from these concepts and their relation to each other.
Installation units do not declare dependencies to other installations units, directly. Instead, they request dedicated configuration data of an optionally verified structure, regardless of the provider of this data. This is described by the definition of Inputs that import sets of configuration data, or even single values, from DataObjects that are the containers for any structured data. Those data objects are dedicated resources in the Landscaper. On the other side an installation can offer data as result of an installation process as Outputs and feed the provided data to other data objects.
For example, an installation unit installing a stateless web application could require access to a database in a certain way. This is expressed by requesting input data, a configuration describing the access to a database. This input just describes the data required, not the source providing this data.
A second installation unit provides a database installation. It provides access information to use this database instance, which is then provisioned to a dedicated data object, that will be consumed by the installation unit handling the application installation.
The provisioning and the consumption of this data object then connects both installations in this concrete scenario and finally establishes a dependency between them.
Although both installations are interconnected in this scenario they don't need to know each other. This way the same installation unit can be used in completely different scenarios, as long as the required configuration data is provided. The result are reusable and freely combinable installation units.
For example, the previous installation unit handling the application installation can be used with an explicitly configured data object, hosting the database access information without an explicit database installation handled by the Landscaper environment.
The examples shown above just illustrate a basic data usage. In real scenarios data might be mapped and combined by installation units as part of the installation unit to meet structural requirements.
An installation unit consists of two different parts. There may be multiple Installation objects in the Landscaper that reflect dedicated installation instances with the necessary inputs and outputs.
Every installation refers to a shared Blueprint that contains the state handling logic. The Blueprint is no object in the Landscaper data plane but a deployment artefact, like container images or helm charts. It is provided together with the installable entities as content of an artefact repository and described by a component version according to the Open Component Model.
The blueprint defines statically typed input and output parameters. The task of the installation is to map data object inputs to concrete values for input parameters for a dedicated blueprint execution and vice versa to map provided output values of the blueprint execution to exported data objects.
The task of the blueprint then is to generate deployment information based on the input and its own data and to provide its output based on the deployment state/result.
This separation basically supports a decoupling of the operational realm consisting of the management of installations in a concrete installation scenario from the development realm providing the installation descriptions in form of blueprints and the required deployment artefacts.
While the artefact repository is fed from development or delivery pipelines, the set of installations and their wiring for a concrete installation scenario can be handled by git-ops tooling. The concrete deploy steps and actions are then generically managed by the Landscaper based on the configured installations and the content provided in the artefact repositories.
An installation unit does not execute concrete deploy action on its own. Its task is to produce so-called DeployItems. A DeployItem describes the target state of a dedicated deployment step. It is a dedicated resource in the Landscaper data plane that formally defines a contract between the installation processing and Deployers that finally are responsible to execute dedicated possibly ongoing deployment actions in a dedicated target environment.
Deploy items are formally typed, meaning they describe a dedicated kind of deployment handling, for example, a helm deployment, a terraform deployment or any other special kind of deployment technology. The payload of a DeployItem is a deployment (target state) description, whose format is defined by the DeployItem type. For example, for a helm deployment a helm chart reference and concrete values are described.
A Deployer is a Kubernetes controller that is always responsible for a dedicated DeployItem type. It watches for items it is responsible for and executes the necessary tasks required to achieve the described state in a target environment. Additionally, it may provide feedback about the state of the deployment as formally export fields in the DeployItem, which then is handed over by the Landscaper to the output processing of an installation unit.
Deployers can, for sure, again be matter of deployment of other deploy items. This way any complex deployment environment can be bootstrapped from a very simple initial landscaper deployment.
There are various scenarios how deployers can be assigned to dedicated target environments. This is described in the next section.
In a simple scenario a single deployer managing a single deploy environment, e.g. a Kubernetes cluster, might be sufficient. But typically, in more complex scenarios, there might be a bunch of different deployment targets with completely different types.
This is supported by the Landscaper by introducing an InstallationTarget. Like a DeployItem it has a dedicated type, for example Kubernetes cluster. It describes a dedicated instance of a deployment environment, this might be a Kubernetes cluster, IAAS Account, a software instance that accepts configuration items, or any kind of environment or technology that is applicable to accept some kind of configuration request handed over by a deployer.
Its task is to provide the identity of the target environment and optionally further attributes, like an environment version or even access information. For a Kubernetes cluster, this could, for example, be the api server url and a service account token. But these are optional elements that depend on the interaction of deployers with their targets.
This way a dedicated instance of a deployer can be responsible for a dedicated set of target environments. There might even be a dedicated instance of a deployer for a dedicated environment, for example a helm deployer running in the Kubernetes cluster it is responsible for. In such cases the access information to the target may be matter of the deployer deployment and must not necessarily be part of the Installation Target object.
Every DeployItem now describes the installation target it should be deployed on. A deployer then selects to handle those deploy items it is responsible for, depending on the type of the item and the described installation target.
According to the Kubernetes controller pattern the deployers may be sharded in any way according to the needs of the structure of the target landscape. This sharding might even dynamically established by target environments and deployer installations dynamically created by other deployers and deploy items.
The only constraint for deployers is that they have to be able to establish a connection to the Landscaper data plane. This way they may even live behind firewalls and enable the deployment of software to hidden or fenced environments controlled by a central landscaper installation.
A typical scenario the Landscaper is used, is maintaining a deployment landscape managed and operated by development teams. Here the development activities provide the deployment artefacts in a local artefact repository which is used to feed a local landscaper installation by git-ops tooling.
