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Robert Kuropkat edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 24 revisions

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Welcome to my Star Shooter Pro (round 2) wiki!
Game Play

Welcome to my Star Shooter Pro (round 2) wiki!

This is my wiki for the GameDevHQ Professional Unity Developers Program Star Shooter Pro game. This is actually my second time doing this particular program as I stalled out my first time around. I still have access to that program through, but it is no longer available for purchase. When I restarted under the updated program, I went ahead and started from scratch. Well, not completely of course. I had my previous project to reference and hopefully, I learned a few things along the way. Hopefully, this one is at least slightly better than the previous one.

This project is the (now) legacy 2D Game Developmnent program where we create a classic, top down, arcade style space shooter. Because Unity makes it so easy to install and use multiple versions of the editor, I kept with version 2019 to stay consistent with the tutorial.

There are also a couple Udemy versions of this program:

I also own each of these and some of them have slightly different tasks and features, so I may well mix some of them into this project making the final project a mix of five slightly different programs.

Finally, a new program is currently in development at GameDevHQ. As that program rolls out, I may have new things to add.

As of October 2024, I have completed the guided portion of the tutorial and am now working on the final, challenge feature set which has no video tutorial and only a brief explanation of the features to add.

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