In such a scenario the artefacts that are finally deployed, for example container images can directly be consumed from the artefact repositories they are published to from the development processes.
As a consequence typical deployment environments rely on globally accessible artefacts and deployment descriptions, Or even programs and container images that again deploy things on their behalf incorporated fixed locations. An example here may be a helm chart that contains templates using fixed image locations.
Such installation environments will never be deliverable into dedicated separated or even fenced environments with an own repository landscape.
The Landscaper is designed to also be usable for such scenarios. To support using software artefacts that have been transported into dedicated local artefact repositories the used addresses of artefacts to be deployed must be adapted to the actually used installation environment.
This is the domain of the Open Component Model. It is designed to describe software component(version)s as sets of technical artefacts including access scheme to address an artefact. This addressing has been formalized and clearly separated from the content description, enabling signing component versions without these addressing schemes. This is the basis for a generic transport and delivery environment, that is able to transport software component per value, not only copying the aggregation description, but also the described content.
Thereby the new address information is replacing the original one. As a result, in a target environment fed by this tooling, the component version description now refers to the actual locations of the described artefacts.
The Landscaper supports this component model to access used resources, like the installation descriptions itself.
The existence of a component description is part of the rendering model for DeployItems. It must describe all artefacts required by the installation process. So, the rule execution in blueprints has access to the actually used software description it is taken from and is therefore able to incorporate actual artefact addresses in the rendered DeployItems.
This is now a fundamental contract for all deployments: all required externally addressed software artefacts must be parameterized and the task of the installation process is to take the actual address from the actually used component version description.
Blueprints are basically templates for the generation of DeployItems on behalf of a concrete installation. As such it declares input parameters. When a Blueprint is instantiated on behalf of an Installation several data processing steps executed that mangle actual input data with templates to generate deploy descriptions:
- DeployItem templates are processed to render a set of DeployItems with their dependencies. The DeployItems are then put into the landscaper data plane and are processed by the deployers feeling responsible for them.
- Installation templates are used to render a set of nested installations with an own naming scope for the installations and the connecting data objects.
- Output templates used to render the values for the formal output field of a blueprint based on the input value and the state and export information of the rendered DeployItems. This is done whenever the state of the rendered DeployItems is not failed. The rendered outputs are then passed to the installation which updates its data objects
The complete processing just includes manifest mangling done in standardized way by the Landscaper. It is completely independent of the type of the intended target environments and deployment technologies. The concrete deployment actions, and therefore the technology specific tasks, are completely encapsulated in the deployers.
The Landscaper operates on resources stored in a Kubernetes data plane. The central element is the Installation. This element describes the installation of a dedicated instance of a deployable component.
An Installation is fed by configuration data, represented by DataObjects in the data plane. DataObjects may be explicitly maintained configuration objects, or they are generated by other Installations. This is possible, because any Installation may yield outputs intended to be consumed by other Installations.
The Installation refers to a dedicated kind of software artefact called Blueprint. It is a software artefact like container images or helm charts, that are maintained as part of the development process and provided together with the other deployment artefacts. A Blueprint is some kind of template with input and output parameters that are fed (and consumed) by dedicated Installation instances and generically evaluated by the Landscaper.
The task of a Blueprint is to describe the rendering of DeployItems that describe target state for dedicated types of deployment elements. The deployments described by those items are bound to dedicated deployment technologies, for example helm charts, or terraform deployments.
The implementation of those deployment technologies is encapsulated into dedicated active elements, the Deployers. Deployers act according to the Kubernetes controller pattern and are responsible to achieve the target state described by the DeployItem in a dedicated target environment.
This setup so far, up to some degree, can be compared to a computer program, the Blueprints are procedure definitions with formal parameters and the Installations are procedure calls providing dedicated values for the called procedures. The DataObjects are variables and the data mapping possible in Installations is the glue code in form of simple expressions for implementing the data flow among the procedure calls. The Blueprints basically describe executable code blocks that are asynchronuously executed by the Deployers in form of remote procedure calls. And finally, the Landscaper is the processor executing the program. The similarities reach their limits when considering the reconcilation feature that enables this program to restart at any point in-between, if something changes.
Like DeployItems target environment technologies are completely transparent for the Landscaper. All this is completely encapsulated into the Deployers. But the DeployItems describe a formally defined contract for the interaction of the Deployers and the Blueprints.
To be able to handle more than one instance of a dedicated kind of target environment, for example a Kubernetes cluster, the Landscaper data plane uses Target objects to formally describe dedicated environment instances. Like DeployItems Targets have a dedicated type and are referenced by the DeployItems to specify the intended environment, the DeployItem has to be deployed to. Therefore, Deployers are typically sharded and always responsible to handle DeployItems of a dedicated kind intended for a dedicated (sub)set of appropriate target environments. There may be any number of Deployers responsible for the same kind of DeployItem and Target as long as the target sets are not overlapping.
The Landscaper is typically embedded in continuous deployment scenarios controlled by git-ops methods. The artefacts are provided via development methodologies or delivery processes in (a set of) artefact repositories. the Blueprints used by the Landscaper are deployment artefacts like container images or helm charts amd appropriately versioned.
For operating a dedicated landscape git-ops methodologies can be used by describing the desired state of a landscape by a set of (interconnected) Installations and initial configuration data in form of DataObjects or even ConfigMaps or Secrets. The Installations refer to a dedicated component version stored in the artefact repository containing the desired deployment artefacts and Blueprints.
These elements are then deployed by continuous delivery tools like Flux or ArgoCD into a Landscaper data plane. All the rest is done be the Landscaper.